Canada’s largest Muslim organisation is outraged over a bill introduced by the Quebec government that would ban headscarves for school support staff and students.
“In Quebec, we made the decision that state and the religion are separate,” said Education Minister Bernard Drainville, CBC News reported. “And today, we say the public schools are separate from religion.”
But the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), who are challenging in the Supreme Court the original bill that forbids religious symbols being worn by teachers, say the new bill is another infringement on their rights and unfairly targets hijab-wearing Muslims.
“This renewed attack on the fundamental rights of our community is just one of several recent actions taken by this historically unpopular government to bolster their poll numbers by attacking the rights of Muslim Canadians,” the NCCM said in a social media post.
They excluded religious items that didn’t shove oppressive symbolism in people’s faces. Get your facts straight.
All religious items are oppressive symbolism to someone.
Hyperbole and (ironically enough) superstition
No body was enslaved due to the power of the hijab. Christian pedophiles and their obsession with the cross did use the cross as a power symbol. Interesting how racist and dumb you are
I mean. Women in theocratic islamic states get arrested and assaulted if they don’t wear their hijab. This is a pretty well documented fact.
Like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran and Libya?
Let’s see, house of Saud was supported by the British as an friendly clan who then took over most of arabia and when a king acted against American/British values they got couped
For afganistan look at operation Cyclone, most of these terror groups or their predecessors were funded by America to take out the potentially socialist leaning afganistan among many other nation which later backfired on the American govt
Iran has a democracy under mossadeq until he nationalised oil, made Britain big made, told daddy America it’s communism, mossadeq was couped with the Shah, the people then couped the Shah with the islamic fundamentalist among other funding from again America.
Libya had ghaddafi who wasnt no saint by libya thrived under him. America invaded and now it has open slave markets
There’s a something that’s similar about all these stories I can’t get by hear around…
Why is Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, turkey, Tunisia not killing or arresting women for hijab? That’s a far far bigger amount of Muslims?
“They only oppress women because the west were mean to them” you people are genuinely ridiculous.
Is that what you got out of my entire comment? You’re not proving your point, only you lack education and reading comprehension.
Well documented by your comment?
Saudi had their Esports covered by women without hijabs. Even when watching Youtube videos about tourists visiting Iran you see plenty of women without hijab.