I was feeling a bit down today but the man is here and he always makes me feel better. That and a trip to bunnings. ❤️
hugs 🙂
Thanks mate. I’m all good now 🙂
A Bunnings date, as my OH would say (we don’t get out much, lol)
I love that 😂
I hope there were sausages involved.
Hope you feel better CEO!
There was no sausages from bunnings
Phoar. I held back so much when my Aunty called.
I told her quite clearly over there phone that I don’t want to be used and manipulated into trying to influence everyone else into making a decision on the will and approving things.
I told her quite clearly I would not get involved and if I needed the inheritance I would not intervene and get involved.
All she wanted to do was try and use me to influence the outcome and kept talking negatively about everything.
She tried manipulate me again and I told her not to.
I didn’t really want to talk to her but I’ve had it with her.
Edit: and I’ve slightly burnt my fish fillets thanks to her.
if I was so blunt and assertive the manipulators in my fam would then ring up other people and tell them lies, saying I abused them
I just ignore them now
Some of the family already don’t like her, I did lie and say I don’t speak to any of them and haven’t in months but she effectively pocketed money she wasn’t entitled to and she was caught out and now making it like she’s the victim which is why she’s being scrutinised so much by the family and all the paperwork is under a microscope now.
I will be ignoring her now if she tries to call, I’ve been ignoring her texts already.
If that was my fam they might mumble a little but do and say nothing when they are ripped off.
The ones doing the ripping off are always the mean selfish ones yet no one says or does anything. I try to stick up for family but the victims are too frightened. 🤷♀️
Sorry, incase it wasn’t making much sense, my aunty is the one who pocketed money that she wasn’t entitled to so everyone else is making her return it in full before they let my aunty execute the will.
If I was that blunt and assertive I would have told her to fuck off and leave me alone.
I don’t have anything to do with her except for her being the executor of the will.
I dream of telling some family members to fuck off and leave me alone
You did the right thing, some times people just want to complain and victimise themselves, and then rope in other family members to validate that.
You shouldn’t be made into her flying monkey and I’m so happy you stood up for yourself!
Sad about the fish, but there will be more fish in the future!
Thanks, I’d actually been steeling myself for it because I’d had enough of it, I was pretty angry and had to hold my emotions in check and be mostly polite but I didn’t appreciate what she tried to do again and talking negatively about all her dealings with family, ironically as she’s about to jet off to London with her family, oh woe is me.
Trying to rest at home and make dinner and play videogames and it probably pushed me over the edge, grrr!
It’s ok about the fish, I have lots more where they came from thankfully!
Happy you told her how you feel :) Sad about the fish :(
I’m sad for the fish too, first time trying out the battered fish from Aldi.
So the cola experiment was a success 💪🏼 The Minipeelers gave it double thumbs up, mixed with either straight soda water, lemonade or a sprite slushy, and Mr P mixed it with soda water and a dash of bourbon and said it was magnificent. However, next time I make it I will halve the amount of star anise (which I felt to be just a little too “there”), double the vanilla and add some extra of the browning syrup I made. All in all I am happy with the experiment and keen to make more!
When is the DT bar opening? 🍹
Now that would be something!
yum, you have inspired me to try to make some. I have a soda maker and bottles so it shouldn’t be too hard. 🤞
It’s really worthwhile! The ingredients I originally used were:
But there are lots of cola recipes out there. The only odd part is the browning syrup; you have to get sugar and basically cook it until it’s melted and almost burnt, just a little burnt even, then add water a drop or two at a time (or it’ll spit and hiss everywhere lol) and mix it in until it cools sufficiently to add the rest in. Funny you mentioned a soda maker, it was this ingredients list which inspired me to make my own:
Horrific, if you ask me.
Oh that looks easier than the one I saw (Open Cola). That was asking for essential oils for flavouring and phosphoric acid from the brewing websites
The caramelisation looks delicate as though
You mean you don’t have neroli oil in your pantry? ( I’ve never even seen it )
Sorry, I drink a quart every day and just ran out /j
You might be able to find a browning syrup substitute online, admittedly I didn’t search for long. You can buy Parisian essence online at cake decorating ingredients supply places, but it looked a bit pricey to me and I didn’t want to buy something and then not use it. Cheaper to burn sugar in a saucepan! The saucepan cleans up ok afterwards, but I’ll warn you it is a bit stinky to make if you go down that route. If you look up a few recipes you’ll get the gist of what it involves. I didn’t add salt to mine, which some recipes call for. Here’s the method:
Edit: so I had to make the browning syrup, jar it and cool for a day, then make the Nuka cola itself and leave it for a day. I believe there is too much anise in the recipe and not enough vanilla, and I love anise. If you hate anise, definitely use less!
