MAGA will blame this on Democrats.
It is on the Democrats, they are also on team kleptocrat. It’s past time to wake up!
Whatevs…. Democrats lost the election and Congress. It’s team fascists now. But sure, gripe about the people who very specifically didn’t do this shit.
Dems lost due to their inability to rally the voters. 8 million stayed home because dems doubled down on their typical bullshit to protect their own status quo rather than fight for the working class. Failure to recognize this brought us here and until we can call it what it is were gonna stay here.
I understood the dem line on things, yet i voted to not make things significantly worse.
If only non-voters understood what they allowed.
They will understand too late, as usual.
The irony of people that have been letting the Democrats get away with complacency for decades being all “you’ll find out…”
They’re an ineffective out of touch party because you keep letting them get away with “vote blue no matter who” as their only cohesive strategy.
If you joined the left in pushing back on the Democrat ratchtet effect many elections ago, we wouldn’t be here. The second best time is now.
Keep voting blue no matter who. In 8 years when they parade the Trump family around in front of you as allies against the current Republican you’ll be chastising us for not supporting Trump’s party. It happened with Bush and Cheney.
What an amazing thing to say to someone else. No arguments at all honestly. Maybe tell it to Greg Proops, he still likes Biden.
Clearly that wasn’t enough. So perhaps people should not be discouraged to beat the Democratic party into shape so that hopefully next time around they do more instead of less than enough. Because if the Democrats change nothing and win by default next time due to the Republican clown car running off the cliff, we’re gonna be playing the same game again in the next-next election. And the ratchet clicks to the right a few more notches.
Who is this we? Because you seem to get it. Most of Lemmy does. So the issue isn’t we. Unless one is willing to primary their local democratic leader, there is little we can do other than rally others to vote and vote blue.
However, most of what I see on Lemmy are people rallying against democratic leaders. It’s doom and gloom. No real solutions.
So we Lemmy users have our own issues to recognize and reconcile. Pointing the blame outward is one of them. Anyone pointing out this issue of ours tends to get downvote so we Lemmy users aren’t ready to be part of the solution with no signs of that changing anytime soon
This is specifically why they lost the election. What benefit is there for you to defend it? Because of that, we’re currently stuck with Trump, remember?
I see it as griping about how they have proven time and again to not be the “good guys” people want them to be. Yes, the GOP is a monstrosity, but democrat leadership doesn’t want equality very badly, either. So yeah, I’ll sling a little mud in that direction as well.
Its not even worth my time to critique the GOP. Irredeemable hoarders and haters.
I don’t see the point in hungrily gobbling down the cocks of people who enables fascism. It’s their failures that lead us here.
Silly me. I thought it was the fascists and all the arseholes who voted for the fascists that caused the fascism. I didn’t realise it was the people who provided the alternative to the fascists that actually caused the fascism.
If you really want to actually blame something other than the fascists, then your electoral system is about 99% responsible for the current fascist shit storm.
You’re making this out to be as if what the alternative is offering to voters doesn’t matter.
All I’m seeing is people basically make the argument “The Jews are responsible for Nazi Germany!” Like, I’m one of the people the regime wants to “eradicate from public life. No exceptions” and I did my damnedest to support Harris, tried to warn everyone, did my best, and now all I hear is how it’s my fault I did this. It’s victim blaming by garbage people who I used to really give a fuck about. What even is the point anymore? At least the suffering I’ll go through won’t just be me alone. I can die knowing the suffering is coming for them and their families too. They certainly deserve it as much as I do.
I will never understand the mental gymnastics you people do to come to the conclusion that the democrats are totally blameless for our current situation.
It’s similar to the mental gymnastics people do to place the blame on the losers and not the people actually enacting the changes.
This is about extending Trump’s existing tax cuts. Cuts that were not cancelled by Biden throughout his mandate. So sure, they didn’t enact them but they did inact on them once they had the power.
How was Biden going to cancel an act of Congress?
You should probably be asking Biden then,
(Sep 10, 2020) Joe Biden pledges to roll back Trump’s corporate tax cuts on ‘day one,’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden pledged in a CNN interview (transcript) on Thursday to undo President Donald Trump’s corporate tax cuts on “day one” of his presidency. But it may be difficult for Biden to stick to that ambitious timeline since overhauling the tax code requires Congress to act.
