“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” she said, laughing. “I probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later.”

  • @ATDA@lemmy.world
    631 day ago

    When I think about it

    Instead of a debate let’s go to a range and do a little target shooting.

    Watching Trump fumble around, hit nothing, getting smoked by a woman.

    Sounds like a lot of fucking fun to watch.

    Oh wait we already saw that lolololol.

  • @Worstdriver@lemmy.world
    1120 hours ago

    Well, better than the time someone broke into the home of the Canadian Prime Minister (Jean Chretien at the time) and his wife held off the intruder with a soapstone carving…

  • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
    281 day ago

    And then you get shot when it turns out to be the police raiding your home unannounced because they got the address wrong again.

  • Todd Bonzalez
    2442 days ago

    Some Republican is suddenly going to be against self defense. Just you watch.

    • @Agent641@lemmy.world
      9 hours ago

      Me, while im bleeding out on the ground: " I really just wanted to see the P90 in action. Its so cool. Worth it."

  • FuglyDuck
    2 days ago

    I mean, anyone who hasn’t realized that she has 24/7 secret service protection and they’re going to fucking shoot anyone whose an intruder to any of their protectees homes…

    are kinda dumb.

    • iltoroargento
      2 days ago

      I mean, this is a pretty logical and understandable consequence of the right’s call for political violence. I was pretty surprised the Pelosi intruder was able to do so much, tbh.

      Edit: But, yes, people are dumb and disingenuous and will say that they should be able to kill an intruder on their property without question and then turn around and say that Harris’ detail should not be allowed to do so.

    • @rayyy@lemmy.world
      81 day ago

      kinda dumb.

      You really think the cult isn’t that dumb? Any bets that one of them will try it? Of course MAGA would claim it was her fault in any circumstance.

      • FuglyDuck
        1 day ago

        And the gun control single issue voters- at least a few.

        I don’t think most people realize just how un-hesitant a secret service on protection detail will be to shoot an unknown intruder.

        Like. That’s not a Harris thing. That’s just their job. Which is why the guy that saw a rifle more or less just started blasting. (Maybe not “just”… I assume they assessed range and stuff. A pistol at 200 yards is almost useless even if you do hit what you’re aiming at.)

        • SnausagesinaBlanket
          19 hours ago

          A pistol at 200 yards is almost useless even if you do hit what you’re aiming at.)

          Unless its on Halo.

  • @qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
    982 days ago

    Reminds me of that West Wing episode where he “accidentally” makes an offensive gun analogy comment; Harris doesn’t really alienate any supporters here, and she appeals to the undecided gun crowd voters. As a bonus, she’s “telling it like it is” for folks who are self-described as being “fed up with PC culture.”

    • @MirthfulAlembic@lemmy.world
      181 day ago

      Your bonus point is depressingly significant. The number of people I’ve heard say something like, “I don’t like x, y, z about Trump, but I like that he speaks his mind and tells it like it is in his opinion” drives me crazy. When did it become admirable to be an unfiltered boor?

      • @Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
        15 hours ago

        Its a false expectation. They think thats what smart successful people do. The big problem with trusting your impulses immediately, is you will only consider your own perspective. Its very hard to change your own perspective unless thats what you are already trying to do.

    • Vanon
      71 day ago

      Agreed. I thought it was one of the best things out of her mouth at the event (which was surprisingly well done, worth a watch). I think people want to see more honest, unprepared remarks from her (she’s been really staying on message). But I doubt there will be many more events like this with hosts like Oprah, who is quite skilled at producing these moments.

  • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    These idiots filmed themselves trying to overthrow the government. They’ll taking this as a dare/challenge

  • @taiyang@lemmy.world
    381 day ago

    I like this for some reason. Maybe even more if she slipped and said “fuckin’ shot” maybe because it’s Oprah.

    Weird that the whole “I probably shouldn’t say that” is a very Trump like thing to say, but those types of comments have a lot of power with people so more power to her.

    • @lennybird@lemmy.world
      111 day ago

      It was an authentic moment and people love that. I watched it live and was like dayum.

      I’ve done a shit ton of research and writing on the topic of firearm regulation. I grew up with them as well. I am absolutely for very strict firearm regulation… However: I think it’s time democrats pivot on this to root causes: education, Healthcare, and societal stressors. The electorate just isn’t there yet, and it will probably take another 2 decades at least before the boomers die off and any movement can be made.

      • @Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
        15 hours ago

        Apparently we will have to wait for a few additional generations to die off as ones like yours keep saying infinitely wise things like “why ban guns, just solve all mental problems nation wide”.

        The entire world knows this fact: the root cause of Americas gun problems is the sheer amount of them and how easy it is for ANYONE to obtain one.

        But you know what, I’m open to be proven wrong. Why don’t you show me which nation has shown its possible to resolve mental health issues across their whole population. How about studies that show most shooters are mentally I’ll? Or recently fired? Or poor?

