I’m talking about a fan theory, that if true doesn’t drastically upend the fundamentals of the fiction it is set in.

Mine is that in the American Dad episode ‘Can I Be Frank With You’, that Snot’s uncle is actually just another Roger persona. He appears suddenly and conveniently to pitch a bizarre scheme, he loves hanging around with teen boys and doing drugs, and the very instant that the plan has a setback he kills himself out of sight of everyone else. That’s just Roger in a suit and glasses.

Edit: Ok, so, people are having trouble with the word “inconsequential”.

  • Dasus@lemmy.world
    26 minutes ago

    In Stargate SG-1 — spoilers — the last season they’re stuck on the ship stuck in time for a long time. I listened to the director’s commentary on it, and the actors themselves talked about how there was supposed to be a Carter and Teal’c romance. You can still see it in some of the looks they give each other and whatnot, but it was cut.

    So not “fan theory” as such, but something not usually considered part of the canon but which definitely has credible support for it. (Amanda Tapping, the actor for Samantha Carter was talking about it on the commentary track.)

    Doesn’t really change much, as all of them but Teal’c forget what happened after the conclusion.

  • tankplanker@lemmy.world
    51 minutes ago

    So Blade Runner, Alien, and Predator franchises are linked, but I also a believer that the Terminator franchise is linked into the same, shared universe. Obviously Terminator has many different endings depending at which film you look due to timey wimey shenanigans, but if you pick one of the ones that the war is averted (I pick T2 as the sequels are not my favorite), it kinda makes sense. In this universe Dutch is the special forces ace that is picked (probably unknowingly) to be the model for the T800.

  • EnderMB@lemmy.world
    1 hour ago

    On the American Dad theory, there is a long-running theory that Roger’s ultimate goal is to replace all of humanity. The start of the show is just him, and then “learning” to put on disguises, but he’s become more and more people over time, to the point where it is hard for almost everyone (except the Smiths, who he trusts) to know it is him.

    It isn’t inconsequential, but an interesting theory on whether the finale of American Dad will either be finding out that Roger IS everyone, or if Stan saving Roger actually saved humanity by allowing Roger to see humanity.

      • shaman1093@lemmy.ml
        2 hours ago

        Exactly! To link all of these great & unrelated pieces of cinema together into a somewhat believable overarching storyline is pretty cool.

        I don’t believe there’s any intent from the creators there at all but it’s an awesome little exercise if nothing else.

  • garbagebagel@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    Chris Meloni’s character in Happy is actually just Stabler. His whole backstory as a disgraced cop is essentially really him (I think they even show a picture of him right out of SVU) but he had to change his name for protection.

  • Nefara@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    Terminator, the Matrix and Dune are all the same universe at different points in time.

  • neidu2@feddit.nl
    10 hours ago

    It was mentioned on the Kill James Bond podcast; The James Bond character continuum.

    The reason why James Bond looks different over the years is because James Bond is a position and not a person. Multiple agents have held this position. When one is killed or captured, another agent takes over.

    So, where did the different agents end up?

    Well, JB by Sean Connery was imprisoned in the US for his many crimes, rape included.

    Lazenby quit after his wife was murdered.

    Roger Moore, I don’t remember. Killed by Dolph Lundgren, probably.

    Timothy Dalton, don’t remember.

    Pierce Brosnan was captured by North Korea.

    And here are the implications: Sean Connerys James Bond was imprisoned on Alcatraz, and his later life is depicted in the movie The Rock.

    Pierce Brosnan is still in an NK cell, deprived of any social contact, tortured, 99% PTSD by what little remains of his body weight. As a coping strategy he has escaped into a fantasy world of his own making. And from this we get the movie Mamma Mia.

    • Nefara@lemmy.world
      9 hours ago

      Timothy Dalton’s James Bond died deep under double cover in Hollywood in a tragic airship related rocket pack accident.

    • EleventhHour@lemmy.world
      8 hours ago

      I heard this theory in the 80s, and I believe there have been in-jokes about it in the last 2 or 3 Daniel Craig Bond films. It’s likely head-canon for most Bond fans.

      That’s why I think this I one of the best comments here.

    • ouRKaoS
      7 hours ago

      James Bond is a position and not a person.

      This is also true about Carmen Sandiego, which is why no one can find “her”

  • Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world
    13 hours ago

    Throughout the Solo movie, Han tries to thread the needle multiple times and fails. In the end of the movie he finally succeeds but only after plugging Lando’s robo girlfriend’s brain into the Falcon. After that point they never suggest that they remove her from it. They never need an astromech to calculate jumps again and almost every single person that pilots the Falcon threads the needle at least once, including ray who has literally never flown before when she does it.

    Han isn’t the pilot. He’s the captain of a ghost ship. Every mistake he’s made since then has been expertly corrected by the ship itself, now given a mind and one of the longest running navigation databases in the galaxy.

    • Zonetrooper@lemmy.world
      12 hours ago

      See, this one I like, because it’s one of those “man, I know the writers didn’t mean it that way, but it makes sense… and it’s horrifying!” theories.

      The Falcon is so good, because for decades it has essentially had the crippled, half-dead “ghost” of a droid locked inside its computer systems, unable to fully die yet clearly devoid of her true consciousness.

      • JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world
        6 hours ago

        In Empire, Han tells 3PO to “talk to the Falcon” and later 3P0 comments on the ship’s “peculiar dialect.” Obviously at the time those lines were written it was just a half joke half figure of speech, but you could argue in universe it implies Han knows the Falcon is conscious and 3P0 was referring to the fact that the Falcon was actually communicating with him, rather than just giving diagnostic data.

      • Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world
        10 hours ago

        Think of all the times the falcon stalls or shorts out or magically starts working again. That’s not Hans shitty maintenance, that’s the ship ignoring them until they figure out why it’s mad.

  • Magnergy@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    Elsa used ice crystals at a nanoscopic scale to alter her dress during the Let It Go sequence.

      • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
        16 hours ago

        I wrote like a 30,000 word treatise refuting every point of the Darth Jar jar with the help of an advocate.

        for fun.

        it would be great, but it seems unlikely and extremely lacking in evidence when you look at each point one by one and put everything back together.

        • Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world
          12 hours ago

          Would your treatise allow this to work if he’s not a sith, but instead an incredibly powerful by oblivious force user?

          My take is that the gungans aren’t well known to the Jedi so they could have missed him, on top of that, palps would have been on naboo when he was born so whatever he’s using to hide his presence may have extended to other force sensitives in the area.

          Quigon doesn’t want to get rid of jar jar, even when he’s given the chance to but dies before he has time to really look at jar jar.

          Palps is stupidly chummy with jar jar even though everyone hates him. He also trusts the galaxies biggest moron to give the speech his entire plan henges on.

          If his ability to accidentally always come up ahead was actually him being too dumb to realize he’s passively using the force, and he wholly believes in palps being the emergency hero, he could have accidentally swayed a few votes.

          • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            4 hours ago

            “Would your treatise allow this to work if he’s not a sith, but instead an incredibly powerful by oblivious force user?”

            yeah, it’s as good as any other theory, maybe better than the sith one because there are less obvious things to point out that don’t work.

            it kind of sounds like a xanth premise, if you ever read those books.

            I don’t think there are strong enough foundations to hold the assumptions together myself, most binks theories I’ve read rely on a passive series of events and assumptions occurring in the background.

            and I like them all.

            i like the Darth Darth Binks theory and other theories, but taken in context with what is depicted on screen, how straightforward Star wars is, and what the actors and production team and scripts say about the character, there’s no cohesive or convincing supporting evidence that Jar Jar was anything other than comic relief and then a hastily minimized plot device after audiences rebelled against him.

  • Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world
    16 hours ago

    In the Wizard of Oz, Glenda the “Good” Witch is actually a ruthless drug kingpin.

    She used her magic powers to summon a tornado and then merks the Wicked Witch of the East with Dorothy’s house. She then puts WWotE’s shoes on Dorothy in order to make her a target for WWotE’s sister, the Wicked Witch of the West. Glenda then uses Dorothy as a stooge to bump off WWotW, thereby putting herself in control of Oz’s vast fields of opium poppies, and cornering the entire opium trade.

    It doesn’t make sense any other way. Glenda could have told Dorothy to use the ruby slippers to get home at literally any point, but instead sends her on a wild goose chase, and uses her as a blunt instrument to take out the only other bases of power remaining in Oz: the WWotW, and the Wizard, who Dorothy exposes as a fraud. Only then does she tell Dorothy to click her heels, and poof: everything is all wrapped up with a bow, and Glenda’s hands are clean. Her two main rivals are dead, and the Wizard is fleeing Oz in disgrace.

    It’s some fucking Kaiser Söze level shit.

    • Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world
      13 hours ago

      This but she’s not a drug kingpin and didn’t do the Tornado.

      A weird weather event drops a house on one of your 3 rivals and some farm girl steps out. Either it’s a bizarre coincidence or she’s an equally powerful if not more powerful mage. Either way, you don’t want her on your turf so you put a bright red target on her feet and send her after your next rival, who you think may be a fraud. Either she houses more people or she dies, either way it’s not Glenda’s problem.

      In the end, she destroys a government, literally melts Glenda’s political and magical equal, and comes back like a lost puppy and Glenda can’t risk Dorothy accidentally melting her so age sends her home.

      It wasn’t a pan, it was cleverly using your windfalls.

    • Mitchie151@lemmy.world
      14 hours ago

      In the musical wicked which I suppose is canon and happens at the same time, Glenda reveals to Madame Morrible that the wicked witch of the west will probably show herself if her sister (the wicked witch of the east) is in danger. So Morrible summons the tornado to threaten the sister which coincidentally brings along Dorothy. Glenda secretly was good friends with Elphaba (WWotW) so wouldn’t have intentionally gotten her sister killed. There was a lot of politics and propaganda and stuff, but Glenda wasn’t really a villain, just a vain person who found it easier to support an autocracy. Someone who has read the books could probably explains it all, sorry if I’ve ruined your headcanon!

    • Lemming421@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago

      The funniest thing about watching Snowpiercer in 2023 with people who’d never seen it before was after the big reveal about what the protein bars are made of, and how horrified the characters were, all my friends were like “oh, is that it? That makes sense actually. We thought it was going to be the missing children or something terrible”