(March 22, 2021) Why Biden won’t be able to totally undo Trump’s tax cuts
President Joe Biden got almost everything he wanted with his $1.9 trillion economic rescue plan. Biden campaigned on hiking the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. Prominent business groups are warning against the effort to roll back the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which lowered the corporate rate from 35%. Wall Street, however, is hardly freaking out about the potential of unwinding the Trump tax cuts. “Equities appear to be pricing optimism around infrastructure spending but little concern about tax hikes,” Goldman Sachs strategists wrote. Rick Rieder, BlackRock’s chief investment officer, "the US economy can “definitely” withstand higher corporate taxes. I think 21% is too low,” Goldman Sachs expects Biden’s next fiscal plan will include at least $2 trillion in infrastructure spending and could reach $4 trillion if it also funds healthcare, education and other initiatives.
(September 13, 2021) Democrats Hope To Undo Many Trump Tax Cuts To Fund Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan
Democrats hope to unwind many of the tax cuts Republicans enacted under former President Donald Trump as a way to pay for the majority of the $3.5 trillion spending bill. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., released details Monday of a plan that includes increasing the top corporate tax rate to 26.5%, up from the current rate of 21%. Leaders such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., call the bill an effort at transformational change. At an event last week in Connecticut, Pelosi said the legislation working through Congress now “is about a vision for our country that is transformative, that frees people to reach their aspirations without concern that their children or their parents or their disabled relative are not cared for.”
(Aug 11, 2022) Democrats ran on undoing Trump’s tax cuts for the rich. But they’re here to stay.
The 2017 Republican tax cuts survived a Democratic-controlled House, Senate, and White House largely intact — and they’re likely here to stay. Top Democrats conceded they fell short of their original ambitions, citing the need to muster unanimity in a caucus that spanned the ideological spectrum from progressives to fiscal moderates. “In these kinds of debates, you always kind of set out where you want to go,” Sen. Ron Wyden, chair of the Finance Committee, told Insider. “When you’re looking for 50 votes, you don’t get everything you want.”
(June 18, 2024) Biden ramps up push to end Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy, highlighting the choice in the 2024 election
“If Trump gets elected, he’ll cut taxes for him and his rich friends at the expense of working families. We can’t let that happen,” Biden said last week on social media. Biden’s recent budget and a memo Thursday by top Biden economic adviser Lael Brainard laid out the White House’s vision for bringing in new revenue: raise the corporate tax from 21% to 28%.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said in a speech Monday: “The 2025 tax fight will create a huge opportunity to break with decades of tax-cutting political orthodoxy and reshape the tax code to reflect our nation’s values by raising taxes on the wealthy. That’s what Americans across the country are demanding, that’s what Joe Biden is running on, and that’s a big reason why Joe Biden will win in November. Next year, we must raise taxes on giant corporations and billionaires.”
- Corporate tax dropped from 35% to 21% by Trump in 2017 (TCJA)
- Biden campaigns “Day 1!” corporate tax 21% to 28% (2020 election)
- 2021, eh maybe we’ll do 26.5%
- 2022, Shit! Sorry guys, we aren’t a cohesive bunch (but student loans are next, we promise)
- 2024, Elect Biden! We will raise taxes to 28%! (not the original 35%)
I read the comments above, I saw with 18 upvotes and 1 downvote. I was confused and decided to look up an article so I’m not just blindly tucking something false into the back of my head (conservative relatives and area, I have to have my shit together when I’m talking in public around here).
I just spent the last 2 hours, for you beautiful fuckers, going down all these rabbit holes and reading article after article and constructing this timeline instead of making fried rice. Please don’t be like ModestMeme and at least put one singular link up if you’re trying to declare something as factual. You might find in your search that you were misinformed and let everyone know for the love of god. We need to keep our facts and shit together so we can all push forward together without misconstruing how we got here in the first place.
Holy fucking receipts mackerel! Well done. This is going into my archive for future reference. 🙏
On a less exciting note, this perfectly demonstrates how the ratchet works. Republicans take a step benefiting the owner class, then Democrats plan to undo it but somehow fail keeping a veneer of plausible deniability. Rinse and repeat while the working class gets poorer and poorer.
