Death to America
Of the many things I don’t miss about living in CA, the
assholes that would passive-aggressively flick lawn service business cards on my steps, call “code enforcement” because there wasn’t an HOA, and even snuck their mowers over to destroy my carefully cultivated and legal native plants as well as my edible gardens overnight under smug smirking plausibly deniable pretenses of “someone helping you out” is on the very top of that list.
snuck their mowers over to destroy my carefully cultivated and legal native plants as well as my edible gardens overnight under smug smirking plausibly deniable pretenses of “someone helping you out”
if that happened to me, I’d be placing some steel rods in the fucking grass next time to ding up the blades
This country is absolutely irredeemable.
shoulda put up a wall like you live in europe or something.
one of the weirdest fucking things about america, seriously. the lack of fences.
a people whose brains have been entirely cooked by “my house my castle” individualism bullshit, who live and breathe pRivAte ProPErtY, yet they dont put fences up?!
My best guess is that since lawns are bourgeois / aristocratic imitation, it’s more about giving the appearance that your land has no limits. Going for this:
Landlord won’t let me replace the backyard with native ferns and forbs.
But what if it effects the property value??
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Same, I hate it here (it’s my parents house so I don’t have much of a choice).
My landlord had a lawn but at some point become obsessed with astroturf with big rubber mats under it, so whenever it rains we get enormous puddles of weirdly clear water
I feel you but mainly because I get to hear a lawn mower almost every day since different people outside my apartment are mowing on different days. The noise pollution is unbearable sometimes.
The stench of two-stroke gas motors, especially from leafblowers and lawnmowers, produces many times as much effective pollution as a full-size SUV.
Two-stroke engines need to be banned for most applications. Electric equipment only. And honestly even then I feel like you should need a permit to make that amount of noise, and it should be like the rules for animal research, you need a plan to replace or minimize where possible.
Do you really need to be weed whacking along that fence? Is it actually gonna be a problem? If so, do you really need to be doing it weekly? Would monthly suffice?
Years ago, a particular most environmentally conscious leftist on Hexbear got really mad when I talked about how ruinous and wasteful two-stroke leaf blowers were. They said that rakes were impossible to use in their particular little lot of land, that electric leaf blowers were insufficient (and that I should buy them one if I wanted them to use one) and emphasized “you don’t fucking know my situation”
I never had a situation where rakes were insufficient. Even if you want to remove leaves from long grass (for whatever reason), a rake with long prongs is sufficient. Blowers are just about convenience and speed. I hate them with passion, as you cannot block out the noise, even with a closed window and head between pillows. And while the electric ones are a bit better they’re still way too noisy.
convenience? you blow your leaves across to your neighbors. then they come out with their leafblowers and blow it back.
back and forth forever.
In suburbanite’s mind that’s more convenient than raking the leaves from side to side
And why are you removing the leaves from the grass in the first place? The grass is a great place for leaves to be. It’s where they belong.
If you’re using it to move leaves from pavement to the grass I understand more, but we’ve had a tool for that for thousands of years: A broom.
I don’t understand it either why people are so keen on disrupting natural nutrient cycles by removing leaves completely but some municipalities even require it (probably still the bourgeois brainworms of showing off how much land you can waste).
If your yard is too big for you to rake,
then it’s too big for you to own.That’s the party line.
the fucking lawn machines are so loud and just constant. the suburbs are unironically louder than the city because of dipshits growing a crop of fucking grass
Death to America
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I like my little postage stamp of grass out back, but I’ll eventually get rid of it. Working on mulching the fuck outta the front to replace it with low irrigation native pollinator treats
Currently trying to get rid of a lawn and boy howdy is it a pain in the derriere
I smothered mine it was a lot of work
We’re currently digging it up because my partner wants to level it out at the same time. The parts we’ve done look super nice, but it is definitely slow going.
