If it was just family or friends then I’d totally cancel. But there are a lot of moving parts. We’ll be fine, a heap of contingency plans are in place. But I would prefer some chill weather.
If it was just family or friends then I’d totally cancel. But there are a lot of moving parts. We’ll be fine, a heap of contingency plans are in place. But I would prefer some chill weather.
In-person interview this morning. I’m running on about 3 hours sleep and my hair’s not behaving. We’ll see how this goes.
Edit: and I’ve arrived and noticed a stain on my dress. Maybe it’ll be a bad dress rehearsal, great opening night deal?
I’m going camping this weekend and taking a heap of kids. Die from heat Saturday, extreme fire danger, hot nights, then a downpour on Sunday. Should be interesting.
It’s not quite enough to justify cancelling on a lot of people, but I’m watching the forecast very closely.
At least Monday looks nice and normal.
I reckon it was someone on here who recommended Talon to get rid of ants, ages ago. That stuff is magic.
Last night they were mounting a full-blown invasion of the kitchen. This morning, not a sign of them.
Only three days to go until the cool change!
Kill me now
Hey there 👋
We might need photographic evidence of this Very Good Boy…
I eat ice cream every day and I’ve lost 10kg in 3 months. Portion control & prioritisation. You need some joyful food.
Living on cardboard isn’t sustainable for me, it needs to be a lifestyle change I can stick to long-term.
And frozen yogurt especially is pretty low in calories.
My local does a fab mushroom and cheese pie, it’s my fave.
My Aldi had a full egg section this morning. I haven’t seen that in yonks. I was tempted to buy some just because they were there, but I refrained, I already have some.
Those vibes are definitely there.
Like a younger off-brand Eddie.
So good to have footy back.
That looks amaaaazing 😍
I’m a little weirded out that 1) Eddie McGuire’s son looks so much like him and 2) he’s old enough to have a proper tv journo job.
Yes, they should move that game to round 3. But also what even is this half-arsed ‘opening round’ nonsense? Just play a normal round of footy.
Congratulations! Sounds like an occasion for a cake. Or to buy yourself something nice.
Great news. I’m sure it’ll be a big relief once they’re actually out.
Bar soap with goats milk here. Cheap, moisturising, fewer plastics and petrochemicals.
Thanks! I’m sorted, I’ve got 2x 60L and a fridge not too far away if needed for overflow.