Yeah, I made sure to present the tax numbers because it’s a two step back, one step forward as always. It might not even matter though. Still got ModestMeme and others defending the situation. I’m just so fucking flabbergasted. Like if they’re working for them I get it, some random person just deciding that no matter what they say it’s not their fault? And they don’t understand how people could vote for Trump?!?
The President can’t write a law or simply decree a law to be over. That’s up to Congress. Not the President.
Congress did indeed have a couple years of the slimmest margin of Democratic control. But Democrats aren’t all the same. There is a range of ideology and ultimately they’re not in lock step with each other. And in some cases, they behave not strictly as a Democrat normally would behave, or as those here on Lemmy want them to behave. Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, and those in the so-called Blue Dog Coalition. Russian asset Tulsi Gabbard was another “Democrat” from this time period who wasn’t as left wing as we wished for…
You can blame the broad range of “Democrats” all you want. You can view a president as having direct control over law all you want. But that doesn’t account for individual differences within a party that with such a slim margin, can derail national progress. Vote. Every election. Especially the small ones. Good candidates start at the local level.
Jesus ModestMeme… I think your stupidity broke my brain
The President can’t write a law or simply decree a law to be over. That’s up to Congress. Not the President.
You can view a president as having direct control over law all you want.
> BIDEN: No, no, no, no, I’d make the changes on the corporate taxes on day one.
This is the exact problem people have with the democratic party that you just seem to hand wave away. They’re saying whatever shit they want and NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH BECAUSE IT WAS A HOLLOW PROMISE THEY LIED ABOUT AND NEVER SHOULD HAVE SAID!!
Gestures wildly at the Trump administration
Didn’t Democrats hold the house and senate for 2 years?
Isn’t it strange how that keeps happening?
It’s almost like the Democrats are controlled opposition? Especially with their recent gripes about the RaDiCaL lEfT asking them not to confirm Marco Rubio on the first vote nearly unanimously. And do things like, quorum counts. To slow the wheels of authoritarianism.
It literally reads like they don’t even pay attention to their jobs in any real way. Like the whole job is getting elected and everything that comes after is just not getting caught.
If you call Manchin and Sinema democrats
I do and I think the party has tools to whip them into shape if they wished to. E.g. threatening to do their job by investigating the conflict of interest issues of Manchin’s wife. Or paying them off. You know, if they wanted to I’m sure they could have found options. The Republican party demonstrated a few of those for whipping their own. But I think a much more plausible explanation is that the vast majority of owner class donors to the Democratic party were happy with them failing to whip Manchin and Sinema into voting with the party.
I don’t know why this is heavily downvoted. The DNC leadership will benefit from the social safety nets being destroyed along with republicans. Shitty candidates with shitty platforms is as good as endorsing fascists.
Downvote me too, if you must. The underlying problem of only having two viable parties will persist.
Bernie was my guy, but had he won, he wouldnt rule through executive order and would have faced opposition from “both sides”
My god, the downvotes on your comment show just how many on the left are just as ignorant as the MAGA’s. Neither party represents the american people anymore. They both serve their capitalist sponsors. The only difference between the GOP and Dems, is that the Dems pretend to care while doing nothing to undue the 30 years of unrestricting capitalism “At least we arnt assholes like the GOP”, and the GOP are glaringly transparent about how they dont give 2 fucks about us and just say “Hey you, stupid fucking yokel, that minority group its trendy to hate this decade is the reason you’re not a billionaire”
Its a choice between Capitalism Turbo Yeehaw Edition Made with 100% more Freedom!, and Homemade Free Range Organic Capitalism 💞
But as long as you keep getting conned into voting for wedge issues while never demanding anything else, you keep the system working as intended.
Yep. Dems conned the voters into thinking the short game was the long game and keep harvesting the dividends, laughing harder than the Reps, all the way to their offshore accounts.
you must be one of the green voters!
Well, he promised tax breaks. If anyone had the illusion that this would benefit lower income brackets, then congratulations: you have officially become senile. Because it follows the same path he did with the last tax breaks: More money for the rich, less for the rest.
