Stop what you’re doing, it’s time for an icy pole. And a drink of something non-alcoholic. Even if you just finished an icy pole, have another one please. Or an ice cream.
By all means drink all the alcohol, if you fancy. But please drink plenty of water too, or soft drink or whatever. It’s so easy to dehydrate im this weather, and alcohol makes it easier.
Fuuuuu, I am cooked. Like overdone. I should have had some more water before I left. Felt fine (albeit sweaty asf) until I got off my bike and walked in and suddenly felt off.
Lucky it was just for a moment and the home is cool and dark.
Stop what you’re doing, it’s time for an icy pole. And a drink of something non-alcoholic. Even if you just finished an icy pole, have another one please. Or an ice cream.
Keep up that hydration. 💧🍦🧊🧃
I just had some watermelon. Crunchy hydration!
I have ‘cocktail’ zooper doopers. The expresso martini one is a face punch!
Well that sounds super fancy!
icy pole has been consumed , also a handful of plain corn chips
tired 😴
ohh… hrmm
By all means drink all the alcohol, if you fancy. But please drink plenty of water too, or soft drink or whatever. It’s so easy to dehydrate im this weather, and alcohol makes it easier.
Imma eat them all.
Fuuuuu, I am cooked. Like overdone. I should have had some more water before I left. Felt fine (albeit sweaty asf) until I got off my bike and walked in and suddenly felt off.
Lucky it was just for a moment and the home is cool and dark.
I watched a bit of the Bellarine road race on tv and that was quite enough cycling for me. Definitely have all the icy poles!
I went for a 45 min walk just to get out of the house.
That’s me for the day.
Oof. I hope a cold drink was involved.
Damn straight!