What a day! After telling the boss I wouldn’t be able to come in early to beat the heat because I had to get Miniest to school, Miniest refused to attend school because I “woke her up wrong” (!) so I had to leave it to her dad, knowing he’d probably not do it either (it sets off my anxiety in the morning to argue, ruins my day at work and I’ve had my threshold of that shit) and got there earlier anyway. Everyone was like “thank god you’re here!” Worked like a Trojan in the heat and smashed through the work. I think I’m getting used to it, just as the season is about to change lol.
Then I finished early, discovered Mr P couldn’t take Elder to his appointment due to illness, and bussed home to get him. I only had time to wash my face, replenish my deodorant and change my shirt before we bussed out to his appointment. I felt sticky yucky and itchy! Came home, ordered dinner, put the bins out, reordered as the order was cancelled and tidied up a bit. Mr P had a dental appointment tomorrow but couldn’t remember where because he didn’t write it down, so my MIL and I worked it out. Dispensed her eye drops (she needs nightly eye drops and can’t do it herself; she calls it Eyes on Call, but I’m rather partial to the Royal Eyeing Doctor Service). Talked to the kids about how we’re going to wake up in the morning and who’s getting who to school, with added pep talk and motivational barracking, had a shower and now I’m laying in bed feeling like I forgot something.
You’ve forgotten to take care of yourself! You’ve been worked to the bone, friend!
Sending good vibes and thinking of you! Being a mum to 4 other people is hard fucking work!
Thanks mate 🙂 My shower was a longer one than usual and I’m using a nice Aveeno oil spray mist moisturiser stuff which smells lovely and feels (to me anyway) really indulgent🧖🏼♀️
Edit: got the brand name of product wrong. Only been using it for weeks lol
Aveeno is super indulgent! You deserve that!! You deserve all the self care and massages and nice smelling perfumes and oils!
I’m really happy you were able to give yourself that!!! 💜💜💜
You’re doing an amazing job. Don’t forget that.
Thankyou 🙂
Tonight’s wave:
Idyllic as always!
we really do have a beautiful planet ☺️
Is anyone else in a shitty mood from the weather?
Yep, one or two days of warm weather is fine. However many days in a row it’s been now, too much. Also, it’s a constant battle to keep my place cool.
Yep. Sweaty, underslept and somewhat aghast at just how dry everything is in the garden, in spite of watering. I want a week of cool cloudy weather with frequent rain. The eucalypts on my nature strip though, they’re putting out a lot of tiny new leaves and shedding scads of bark so maybe they know something we don’t. The garden ants too are building lots of air holes which they usually only do if the weather is wet. I think we’re going to get a change in the weather pretty soon. Can’t wait.
Apparently tomorrow is bringing rain with chance of thunderstorms so I hope it hits us in the inner city!
I hope you’re right. My body isn’t reacting very well to this.
Wisdom of the Ages No. 733 - Trust the ants.
Phenomenally. It’s taking all my effort to even stay conscious it seems
I’ve slept 12 hours the last 3 days. I hear you.
It’s been hard to acclimatize this year for sure. I work in a hot environment and expect it to be cooler outside lol. Everyone gets so drained and unmotivated. I want more autumn dammit. I love autumn. Where is that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness?!
Edit: And I get so bloody itchy!
Shitty mood but not weather related.
I’m pretty angsty and irritable lol
I’m hanging out for winter tbh, I wanna wear my hoodies dammit!
Angsty is exactly how I feel.
Want to send an invoice to the suit that designed (or failed to design) the thermal qualities of this building. No way I should be paying this summer cooling bill on my own.
Back down the bellarine…
Flower patch almost full tilt:
That looks really lovely.
Nice outdoor seating area! With that lovely garden bed to look over. I see a fire pit too.
Turns out if you are almost never in the sun for very long it’s definitely possible to be vitamin D deficient in summer. At least that’s my theory – feeling whiplash at the mood turnaround after resuming supplements a couple of days ago.
Thanks for the reminder, that can’t be helping my situation
No worries. Remember it’s one we can store so you can take a few to catch up without peeing them out or remembering to take them daily.
Yeah, I’ve got a once-weekly type but have just been plain forgetting
The brainrot infects me, I just giggle when I hear “vitamin D deficiency”
Yes I do, in fact, require more D in my body 😂
Nah seriously, vitamin D is super important and it’s insane how much better one can feel when that deficiency is taken care of!!
I’m deficient in both :')
Not forever! The D is coming for you!
I’m much more likely to overdose on the other kind of D than be deficient… ;)
If you don’t like the weather right now, look at Saturday.
Now I’m sad :(
Blergh to this weather.
Second that.
Thirded that.
I like it :(
move to Perth, the waves are prettier too
Perth waves are far more pretty can’t deny that :)
Sorry, just an awful day.
one of the main newspapers I used to read , the washington post, has just gotten so bad I have lost all faith in it. This was the paper that brought down nixon
now the internets is becoming more insecure, I’m finding it hard to trust
i just want some real facts i can trust so i can understand the world around me
and I’m moving house, which is a long term good but a short term pain ,
i miss my friends overseas so much 😢
maybe a rest then a cool shower then some me time to refresh myself before I keep at doing stuff
Concentrate on one task at a time. Hugs 🫂
Hugs. There’s a lot going on in the world, and moving house is very stressful. Hope you have a good night’s sleep and feel better tomorrow
I feel for you mate. When I was younger, moving house was an exciting adventure and opportunity for newness. Now the thought of moving is an ordeal. Also the decline in journalistic standards in many formerly great news bearers is bordering on criminal ineptitude and a bloody disgrace. If it helps, I read AP, Reuters, IA, Guardian Australia on Bluesky, SBS and ABC, Science alert, The Conversation, Crikey Daily, The Shot and Inside Story ( plus The Chaser and The Shovel because a girl’s gotta have fun sometimes). Michael West is also good but frustratingly the stuff I was most interested in was often paywalled and I cannae afford to pay 😔. I’ve found these sources to be generally reliable, with our own ABC disappointingly and sadly being the weakest link here.
Yess! get that more pant!
More pant for the pant god!
You got this!
Fuck yeah!!!
Onya 👍
yay 🍀🍀🍀🍀
This hill will either make me extremely fit or cause a heart attack
You could say it’s a hill you’ll die on.
Don’t worry I already have my coat and I’ll close the door on the way out.
Thank you, that door keeps the aircon in 😉😉
I had a two hour nap and now I don’t know who I am lol
po ta to
I am one with the starch
i am hot tired and frustrated
So everyone had a shitty sleep then.
At least tomorrow looks like a normal day, then a couple more days of this bullshit.
Getting pretty damn bloody over this heat, it’s brutal out there. Drank so much water and barely needed to pee. Gonna need to chug a lot more now as I’m undoubtedly dehydrated.
Another long day of it tomorrow and then I need to catch up desperately on my desktop work, and then uni desktop work… I’d squeeze some in tonight but between the heat and bad sleep I’m just going to take it easy and try to wind down rather than keep myself up on a screen
E: the exhaustion has just hit me like a freight train holy crap
my mastodon was hacked in one day, lucky there was nothing in it
deleting it now deleting the proton accounts I will be moving gmail later then deletingI hate mastodon and instances so much , they add so many layers of complexity , I can’t even fucking log in half the time
this is the first time I’ve been hacked and know it
ffs, false alarm. mastodon spat the dummy with the vpn
back from the beach and the new place. It’s nice. ☺️