        Kinda interesting how even the poorest people in America have guns huh?

        • @lennybird@lemmy.world
          11 hour ago

          Look I don’t disagree necessarily. I work in a hospital and my wife is the first response to tragedies like this as well. In the hospital we must simultaneously treat both root cause and symptoms. Firearms are a symptom of a deeper problem that, like shock or hemorrhagic bleeding, exacerbate whatever the original problem is. That being said, if we can reduce the number of people who slip through the cracks of society we can improve our outcomes just the same.

          No doubt on the surface, cutting supply and taking firearms off the streets is likely the simpler route at addressing the symptom; that is, the average lethal effectiveness of a deranged person when they do slip through the cracks. But I’m trying to be pragmatic and avoid putting the cart before the horse because unfortunately there really is limited support for this and no budging in polling; and ultimately, Democrats tying themselves to this jeopordizes key parts of the electorate in order to win elections int he first place. So ultimately, I’d rather table this issue and soften the perception from centrists and conservatives in order to stop fascism. Then, we can utilize this as a launching point to address root causes: “Okay, you want to keep your 2nd Amendment… I get that. So let’s compromise, let you keep that, and we work on universal healthcare, guaranteed therapy, reduction in work week hours, K-College publicly-funded education, etc.”

          Until the position of where the electorate is at moves, then we are simply stuck on this. If Sandy Hook and Uvalde didn’t do it, then nothing will for some time. So conversely, let me know when there is legitimate shift in the electorate and perhaps then we can tackle this. Though I suspect that only comes with the passing of boomers. (and yes, we keep saying this. Unless you’re 100-years-old, we’re the same people still waiting for the same generation to die off…)

      • @taiyang@lemmy.world
        623 hours ago

        I’m not even sure if the electorate is in a place to address issues in education and healthcare, haha. But unfortunately I agree; I think Dems are right because it’s clear other nations don’t have this problem (even with their same unhappy societies) but making only incremental gains with gun control shows that it can’t be done right now.

        But I wouldn’t necessarily go with root causes as first priority. If they could fix election issues like gerrymandering and the electrical college, urban centers would have a fair say and might push harder on gun regulation when voices are heard on equal level. If I had a majority, that’s what I’d hit first to make the rest easier.

        • @lennybird@lemmy.world
          523 hours ago

          Wholly agree! Campaign Finance / Election Reform is my #1 issue and I’ve been advocating for this to be the single issue vote we all get behind. It truly is the root of nearly every other issue and complaint we have.

          • @Reyali@lemm.ee
            211 hours ago

            Unfortunately that doesn’t serve the democrats as a whole, so it isn’t prioritized by the party favorites.

            (Note: I am NOT both-sidesing here. I always have and will again vote D this election because they are the most sane option that actually has some human interests at heart. I just accept that they are not all altruistic and are also motivated to keep status quo in some ways that don’t align to my personal preferences for my elected officials. They are still the right choice.)

  • @shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Yes, if you come in my home forcefully, I’ll do my best to kill you. That is a line one does not cross, especially not with my wife and children in the house. Bullshit outside is a call to 911, see what happens.

    Sure, maybe it’s some drunk or kid at the wrong home. That’s why you take a breath and identify the target and situation. If you’re too fucking panicky to do that, give up your weapons, you do not deserve them.

    Gun laws are mostly counter-productive and racist, but I’d go for a simple “use of force” test before one’s initial purchase. If you watch GunTubers, you’ll get sane takes, often straight legal advice from lawyers. If you talk to individuals, Jesus, what these people think is lawful and moral… And if you can’t be arsed to do your fucking homework before bringing death into the equation, you are not fit to own or handle a weapon.

    And don’t fuck with me on this unless you’ve suffered a home invasion. Ever had hoods break in and rob you at knife point on Christmas Eve? Ever had a bear wander in your home on Christmas Eve? (Wow, now that I say that out loud… weird. Maybe I should not stay home on the 24th. OK, the wolf hybrid cruised in one summer night, but I knew him. Still got me to draw. 🙄)

    • @TechLich@lemmy.world
      111 day ago

      I feel like this a cultural thing because that sounds wild to me.

      The penalty for burglary where I am is not death, nor am I a judge or executioner.

      We’ve been broken into a lot and it’s usually just some poor asshole who wants to steal things to buy meth. It’s horrible and scary and feels like a massive violation but shooting someone in that scenario just feels like straight up murder.

      • @FrostyTheDoo@lemmy.world
        1 day ago

        When someone breaks into your home you don’t have much of an opportunity to figure out why. Many times the reason is not to steal things and buy meth. Sometimes it’s to hurt, rape, or kidnap someone. Why take that chance?

        You might be picturing someone slowly walking up and executing a pleading, weaponless burglar in cold blood. In reality these things happen with mere seconds to make a decision about the safety of you and your family. Again, Why take the chance?