I just cut mine, nothing special. Most of it is the leach field for the septic system, so it’s naturally healthy cuz of my poops. I do zero maintenance outside of cutting it once a week tho.
what if they have a bunch of trees and are used to grow vegetables and shit?
hates when any land outside a house is used for anything but nonedible fuzzy green squares of obedience.
I say this from previous experience. If it’s edible, if bees like it, if it’s actually harmonious with the local ecosystem, they will destroy it themselves if they can get away with it.
I know but it just boggles my fucking mind.
Suburb brain comes from an old
tradition of flexing on the poors by having land that was not used to grow food. I am not kidding. That was the flex.
The idea of American suburbs is that everyone (read: settlers) will live like royalty. You will have your own horse and buggy (SUV), and you will be so wealthy that your land is simply used to grow grass, as a flex. It is a celebration of excess.
The worst thing about lawns is that they are like castles or villas by the sea: luxury goods invented for the exclusive pleasure of a very rich minority, and which in conception and nature were never intended for the people.
Such a good essay.
As soon as a person/consumer acquires a lawn, their demand for lawns jumps to a higher level, and the more of other people’s lawns that are around, the more diluted the value of one’s own lawn becomes; the economy functionally cannot meet the demand for people having a lawn.
I think it was first (or at least equally) a flex by
, and quickly spread from there.
yeah but oaks dont grow food either, they could plant oaks. they’re trees. they’re amazing. more trees.
it would provide shade in the summer, lowering the AC bills. for fuck’s sake.
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even when any other food is available? for people? really? i guess…
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it’s even worse. the front yards are totally open, no fence or hedge, so they’re 100% unusable. i’ll never understand why americans dont put a fence across their front yard.
unless it’s to hide the fact that the public land their roads are on arent wide enough to have a reasonable sized road and on both sides, a verge of trees, a sidewalk and another verge of trees (this could be in the private front yards of the houses).
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Landlords don’t like pets, put a fence around a rental property and your asking for a renter to find a dog to keep in the fenced area.
Lawn veggies are class traitors
Okay, I did it
what’s your next order?
I mow the weeds. Zero other maintenance. Lawn is full of clover and other random weeds. It’s patchy but generally green looking at it from the street which is enough to keep the HOA off my ass
No such thing as a weed. Let it grow.
hace you ever heard of invasive species?
They’re unstoppable.
well, they’re weeds to me and they’re very much stoppable.
also, in areas where all niches are already filled by native plants, they struggle to establish themselves.
Nah it’s Florida there are invasives and sand spurs
You do really want to get rid of these fucking things, they hurt so bad
They’re such a waste of land and resources. Would love to have useful plants growing around my neighborhood. Or even just some sheds/outdoor storage. But no. We have to have these stupid fucking lawns in front of every house for the entire town.
God, I have a ton of lawn. Few acres of it, really. Got quite a bit more of other stuff. I gotta figure out what I’m gonna do with it.
Right now my back field is just all grown up and a guy cuts it for hay. I’m planning on a wildflower meadow back there, and keeping some bees. Gotta get my tractor ready and all planned out to see what I’m gonna plant and how I’m gonna do it.
The lawn portion I’m not sure. My food plot will go there certainly, but that’s only so much. Maybe I’ll tear it out and do all clover at first. Idk. I’m open to suggestions.
If you’re actually going for real nature, consider your local ecology. Do not by a large pack of wildflowers because those are nationally packed and usually aren’t considered native so can be invasive (which can also effect your local wildlife and the plant won’t fair as well in extreme’s for the area that a local plant would survive). Remember, bugs and animals come back to an area knowing a certain species of plant is there for them to survive or reproduce at, making more competition they aren’t familiar with harms their chances.
I would consider letting it grow naturally up and if you really want to do something than let the neighbor know so they stop cutting it down for hay (just make sure you’re actually gonna do something with it). Let the natural seeds that distribute get into the area and establish. Learn to take clippings and identify local flora when you see a cool plant you want, like a more scientific pokemon game if that interests you.