Everyone has equal freedom to be rich, so these tax breaks actually benefit everyone while food stamps only benefit the true leeches of society! /s
A rising tide lifts all boats. Not really on me if you didn’t buy your own boat.
*inherit your
yachtboatI love that metafor. Very fitting for the current times.
Is there room for me on that door, Rose?
No, but I’ll always remember your sacrifice.
Now get the fuck off.
Everyone in America is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire/billionaire. This tax breaks will surely benefit me some day
Because it follows the same path he did with the last tax breaks: More money for the rich, less for the rest.
Not a single maga ever believed me when I told them that, and they won’t believe it now either.
Their heads are so far up Trump’s ass they know what he has for dinner.
This infuriates me more than anything else, but the Republicans were very clear on their intentions and were elected democratically.
It sucks that we don’t have a legit opposition party that actually cares about the poor and working class.
During the campaign Trump repeatedly said he wouldn’t mess with Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Towards the end of the campaign he stopped saying Medicaid. But just last week he was asked about cuts and said he wouldn’t touch Medicaid.
I guess it’s all true because Congress is going to cut all three.
A bunch of trump admin people wrote project 2025 with the heritage foundation. Trump himself is a well known liar and was under criminal prosecution.
We knew it would be tax cuts for the richest, again. At this point its still surprising that people are dumb enough to believe his words over his actions…
The amount of people I know that said they were voting Trump for “economic reasons” is far too high.
I know they make less money than I do, so they’re definitely not the ones benefitting from Trumps economic plans. The absolute buffoons.
I don’t know what they mean when they say economic reasons. Rent? Wages? Food costs? Apparently none of those.
They don’t know either. They just get annoyed when you ask them to provide some more detail about what they mean.
Most of them were probably lying. They were voting for Trump because they wanted to make racism and sexism legal again.
I’m well aware of project 2025, and I’ve understood for ten years now that if Trump’s mouth is open, he’s lying.
My best friend relies on medication to function that would cost $1600 each month if not for Medicaid. Obviously he can’t afford private insurance. I was trying to reassure him that it might not happen with the (dis)information in my last post a couple days ago. He’s screwed.
At this point its still surprising that people are dumb enough to believe his words over his actions…
Not to me. At least half of Americans are not much better than apes. Honestly feels like we’ve got two different branches of the human tree coexisting. Like Neanderthals coexisting with homo sapiens.
Dehumanization? Sounds like something republicans would do.
We did, it was Bernie. And we burned him :(
What the Dems did to Bernie, and the procedures and rules they built around preventing another uncrowned presidential contender, is largely why I think it’s useless to vote for either of the two major parties. Sometimes it’s fun to think about how far forward the nation would be if he’d have had EO power, though.
Yup, seriously fuck this country
No. Instead the “opposition” party is doing everything they can to chastize their own base for flooding their phone lines demanding they do something to stop the madness.
Yup. They’re doubling down on performative bullshit, as always.
All while groveling on bent knee to the tech asshats that are paying trump off.
The problem was:
- Not everyone knew, due to them only really caring about politics each election year.
- Got the wrong news source.
- Thought since politicians lie, some part of what they promised won’t be done.
It sucks that we have a society overflowing with braindead losers.
America will get what they voted for. Fucked.
I have no sympathy for anyone who ever voted Trump, but the point has to be made that until voting is mandatory and they actually hold genuine primaries that allow voters to have a say, it’s taking things too far to blame every American for this outcome. The last few presidential elections have been laughably thin pretenses of democracy.
I don’t blame all Americans, just the two-thirds that caused this.
Yeah. Weird to know there’s about a hundred million people out there I’d be happy to smack, but the path of pacifism is not an easy one to walk.
I didn’t vote for this everyone needs to stop putting us in a box…many of us did not want this and we’re stuck with these jerks. Alot of Americans are good people we just got taken over. America needs help from other countries.
I’m an American who works primarily with Canadians. Their opinions are very eye opening.
The nuance you’re missing is based in American exceptionalism. You are no different than a Russian citizen, stuck under a government you/I hate. Focus on what you and your family can control.
Your internal team sports are not owed consideration by other peoples affected by the actions of the USA on the international stage.
