Like has anyone else noticed that the protein craze has now phased into selling cheap meat mush sticks as healthy food alternatives at so many paces? You’re gym GNC/vitashop shop, swung by a Sprouts and saw them, hell we got them (the Chomps brand ones) at my freakin’ Hospital. Gotta love red meats and nitrates coming back big time to give everyone CAD by age 40.
I think the carnivore diet grift has something to do with this. Advertisers and the meat industry probably saw an opening and here we are.
Yeah makes sense selling meat sticks for three bucks or so but has only pennies worth of junk meat within cellulose casing
Keto fad diet craze
Yeah these and pork rinds are heavily advertised
I mean, this is just the standard “Reinventing” of a crappy product into a fancier version to sell to people with too much disposable income
Like those “healthy” cereals where you spend $8 on 6 oz. of cereal that’s just the same as the usual stuff
And just like the healthy cereals for adults it likely tastes like ass
Like that Magic Spoon stuff literally just tastes like a less good version of the normal cereal and it’s only healthier in the sense that you get more vitamins than the regular stuff
The macros are different, that’s literally the entire point. Some amount of protein is added and that replaces some amount of carbs.
While keto is bunk, it is a way to sneak in some more (potentially vegan) protein into your diet.
I think foods have just gotten so processed and unhealthy that meat sticks are unironically one of the healthiest snack options at stores
It’s capitalism re-inventing and enshittifying pemmican (as invented by indigenous Americans and popularized by the sadism simulator “RimWorld”)
A calorie dense food that lasts over a year at room temperature that some Native Americans used for long journeys or harsh winters, now used by people who can afford to eat healthy and then opt not to.
Oh shit that also reminds me of when pemmican was being resold as survival food during Biden’s initial win by alt right reactionaries preparing their “disaster” stores.
I’ve never heard of them. What are meat sticks? Is it like beef jerky? Or something else?
Basically you take all the most delicious parts of pork and beef that Americans for some reason throw away, and then grind it up into a paste along with cellulose, preservatives, fillers, salt, and sugar, completely negating the previously mentioned deliciousness, wrap it up in a microplastic shedding bag, let it sit in the sun for about 7 weeks, and then sell it to a poor person for more money than a pound of raw chicken costs.
Once again, death to America.
Tbh that sounds absolutely disgusting to eat.
it’s not even ground. It’s often mechanically separated meat, which is lower quality meat that is not human butchered. It is run through machines that blast the meat with high pressure to remove it from the bones which basically leave you with a paste that occasionally has inedible bone fragments in it
But it’s really greasy and salty sooo
Think slim jims, processed meat tubes. Very crappy quality compared to beef jerky sticks one would commonly encounter.
I looked up slim jims. They kind of remind me of the treats I used to give the dog…before she had to start getting hypoallergenic treats because processed treats like that make her sick.
I haven’t seen them yet.
They’ve popped up in a couple places on the west coast as well as being marketed on Youtube as a health food alternative by certain peeps (streamers mainly)