I’m doing something similar with some acres the previous owners just continued to massacre with mowing and looked like a barren wasteland. It took a few years for the right establishing plants to grow up and protect the other smaller and more delicate plants but this year is the first year it looks like a natural environment. I’ve been identifying what each growth is and it’s been fascinating researching them. Right now it’s a mini bee sanctuary because something is always in bloom and for the times only one plant-type is blooming I’m taking clippings and propagating them elsewhere on the property so there’s always a bunch of flowers at any point in the year.
I would start with propping up your local bee community since they survive on their own and you may fall in love with them. I have a bunch of ground and carpenter bee’s in my area that I don’t want to harm with an invasive colony like the honey bee’s. There’s also TONS of local honey producers so I just feel like I’m running after a gimmick since it’s already available and there are bee groups I can join that go to all the different farms for education and socializing. Any bee person would love some help if you went out and joined them.
If you want to get really technical, there’s landscaping creating berms and swales etc. But to get started I suggest watching some Andrew Millison videos as he’s great with visuals and knows his stuff when it comes to permaculture. How to Fix a Broken Ecosystem
Well, it only gets cut like once or twice a year now. There’s some stuff established, but it’s really big for me to be going through and taking clippings. Possible, for sure, but with a few small kids, my time is at a premium.
Idk, really. I’ll see who gets back to me from local offices.
Well the clippings would come from like a vacant lot you drive by or the side of the road you see a really nice bush in some thickets that are flowering. Anything you see that’s local and you enjoy (collecting them all kinda thing). There are plant identification apps but make sure to doublecheck with an online source before you plant them in your yard where the conditions are best for them to thrive (lighting, drainage, etc).
I’m not sure about your area but there are cool local resources you can find. We have a local co-op that’s in every county that run free classes and just basic resources (like soil test kits, just cool people with information). If you get time it might be worth it to look into if you’re into it. No doubt it’s tough with kids though, the best part is you want to be as hands-off with a natural landscape as possible so you’re going the right direction lol.
Yeah, that’s the direction I’m in. One thing is that I don’t know a ton of places like what I want to do. I’m worried about if I just let it grow if there’s something that should be in there that isn’t, or if something invasive will take over.
I really don’t know much about local resources beyond department of natural resources and conservation. Although, I’m sure there are some bee groups that might know of something I don’t.
Local extension office might be helpful
Idk how they work in every state but I think most of the time they’re connected to one of the state universities, their job is to do public outreach and education and give environmental advice to like farmers and home gardeners.
Thanks for this. I have been meaning to call them. I know they do stuff like this.
I’m gonna assume you’re in the US because of the name lol. Here’s a guide listing all states with their cooperative extension links. All of them are pretty much just landing pages you’ll have to look further into, usually there are local offices that may be in your county or at least adjacent. They help with small farms, argriculture, natural resources, development, etc. They’re literally paid and whole purpose is to answer your questions and be there as a guide for you, some of them are extremely awesome, encouraging, and absolutely love their jobs when they can help someone. A lot of them offer workshops and classes for families as well, I’ve done some blueberry and one bee event (made me realize I wasn’t ready lol).
So looking into it more, found some interesting history bits I wasn’t aware of. The Cooperative Extension and 4-H program was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and covers all states.
4-H is a U.S.-based network of youth organizations whose mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development” Its name is a reference to the occurrence of the initial letter H four times in the organization’s original motto head, heart, hands, and health, which was later incorporated into the fuller pledge officially adopted in 1927.
The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach. Though typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization as a result of its history, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs.
USDA saw that adults in the farming community did not readily accept new agricultural discoveries. However, educators found that youth would experiment with these new ideas and then share their experiences and successes with the adults. As a result rural youth programs became a way to introduce new agriculture technology to the adults.
The Cooperative Extension System is a non-formal educational program implemented in the United States designed to help people use research-based knowledge to improve their lives. The service is provided by the state’s designated land-grant universities. In most states, the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture and food, home and family, environment, community economic development, and youth and 4-H.
