moonlake [he/him]

I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby 🇵🇸

  • 105 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2020


  • It’s gonna be Kamabla and it’s not even close.

    1. The job of the USA president is to look good on TV. That’s literally the entire job. Or at least to not look like a complete fucking idiot. You can bomb a hospital like Obama did, you just have to look presidential while doing it. Kamabla is the perfect candidate because she puts a progressive face on a genocidal empire.

    2. Americans yearn for brunch. They don’t care that the horrors will continue happening. They just don’t want to hear about the horrors. They think “if we elect adults in the room, then we no longer have to hear about all the horrible shit that our country is doing.”

    3. People want to feel good about themselves. They want to feel like their country has a future. Electing the first woman president, who is also a POC, is a feel-good story. When USA does horrible things, it allows libs to say “This is not my fault, I voted for the black lady.” She is a part of an oppressed minority, therefore it’s physically impossible for her to be a genocidal oppressor who does the same shit as all presidents before her. Get ready for Woke Fascism™.
