I’m curious, does insurance cover your child’s treatment if you refuse to vaccinate? Seems like they wouldn’t, but I’m not familiar with the law.
4 out of 5 ain’t bad!
-fuckwit mom
Some parents just don’t mind losing one.
Lol. Of course this trashcan had 5 children.
Idiocracy playing out in realtime.
Kids are made with electrolytes.
Remember the guy whose wife got deported and he said he’d still support trump?
This is what these people will do to those they love and care about.
What do you think they’re willing to do to you?
She literally lost a child and is still antivax. These people are beyond saving. The goal now should be to make sure they don’t take the rest of us down with them
Changing your mind on the vaccines means accepting that you basically murdered your child. I’d be much more surprised if someone in that position could have their mind changed…
I was raised antivax, got the measles at age 17, and was still antivax for roughly 10 more years. It was my wife that convinced me to actually think about it, because she was adamant about vaccinating any children we had. I have her to thank for making me less ignorant. My sisters, on the other hand, are all still antivax despite my attempts to convince them otherwise.
No judgement here. Just curious what or how your wife approached the topic?
“Hey Fuckface…”
She said she was planning to get our first child vaccinated, and if I had a problem with that, I could raise my concerns to the pediatrician. I’m non-confrontational enough that I didn’t push the issue any further, but I was still terrified that our first child was going to suffer from a vaccine injury.
I think me being scared about my son was enough to get me to look more closely at how research like Andrew Wakefield’s had to be faked to get the results he wanted and that no one else could duplicate his findings, and one of those replication studies was even performed by an undergrad student that I realized had no “big pharma” incentive to lie about it. By the time our second child was born, I was already anti-antivax.
Oh interesting. Thanks for sharing. Would you say the anti-Vax position was something you adopted because of the context you grew up in? In other words: it wasn’t a stance you assumed independently, right?
Yes, it was definitely a product of indoctrination from my dad, who was a chiropractor (my grandpa was also a chiropractor); he was very knowledgeable in other medical areas like anatomy, so it was difficult for me to realize he was wrong about this.
Though, I did write an argumentative paper for high school English about why vaccines were less effective than we thought, and should not be worth the risk. I even used statistics from the same measles outbreak I was part of as proof, because 50% of those who got the measles were vaccinated. Of course, I was too dumb at the time to realize that 50 people from a vaccinated pool of 200,000 doesn’t equate to 50 people from an unvaccinated pool of 10,000 (I don’t remember exact numbers anymore, this was almost 30 years ago).
But I bet she’s pro life. We need to make sure every embryo becomes a fully developed human child since we need our kids to be expendable.
“Make America Great Again” means going back to the times of 5-10 kid families in the hopes that most survive.
That wasn’t that long ago. It was common as recently as the 1950s.
They’re also the same party that’s actively sabotaging female reproductive care. So not only do they want lots of kids, they hope Mom does during childbirth at some point, too!
We were one and done because of how rough the pregnancy/delivery/post partum was so bad. And that was back before they were actively burning shit down. I’m so fucking glad I don’t have to worry about having another kid in this healthcare hellscape.
Instead of farm slaves they’ll be wage slaves! Progress!
You get one or two decent kids, and the rest go work in the mines
These people need arrested or just require the children to get the vaccine. They should be facing criminal charges for child endangerment and terrorism since it affects society at large
“Don’t do the shots”
Nah you just do the funerals instead.
Funerals are more expensive than vaccines.
Funeral homes gotta eat too you know
Only one person cries with a shot. In a funeral everyone cries. Better! More cry per $$ spent!
Also don’t forget the baby funeral industry! More money being spent there stimulates the economy!
Just because the headline sounds like she simply doesn’t want to have them vaccinated, it is actually worse than that.
“They had a really good, quick recovery,” the mother said of her other four children, attributing their recovery to the unproven treatments.
She had some snake oil doctor do some alterative nonsense treatments. Then those 4 kids survived, so ooobviously these treatments must work.
What you’re dealing with here is a grieving mother desperately trying to justify her actions so as to not add an unbearable guilt on top of unbearable sorrow.
There is no logic to be had here. It’s all raw emotion.
I want to force that guilt back on her, and press down on it with that hydraulic press that got popular on YouTube. Maximize her guilt til she has an aneurysm.
“we have reserves” family edition
An heir and some spares.
While this is a tragic death, I wonder if the parents would have reacted differently if a son had died?
Hadn’t even considered this… Probably. If this is the same family I’m thinking of, they’re Mennonites, and it wouldn’t surprise me if a culture/religion that conservative puts far more value in male offspring than female.
Of course not
I had to double check this wasn’t in the onion, but I think they would have more respect for dead kids than Mom here has.
Bet you they’ll have another 3 kids after and the favorite TV show of all 7 if them will be Ow My Balls
heh he got hit in the balls
Vaccines or suffering and funerals… Hard choice, but don’t do the vaccines!
1 in 5 is lucky when you consider that the mortality rate is 1 in 3. statistically it was more likely to be 2 in 5. But I suppose that the cognitive dissonance is so strong that it could be 6 out of 5 and they still would refuse the right thing to do.
There’s still time
IMO this is the ultimate goal of the quiverfull (et al) movement… the trivialization of life because it’s mass produced.
Which directly contradicts the claims of “pro-life” but they don’t let that stop them.
Pro life is just a different phrasing (are we still doing phrasing?) for pro maximum birth rate.
"Every embryo has a right to be born! But once they’re born, god has a plan for them. And if that plan is to suffer and die before hitting the age of maturity? Well, who are we to question god’s plan? He is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving after all!
What omnipotent diety wouldn’t create sentient life for the express purpose of watching it suffer and die? Especially when they get to watch those around suffer too!"