Traditionally, each county of all 50 states had a local extension office. This number has declined as some county offices have consolidated into regional extension centers. Today, there are approximately 2,900 extension offices nationwide.
Since 2005, the Extension system has collaborated in developing (pronounced “e-extension”). eXtension is an Internet-based learning platform where Extension professionals and citizens nationwide and beyond have 24/7 access to unbiased, research-based, peer-reviewed information from land-grant universities on a wide range of topics. Information is organized into articles, professional development resources, news, frequently asked questions, and blog posts that provide a knowledge-to-action service that has become an integral part of the Cooperative Extension System. In 2015, the nonprofit, member-based eXtension Foundation was created to advance innovation and technology-enhanced professional development going forward.
The wiki link for the cooperative extension system above also has listing for state resources to better hone done your area. Doing all the research alone and on the internet which has 5 million results can be daunting. These spaces give the ability for local experts to chime in without being drowned out in a larger national or world-wide stage. If you need any more resources or want me to look into your local area just message me. I love these people and their commitment so connecting you to them is a plus for both parties.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
If you have a tractor you are made in the shade. Kill the lawn by repeated tilling then plant wildflower seeds from Ernst
Here is a good PDF guide for organic site prep
Reach out to your state’s department of conservation they love encouraging this and are happy to help
I do have a tractor, which I absolutely love. Unfortunately, my beautiful old gal is going to the tractor doctor, but trying to get her ready to plant this fall.
Yeah, I talked to a department of natural resources guy at the state fair, and received a free packet of wildflower seeds, but I need like a few hundred pounds of it. I gotta email some people.
I’ll check these links, hopefully find a good seed mix. for seeds
Your dnr can recommend a species blend and Ernst will mix it up for you. If you truly need hundreds of pounds it’s gonna be eye wateringly expensive. I think I paid like 300 bucks for 4000 square feet worth. Then the septic failed and half of it got dug up lol.
I would do a small space first and see if it takes. There might even be grants and stuff for doing large areas.
Rough about the septic, comrade. I replaced mine last year.
I actually don’t know how much I need in terms of weight, but something around 300k - 350k Sq ft for that field. I don’t know what I’m doing with the rest yet, but that’s where I’m starting.
Also, this xerces guide is neat, I’m looking through it. And thanks for the seed place. They pretty reputable? I don’t want something invasive mixed in.
yeah, ernst was recommended to me by my state’s department of conservation. we specified the seed mix by %weight and they mixed it for us. no invasives in my planting (yet lol)
since you brought up the septic / dug up area, i have heard from folks around here that work for a conservancy that they’ve had good results sowing wildflower plugs into existing lawns instead of doing extensive site prep. Once the wildflowers start growing, the lawn becomes uncompetitive as it gets shaded out. I want to try that next year I think with seed plugs started indoors from my existing plantings, because site prep was really difficult and seed is expensive. might also have some thoughts on this
Okay, cool, thanks. I know conservation will provide a seed listing, if nothing else. It’s just a big investment. I didn’t say this earlier, but I’m definitely going to do a test spot this year and see how it goes. I’m not able to drop serious cash on seeds without knowing how it’s gonna go, to some degree.
I’d be interested in trying some plugs. I’m just lucky enough to have some equipment, so I can turn over some ground pretty quickly.
The plug thing seems really compelling for expansion. You could just sew a tenth of an acre or something then let it grow and if it looks good, mow it down then take plugs from that same plot for transplanting in the spring. If what they said about the grass competition is accurate then it wouldn’t take too long to turn a little meadow into a lot of meadow. Keep us posted on how it goes!
Rewilding can be a pain in the ass. Your state should have a land grant university. They’ll have a horticultural extension office at the county level which includes planning agents, native plant nursery connections, and regional best practices. Our local one is like the most knowledgeable horticulturist in the region.