I think everyone here would agree that most Americans don’t care who the Russian soldier voted for without all that freedom nor could even name the opposition parties let alone their overall platforms in most of the world.
America is doing this. A purposeful second time. The parties are the internal machinations.
There is a significant chance of invasion. The USA is dead to me. It’s people made a choice. Cold Vietnam or Guerrilla Austria? Time will tell.
Most of us fucking hate it. And I fear we may become the next fascist superpower.
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
I personally will never support any sort of invasion and won’t give a shit if our soldiers die because of it. Wish the rest of the country would get on board.
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
Cultural bullies.
Your internal politics are relevant to us. As much as Russias and Chinas is. How much do you know or care about their internal politics and opposition when considering their actions as a country or people?
Ok? What a pointless opinion. Reality is we, as in the whole world, aren’t going to fix my country by being obtuse.
You need to fix your country, not we.
We need to prepare for your physical, economic, health, and social aggression under one flag.
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Holy shit dude. You deleted your comment but i can still see it. The incredible sense of self importance you project onto me and other US citizens is your own problem.
I deleted it because I’m not interested in picking a fight on his topic but
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
Even a “good guy” like you can’t seem to get out of this mindset that Americans are the most important.
When it comes to global politics I care as much about your slide into fascism as I do about any other. It’s closer to home for me, but these are global trends and caused by you.
If you all adopted more of a global worldview instead of this exceptionalism and dominance oriented worldview we’d all be better off.
The main difference in this presidency is just that it’s mask off and former allies are no longer treated like they’re part of the Imperial core. You’ve been doing this to everyone else under both teams.
The United States has been collapsing for decades. A force like Trump became an inevitablity after you allowed education standards to be destroyed, right-wing propoganda to run rampant, and billionaires to be held unaccountable for their roles in crashing the U.S. economy.
The number of Americans who have actually been fighting to prevent us from getting to this point is a very, very small group. You voted for this, regardless of whether or not you voted for the orange fascist or the controlled opposition. We’re here now because the American people have consistently voted for this inevitability for decades.
Exactly. Americans have been doing the same sorts of things since basically their inception. The only difference was that it was only impacting countries that weren’t in their sphere of influence. The only difference now is they’ve decided to let all the air out of that sphere to the point where former allies are being treated the same way everyone else had been for a hundred years.
It’s gonna damage us all, but the silver lining is that the US will never be dominant again. It was happening slowly, now it’s happening before our eyes.
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We didn’t vote for capitalist ownership of our news. We didn’t vote for an entrenched two party system. We didn’t vote for citizens united. This country began going down the drain in the 80s, were just circling the drain currently.
Who could have possibly foreseen this hilariously predictable outcome?!
America had a class war. And Americans lost.
Never thought I’d say it but here goes: Americans are very classy.
What the fuck did people think would happen to all the cost savings that doge is supposedly doing? You think that money was just going to sit in government bank accounts or something?
Some, forget which other than Meidas Touch, said that was exactly what the “cuts” were going to do, pay for Trumps tax breaks
I figure they’ll privatize it but still funded by government but still claim they reduced the size of government.
Just like how Reagan exclaimed in the 80s that the US has just as much forest as when the constitution was signed. Kind of ignoring the USA covered a lot more land than when there were 13 states.
“Well the 60yr old man that blew his body out working hard jobs to raise his family that are now unable to buy homes despite graduating college with tech degrees, can just rejoin the work force with his withering body and broken psyche.” -Evil probably
Everyday Americans will not stand for these games
I got a bridge to sell this guy!
Rural poor living off welfare - “About time somebody did something about those no good
nwelfare queens”Bonus points if from state that receives the most payments from other states.
I’ve seen Democrats cackle with glee every time a hurricane hits the Gulf Coast, because “That’ll show those stupid climate change deniers!”
And I’ve seen Republicans making the “keep an aspirin between your knees” joke about abortion every chance they get.
This feels like a country full of people who absolutely despise one another. I don’t know how you operate a social safety net under those conditions.
I mean, abortion is safe when it’s legal. Unsafe abortions and climate change are both symptoms of conservative Christians being a death cult working to accelerate the end times to get to eternal paradise.
