Tbh that sounds absolutely disgusting to eat.
Tbh that sounds absolutely disgusting to eat.
I looked up slim jims. They kind of remind me of the treats I used to give the dog…before she had to start getting hypoallergenic treats because processed treats like that make her sick.
I’ve never heard of them. What are meat sticks? Is it like beef jerky? Or something else?
It’s actually sold in many different other countries as well (such as The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria, Poland, etc).
(Edit: fixed a typo)
Almost like a calzone?
It seems the guy keeps digging a bigger and bigger hole for himself. Sigh…
And they say knives and tools in the kitchen are dangerous. No, it’s the food!
Oh the uncooked ones! Actually, I vaguely recall doing the same thing once. I also tend to cut my hands on plastic food packaging.
And I was once peeling a boiled egg and suddenly the egg turned ‘pink’. Cut myself on the egg shell.
And ‘lmao’ and ‘rofl’.
My top 10 (in order of most hours played) on Steam:
Yes, I’m pretty sure everyone has a drawer like that. One thing I’m missing (unless I’m just not looking hard enough) is scissors.
It’s my first time seeing comments like on your previous post on Lemmy. I share your views on skin colour/looks and I think every human being is equal. We all look different and unique and we should embrace that uniqueness.
I totally see where you’re coming from and I’m wondering if there’s some misunderstanding going on. You didn’t even mention America in that post yet others judge you because you’re “obviously an outsider”. I feel like there might be two conversations going on here that don’t completely align here.
I think perhaps these people are referring to the need to put people in boxes just because many minorities are suppressed and need to be heard. So basically if you’re part of a minority and you are being mistreated you naturally feel more comfortable with other people in a similar situation and thus you’re automatically putting yourself in that box (I don’t mean voluntarily). And in order for that minority to be heard they need to stand up for that minority/group of people.
I can see why this comes across as racist and I can totally see where you’re coming from (like I said, I share the same views about equality and your looks should not matter at all).
But this leaves me with the question whether these people just didn’t understand where you were coming from? They are kind of turning you into the bad guy when in my eyes you definitely aren’t.
True, sometimes it’s really simple ones, too. And sometimes I do spell it correctly but when I reread it I start to doubt myself because the word looks weird. Even though I did spell it correctly.
That’s true! I’m honestly not sure why we need to have both ei and ij. Must be difficult for people learning the language.
In Dutch we pronounce it like “way”. It’s much shorter than double U.
This is actually one of the things I found out after setting up a bunch of folders so I’m thinking about removing the folders altogether and stick to using labels, as others have suggested as well.
Initially it didn’t make sense to me to not use folders but I didn’t realise that once the emails are archived they’re no longer stored in that folder anyway.
So if I understand it correctly the folders are only really useful for sorting incoming unread emails. And I indeed found myself checking every single folder for emails which was more work than if I had not used those folders in the first place.
I really need to archive my emails more often to prevent my inbox from becoming a cluttered mess. Do you use labels?
Is that on Steam? I can’t find it.