That is so cool 😎
I’m happy when I get the ratios of cordial correct and here you are making syrup. Fantastic!
I bugger up cordial all the time lol
Thanks for paying for my 2nd playthrough of cyberpunk 2077, shitty workplace.
Do you have Phantom Liberty? That was a wild ride.
I do! I’m starting from scratch because I want to try a netrunner build instead of sandevistan
I tried to do a netrunner build awhile ago but whenever I started using skills everyone would get alerted after they changed things.
That’s why I went with the sandy build. By the time they reacted it was too late.
Katana and sandy with double jump was insanely good.
I had a mix of stuff in the end, rocket arm is always fun.
I messaged a dude on marketplace to buy something and it turned out to be a guy I was in a band with 25 years ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Holy shit lol
My first marketplace sale turned out to be the wife of someone I work with. It made delivery easy.
What are the chances…
Discount? Hehehe
small world
Not that exciting in comparison to everyone else living their best life here I guess
but my dad’s old friend from his HS and early adult life msgd me today. She has photos of when I was a kid. She’s gonna send them to me. The gratitude I feel to her is immense, I couldn’t express it properly to her. I’m so happy to finally have some childhood photos.
I’m gonna surprise dad with them, he doesn’t have any of me either so I hope he’ll be stoked too.
This friend of dad’s has done me such a solid, I thanked her so so much. I don’t even care if dad doesn’t care, I’m just happy to have some photos of my childhood.
She’s sending them in the mail tomorrow! Physical photos! Omg omg omg!
That’s fucking awesome!
That’s really nice. 🙂
Wholesome & compassionate > exciting.
It’s incredibly kind! She was looking for her nieces photos and found mine! I’ll have to find something nice to send back as thanks!
That is awesome!
That’s really nice, I wonder if there’s a good way to preserve them so you don’t lose them.
I’m gonna see about photocopying then, mostly so dad has them too (we both don’t have any), but also so I can preserve them!
Another benefit to WFH: taking a shit in peace. The bloke in the stall next to me before was going to a logie! Seriously, I’m quieter having sex than this dude was in the bathroom. if you gotta groan moan and grunt and gasp like that go to a bloody doctor bro.
I only make heaps of noise in the bathroom when the person in the stall next to me is on the phone.
Ewwwww, this I do not miss about working in offices. My co-working has a separate unisex toilet, I use that. So do a few other people, and the ventilation is quite poor in there, so opening the door sometimes comes with a smelly surprise.
There was a secret toilet in the building where the office is.
I can’t do the whole side by side thing.
dont mind it for sitting down, not a massive fan of it for standing up though.
Looks like QLD is going to cop it bad with that cyclone, apparently i’s not going to make landfall later in the week.
Hope everyone is able to keep safe there.
yeah bit worried about the folks up there. But its not all terrible news! my old man is up in north nsw and has spent the week sending me screenshots of all his weather apps so he is having a great time!
My brother is near Caloundra and scored a free trampoline appearing in his yard in the last big storm. Could end up with a boat this time…
Hopefully not near the coast, it’s expected to affect some of northern NSW as well.
yeah near the coast. He isnt worried. Gets pretty sketchy up there all the time, and his house is like 100 years old with a full offgrid solution. His biggest concern will be having the 3 kelpies in the house for a prolonged period of time.
“yeah nah sorry new manager, my cat has anxiety issues so I’ll need to work from home for the next few weeks”
your still working for them after they are withholding pay?
They came to their senses when I mentioned fair work.
3 weeks to go.
funny that
The new management are just ignoring me now lol
I’m doing very little work. Just trying to tie stuff up for my work mates
Another wave.
Was perfect out there tonight.
Dude these shots are unreal!
To take my mind off dad not responding to me at all (I’m totally not teary, nope, not at all), I have applied for 5 jobs in the animal industry. An animal tech one, a customer service one at a shelter, and a few animal attendant ones. I edited up my cover letter and everything.