So yeah, when you have one large portion of the population trying to make the world better, or at least habitable for the next generation, and another large portion of the population trying to end it, they inevitably become mortal enemies.
Good GOD how I wish that everyday Americans will not stand for it. If that was the case the 2A guys would show up fully kitted out AND the police and military would be by their side since it screws everyone over.
But that is not going to happen.
Ha, exactly, they explicitly voted for it! Fuck them, I wish maximum pain inflicted on every single asshole that voted for this.
American friends, what are you waiting for to deploy your guillotines?
Sure we are getting fucked all over the world but it seems that you are having it way worse…
Sorry can’t afford a guillotine, too preoccupied with trying to get enough overtime to afford basic necessities to be starting a revolution nobody else will show up for 🤷♀️
Hey check out the new games on the app store! Good stuff.
Honestly, this is probably people forgetting the size of the country.
The people who deserve the guillotine are in Washington d.c. the vast majority of the country is very, very fucking far away. California to Washington DC is 4 times the distance from London to Berlin.
4,495 kilometers away.
If we were all within a 4 hour drive of our capital, we could riot or protest as an entire country where the people in power are. But asking the entire USA to protest at once is an enormous undertaking. People are just so fucking far away from the people making the decisions and doing the harm.
We are so broke as a country living paycheck to paycheck people can’t take a week off work to go to a protest and no one is organizing the travel of all these people to the capital. We should have groups organizing buses from every corner of the country to Washington and building some infrastructure for people to live and camp indefinitely causing every politician in Washington to know our opinion and demand them to work for us again.
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We’re too poor and too far away from the capitol. It would take days for me to drive to Washington D.C. and if I miss that much work I’ll lose my home and other things. Then nothing will change and I’ll be homeless for a while :(
The US is still rich and prosperous by any standard and isn’t doing “way worse”. It is regressing by developed countries’ standard, but most of the world is still developing.
Most of the world is leagues better than the US. You actually bought American propaganda
The developed world is leagues better than the US, and by the developed world I mean Europe, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia and some South American countries. Many developing countries are also better overall when you consider the cost of essentials such as housing, food, healthcare and education. There is no denying that the US is regressing overall and has high inequality in human development, and no one has it worse than the indigenous people living in reservations.
That’s $4.5 trillion that will trickle down to all of us, any day now, just you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait…
Ah yes, republicans with the ol’ trickle-down economics… always works, right?! Right?!
Piss on the little guy economics.
100% of the time it works exactly as it’s supposed to. Incidentally it’s never been accurately advertised.
My biggest frustration is not that Trump won, it’s that as best i can tell these things are not even penetrating into the infosphere of maga. They are not only gleefully celebrating what they think he’s doing, they are also seemingly completely ignorant of what they surely must not realize he’s doing.
“We’re winning! We’re winning! We’re making those little liberal piggies squeal!”
That’s all that matters. Policies are a fucking joke. They’re not real. It’s all vibes-based politicking.
‘Want to be slightly richer, while we speed run a revolution?’
Hoarding a bunch of US dollars while giving everyone every incentive to disconnect from the US economy.
It’s like they think the economic world order is a law of nature.
We could all stop using money today, and decide on a whole different system, and they’d have nothing again but our hatred.
Keep pushing, morons.
You’re absolutely right. They really don’t understand that once they have all the money, people just switch to something else and everything they hoarded becomes worthless.
The only real value is in our resources, labor, and manufacturing capability, and those will still be here.
This is why I’ve always considered “capital flight” an empty threat. Let capital leave… They’ve done more harm by staying and slowly moving all of our production capacity overseas.
These idiots think destroying the systems will hurt us, they’re so bought into their own bullshit. That’s the silver lining in all this, we’ll build back stronger.
That’s what I’ve been saying, just don’t understand their end-game here, their wealth comes from the stock market and strength of the dollar, which both depend on US stability, but they’re just absolutely nuking that. Do they still think they’ll be fine when society at large crumbles around them? Sure, they can afford bunkers and shit, so they’ll get by for a while longer (maybe) than everyone else, but then what? I just don’t get it, they seriously seem to believe they can take a sledgehammer to the government of one of the largest economies in the world, and…profit??? Idiots, hope they burn.
yeah at this point I’m not gonna be satisfied with “defeating them at the polls” and Bidening things up for a few years. There need to be real consequences here.
