• PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    8 days ago

    So the cola experiment was a success 💪🏼 The Minipeelers gave it double thumbs up, mixed with either straight soda water, lemonade or a sprite slushy, and Mr P mixed it with soda water and a dash of bourbon and said it was magnificent. However, next time I make it I will halve the amount of star anise (which I felt to be just a little too “there”), double the vanilla and add some extra of the browning syrup I made. All in all I am happy with the experiment and keen to make more!

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      8 days ago

      yum, you have inspired me to try to make some. I have a soda maker and bottles so it shouldn’t be too hard. 🤞

      • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
        8 days ago

        It’s really worthwhile! The ingredients I originally used were:

        But there are lots of cola recipes out there. The only odd part is the browning syrup; you have to get sugar and basically cook it until it’s melted and almost burnt, just a little burnt even, then add water a drop or two at a time (or it’ll spit and hiss everywhere lol) and mix it in until it cools sufficiently to add the rest in. Funny you mentioned a soda maker, it was this ingredients list which inspired me to make my own:

        Horrific, if you ask me.

        • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
          8 days ago

          Oh that looks easier than the one I saw (Open Cola). That was asking for essential oils for flavouring and phosphoric acid from the brewing websites

          The caramelisation looks delicate as though

          • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
            8 days ago

            You might be able to find a browning syrup substitute online, admittedly I didn’t search for long. You can buy Parisian essence online at cake decorating ingredients supply places, but it looked a bit pricey to me and I didn’t want to buy something and then not use it. Cheaper to burn sugar in a saucepan! The saucepan cleans up ok afterwards, but I’ll warn you it is a bit stinky to make if you go down that route. If you look up a few recipes you’ll get the gist of what it involves. I didn’t add salt to mine, which some recipes call for. Here’s the method:

            Edit: so I had to make the browning syrup, jar it and cool for a day, then make the Nuka cola itself and leave it for a day. I believe there is too much anise in the recipe and not enough vanilla, and I love anise. If you hate anise, definitely use less!