        If you’re breaking into a house, getting shot is a calculated risk you have chosen to take. If it happens, it’s only your fault. You had the choice to not put yourself or anyone else in harm’s way, and you chose the other option.

        • @friend_of_satan@lemmy.world
          17 hours ago

          When someone breaks into your home you don’t have much of an opportunity to figure out why.

          My thoughts exactly. “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote is a true story about burglars who came to steal and ended up murdering a whole family. Awful thing to experience. Great book though.

          • The bigger problem is that people who buy guns for home defense are acting emotionally, not logically. The cold hard statistical truth is that if you own a firearm, it is most likely to be used by yourself or one of your family members to commit suicide, or to be the cause of a fatal accident, than it is to be used in self defense.

            People have this deeply flawed belief about suicide that if someone wants to do it, they’ll find a way. But that isn’t how suicide actually works. Most actual suicides are spur-of-the moment things. And giving someone access, in their, home, to a quick and usually painless method of ending their own life serves to massively increase the risk of suicide. Everyone has bad days. Everyone who lives long enough and isn’t a psychopath will experience deep sorrow. In a drunken sorrow on the night after a bad breakup or the death of a close relative? It doesn’t take much for people to be vulnerable to the call of the void.

            Yes, break-ins are scary. But the truth is, most thieves try NOT to break in when someone is home. And home invasions for rape, murder, or kidnapping are even rarer. There are a lot of scary things in this world, but you shouldn’t let that fear control your behavior. Rabies is a damn terrible thing, but it would be incredibly irrational to avoid going on a hike just due the risk of encountering a rabid wild animal.

            In the US at least, if you own a gun, it is far, far likelier that that weapon will be used to end your life or life of one of your family members than it will end be used in self defense.

            This is why I do not own a firearm. Yes, home invasions are terrifying. But if you own a weapon for the sake of home defense, you are letting your emotions and fear control your life. The simple statistical fact is that, on the net, buying a gun lowers your average expected lifespan.

              • @Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
                15 hours ago

                Well the catch is everything can be broken down to some emotional response. Most would argue wanting to be alive to be somewhat objective.

            • @shalafi@lemmy.world
              620 hours ago

              All of those reasons are why I never owned a gun until I was 39, didn’t really get into the thing until I was 49. A younger me would have surely done something stupid or killed myself, purposefully or on accident.

              you are letting your emotions and fear control your life

              After the armed robbery, yeah, PTSD, glad I didn’t have a gun after that. My much older roommate had a pistol, kept his eye on the situation and decided it not worth the legal hassle of shooting them. And keep my story in mind. I’ve had a black bear and a giant wolf-hybrid wander in.

              Having said all that, I don’t keep a gun in my desk and on my nightstand out of fear. Same reason I carry in the woods and on the rivers and creeks, because I can. Let’s drop the fearful gun-nut thing. Yes, they exist, but for the vast majority of us guns are like any other safety tool. (Plus, we like to shoot!)

              I have a fire extinguisher at home and at camp. I don’t fear fire. I carry a med-kit on me when hiking or on the water. No particular fear of being wounded. Among other safety items I carry a compass, fire starters, GPS, 2 knives, 2 flashlights, paracord, first-aid gear and medicines. Do I need those things? Rarely for safety reasons, but better to have than not have if needed.

              • @Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
                15 hours ago

                Y’all are getting caught up on the word fear. The distinction is if someone takes actions that reduce their safety when they intend to increase it.

                They are right on average, but outliers do exist. Its not a guarantee of what will happen, but you do have to have some sort of logic to risk assessment.

                In my situation, its true a gun in my house increases risk, so I don’t have one. I’m sure some people have easily demonstrated needs for that type of protection, you should have to prove it first however.

                Sort of like vaccines, guns affect more than the person who has one, so its important to consider the risk to your community as well.

    • @InverseParallax@lemmy.world
      111 day ago

      I’m close on this.

      I’m a responsible gun owner, but there are a LOT of crazy ammosexuals out there who aren’t safe to let carry.

      If someone tries to enter your house though, that’s a red line.

    • @TommySoda@lemmy.world
      131 day ago

      These downvotes seem a little excessive. You’re making some good points about guns and how people should handle them.

      • @Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
        15 hours ago

        Being robbed doesnt give someone the right to kill someone. This is about personal morals, not tit for tat or get off my lawn bullshit. People have absurdly irrational fears that murderers are wandering the streets at night and picking random houses.

        Stealing is a cash business, theres no benefit to stealing from occupied homes, and absolutely not for attacking or killing an occupant. Criminals know this, they are just as afraid of people in the house as the other way around, thats why they carry weapons.

        The goal is that guns are harder to get, which makes them too expensive for random criminals to carry. Then homeowners can pull their old baseball bat out for home protection like we used to.

        Also, if you have people breaking in trying to murder you, you have made some awful enemies then.

  • @fubarx@lemmy.ml
    91 day ago

    What are we going to do with all those Louisville Sluggers, sitting in the hallway closet?