I’m just waiting to be okay holy crap. Gonna listen to Montaigne to get all my feelings out in a totally healthy way, yep, mhm
Edit: get on Montaigne’s first albums people!
This is my fkn anthem
Okay I said I wouldn’t care if dad didn’t care about these photos, but he’s seen my message and hasn’t responded.
I just need to chill! It’s a workday! It’s gonna bring up a lot of feelings from the past for him! Not everything is about you Spud, gah!
After an almost 2 month wait I got my final 2 assignment results back from last teaching period.
I was pretty certain I nailed one and the other I was iffy about.
The one I nailed, I “only” got an 82. Which is good and I am happy about but I thought I would have done better.
The one I was iffy about, 90. Now, that, I am chuffed about.
The 90 also did some heavy lifting and put me in HD for the overall unit.
That sounds like me. The last assignment I did I was still recovering from Covid and did a bit of a rush job on, and got 90%. They seemed to particularly like the section I had only done a rough outline of, intending to go back and add some detail and references later. I never went back and just assumed it would get me a few points but not a passing grade for that section, so I guess a rough outline was all they really wanted.
I have now tried pistachio spritz bubbly. I shall not do so again.
That sounds … interesting
Same mob makes one of the lemoncellos that are all the rage right now. It’s not awful, just peculiar.
Tried making it a few times and I just don’t see the appeal (or I’m just really bad at making it).
Hmm not sure you could convince me even if it was free.
eeek, the moving is getting all done
while it’s a bit of a fuss it’s nothing compared to moving a household from Europe to the US or shipping a pet cat overseas. It was exciting moving from Europe, there was a sea shipping container on a flat bed truck!! It was cool, even if I say so myself.
Back in the 60s my parents moved the whole family from England to Australia - all the big furniture (including a piano) went in a shipping container made of wood (!!) which was just plonked by a crane onto the front lawn of the house we moved into in Ringwood. Once emptied, the timber was repurposed by Dad into the lining of the garage so he could put hooks & shelves anywhere not just into the structural supports. We moved out of there in 1988, and the lining timbers were just as good/bad as new. The timber was kinda hairy and shed splinters all the time, but was structurally strong. I wonder to this day just what that timber was and where it came from. I’ve never seen anything like it since. Nearest guess would be messmate, but this stuff didn’t warp like messmate does.
Ringwood would have still been nearly rural at that time! They were probably there when they moved the clock tower! My family would have moved to the area not long before you moved out. Now every time I look at the older houses I’m going to wonder if it has a garage lined with shipping container!
Edit: I have just noticed the excessive number of exclamation marks!!! I’m sorry! I got a bit over excited!!
It was. There was still a cattle/sheep/horse/pig market in Croydon, the Ringwood one had closed recently for large animals but you could still get goats and chickens there. Actually, we pre-dated moving the clock tower - which was opened by my granddad and there’s still a plaque on it with his name. We even pre-dated Eastland! The first version of that was built while I was in secondary school. My grandparents moved there in the early 1950s after my grandad left the army, and bought a large house on Warrandyte Road which is still there. The house was built in the 1910s for the manager of the antimony mine in Burnt Bridge, and it had a circular carriage drive, carriage house and stables, a hutch in the whacking great kitchen for bread and milk & meat deliveries, a huuuuge bath with a mahogany surround - and outside toilets. One for the gentry, and another one for the servants. And I think from memory about 6 bedrooms, though some of those had been re-purposed as the library etc. Great place for a family to grow up, but suburbia covers all eventually.
Funnily enough my family moved to the area (Croydon Hills) after my dad left the army. Not quite so fancy a house for us, and Eastland (in its early brown brick square format) was already there. I had a look at some records and we moved in '82, and I’ve mostly been in the area since then. Suburbia is definitely covering everything, and in higher density than ever before too.
This is an awesome story. 🙂
Having been in the same place nearly 20 years I find the thought of moving a bit terrifying. But at least I have a lot of decluttering done, it at least seems manageable.
My last move was only three blocks. The one before that was technically only two houses, but I had a holiday for 6 weeks and put everything into storage during that time. Moving to another country is totally outside the scale of my expertise.
Seeing as you have lived in so many countries, I’m wondering what your accent sounds like.
refined Aussie with no friendly foes and few idioms
I can understand other colloquialisms very well so most people don’t even notice I speak Aussie other than a mild accent
I expect my accent is a bit more broad since I moved back