Who had ‘Lab grown Black Hole?’
Who had ‘Lab grown Black Hole?’
Deport the illegal aliens!
I’m a native English speaker, not fluent in any other languages, and I still fuck up it’s / its on a regular basis.
Frequency & Amplitude:
The originators of the modern “rhythm game” genre.
That’s why they hit you with the “mYsTeRiOuS wAyS” when you call them on it.
Holding high ranking positions <–> Being oppressed
Choose one.
In Portal 2 there was a section with moving plates, but only one portal could be on them.
If you do two this month you can skip the next 3 since you did “extra”
Awful taste, execution lacking also.
I think I’ll just stick with bad.
The final boss has revealed their location on the map
We have a street named after former mayor Harry Baals.
His son is trying to say it’s pronounced “Bails” but no one is going for it.
The good ol’ Tampa Bay Yucks!
(cries in Dolphin)
Law enforcement is one of the last careers that still offers a pension, has a union that fights for its members, and is a good source of income without going into massive college debt.
Seems like something the left would be in love with, but systemic issues have demonized the entire profession. I think an influx on left-leaning officers would be great, but like politics- people who would be good at the job stay away from it.
Actually, this tincture of viscous fluid from a legless reptile can cure many diseases!
Looks like the leader of an alien species that captain Kirk would meet up with…
I picked up Risk of Rain Returns on sale a little while back, and I do not remember getting owned this hard on the original back in the day.
Still having a blast, though.
All the more reason for flying cars in the US:
No flight safety
So expensive only the rich can afford them
Would the caffeine have any effect? Can skin absorb it?
Commander Samuel Vimes, hands down.
His arc goes from zero to a million over the course of the Discworld series; even when he just has a slight Cameo he steals the scene because you get to see how terrified people are of him.