what does this have to do with being single? your wife didnt let you drink beer and eat beans? quit shitting yourself then ☠️
what does this have to do with being single? your wife didnt let you drink beer and eat beans? quit shitting yourself then ☠️
also i bet this dude just wrote this menu out for reddit and is gonna eat hungry man frozen meals all week
The amount of men who have trouble shitting is worrying
When I worked at a CVS, the number of men who would show up every week to buy laxatives in large quantities was astonishing
I’m talking multiple bottles of magnesium citrate and milk of magnesia every single week
I may not be perfect, but at least I eat fruits and vegetables sometimes
It can’t be healthy to use laxatives all the time, right?
Mayo clinic says it’s not
so what? you’re gonna listen to a fuckin white people condiment? give me the chocolate that makes me shit
I thought guys bought magnesium supplements to bust more ropes?
This stuff makes you shit rope
the shits some people are taking must be seriously fucking damaging. i’ve seen some truly fucked up shits in public bathrooms, that just get everywhere, that pile up and clog the toilet etc. these mfs must be eating nothing but applebee’s and truckstop hot dogs.
there have been times when someone has been shitting in a stall when i’ve been in the bathroom and the noise they were making legit sounded like that scene in austin powers when he was strangling that mf
It’s fibre, not fibhim ok
“I don’t vibe with fibre”
-The Millenial Boomer
Thats what the beer and wine is for
Vegan gang stay winning
That’s pretty clearly not this guy’s handwriting imo
How are you, as a man, writing in the live laugh love font