There will be no revolution.
That is because you are conflating the current climate, with the future climate. Trust that everything will continue to get worse for everyone and we are accelerating the decline. There is a limit to what people will take, to say otherwise is to ignore all of human history.
I’m 43. I grew up poor in the south. I’ve been watching this happen my entire life. Those of you that think this can somehow be fixed, you’re where I was 20 years ago. Talks of change and revolution and power in the hands of the people has been around for about as long as “we the people” have. We’re to comfortable, by design, in our misery and outrage. We will not give up our meager comforts to show the people in power we’re tired of it. The revolutionist mindset is fostered by the ruling class, knowing full well we’re all too complacent, afraid and just comfortable with it all to challenge their rule.
So you say we are just comfortable enough to allow it. Do you believe this system is maintaining a status quo of comfort? No everything is actively getting worse. If things are getting worse, then how will they maintain “just comfortable enough”. Even if it was the case that we COULD maintain this minimum standard of comfort, do you believe those greedy cunts will be satisfied with that. No, they will still demand a bigger piece of the pie. So the system is bound to get worse, and eventually hardship will outweigh comfort.
Your viewpoint is one of the lobster in the water slowly having the water turned up, you have seen a lifetime of no one caring that the water is getting hotter, so you can only assume it will carry on that way forever. My opinion is one of historical context, knowing that the temp will never stop rising, and eventually the water gets too hot and the lobsters climb out of the pot and attack. I’m not saying its coming soon, but it is coming, we are on that path.
Revolution is inevitable. It’s a matter of when, not if.
You should print this out on a Cricut and throw it up on Etsy as a digital product for a nice secondary passive income stream…
I don’t know what to think about that. I don’t think that low income Republican voters will feel the face eating of the leopards they voted for as what it is.
And I’m not even American, but I can see that this exact same thing is going to happen here in Europe/Germany as well. People will vote for the extreme right parties that have all their propaganda on how they are going to give money to the small people and make the country more secure - and at the same time their political programs and past behavior screams “we will give tax cuts mainly to the ultra rich and never cared about the low income people”.
And they still get voted for. We just love us some good old fashioned fascism. Maybe I need to change my mindset and just be like “let’s gooooo”
Left parties are also to blame for this. I always vote for the left party but lately I am not OK with about 70% of their agenda.
A rising number of people are concerned about immigration but left parties just ignore that and pushes for more immigration.
Immigration causes lot of issues. You see many immigrants pick pocketers in touristic areas, you hear a lot of crime cases involving immigrants, many prostitutes are immigrants and are exploited. It is maybe few but why adding more crimes when we already have enough of it.
Many immigrants rely on welfare and are eligible as some immigrants do not allow their wives to work and having multiple children is a norm. Left parties always vote against any restrictions.
They push salaries down and causes unemployment. Many do not want to work on underpaid jobs like in restaurants. But immigrants are OK to take those jobs and push salaries down.
So people see that left parties are doing nothing for this, left parties do not want upset their base which contain a lot of people from immigration. So people go to right and far right parties.
Is this satire or is your brain really like this.
I mean people feel this. Not think it. We need to listen to these concerns and talk about 93-98% tax rates for the wealthiest, individuals and corps.
There are no left parties in America.
I am answering Op who is in Germany and situation is the same as in my country.
People, ALL people, including you, should be free to live and work where they please.
You may be living in dream land to think that.
Why is that a delusional thing to want?
I meant it is delusional that it is possible but you can always hope.
It’s the world I want to build for my kids to inherit. We all make choices, so try to make good ones.
If you let people live anywhere they want and ignore the issues they create your children will inherit worse world than we have today.
For example women fought for decades for equal rights in Europe. Now let people from countries who do not believe in equal rights come to Europe and you will see how women situation will become. I know many immigrants who do not allow their wives to work and think women should do home work and take care of children. Worse those people even when they come as immigrants become permanent residents and get citizenship very easily after few years living in my country and will start voting. In my country they no longer do long interviews for citizenship as before. You get asked two or three questions that everybody memorize and that is all.
So try to make good choices too.