Eric Trump, the son of U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, shared an image of his dad ‘buying’ Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal on Amazon. The post on X follows several recent comments made by Donald Trump about Canada becoming the U.S.’s 51st state
This attention whore doesn’t deserve the eyeballs and is entirely coasting on his last name for any relevance whatsoever.
I’m down voting this post because it isn’t news worthy.
I’m up voting your downvote post because it’s the correct thing to do.
i’M dOwNvOtiNg tHiS bEcAuSe iT’s NoT nEwS, bUt StIlL nEeDeD tO cOmMeNt.
C’mon already.
Why are you wasting your breath? What did you have for breakfast?
What everyone having for breakfast this morning? I was thinking about having toast but then I remembered I could have a turkey salad sandwich.
Montreal style bagels with a maple latte.
I was considering making waffles but I don’t have whipped cream or fresh fruit to put on top.
Awesome! I love a toasted bagel for breakfast. We had pancakes with fresh raspberries and strawberries with whipped cream and homemade maple syrup for Christmas morning breakfast yesterday.
Home made maple syrup?!
When I was looking for a house there was one that had a small sugar shack but it was above the top of our budget. I still wish we could have gotten it though so we could make syrup.
A stack of pancakes drizzled in Canadian-made maple syrup!
I wanted to make a melt, but I’m too lazy to repair my contact grill so it was a cold chicken sammich instead. I really should get my ass up and just install the new switch.
Carpet diem and all that
I just made turkey salad. I’m going to let it rest in the fridge and have a sandwich for lunch. My sister plays Minecraft with my daughter and me on a Switch. My daughter plays on an iPad and I play on a Lenovo Android tablet.
That’s the life
Just remember that even the most redneck part of Canada is 1000% more left/woke/libtardarded (whatever the knuckledragger adjective is) than California. lol.
It’s pretty obvious you’ve never been to California, or, much of anywhere in either country.
That’s seeming a bit iffy after whatever’s been going on in Alberta in the last year or so, but if you account for rural/city for both places then you’re probably right.
Wait, are you meaning to tell me there’s a population outside of Edmonton or Calgary? Strange. I mean we’ve been hearing noises in the night and stuff like some mysterious lights off in the distance, but we just ignore it.
Now that you mention it, I thought I saw some bush people spraypainting COVID is a Hoax on some corn bails out in the country once, but I told myself I must just be hallucinating and it was really just Jason Kenney in disguise.