Of the many things I don’t miss about living in CA, the assholes that would passive-aggressively flick lawn service business cards on my steps, call “code enforcement” because there wasn’t an HOA, and even snuck their mowers over to destroy my carefully cultivated and legal native plants as well as my edible gardens overnight under smug smirking plausibly deniable pretenses of “someone helping you out” is on the very top of that list.
snuck their mowers over to destroy my carefully cultivated and legal native plants as well as my edible gardens overnight under smug smirking plausibly deniable pretenses of “someone helping you out”
one of the weirdest fucking things about america, seriously. the lack of fences.
a people whose brains have been entirely cooked by “my house my castle” individualism bullshit, who live and breathe pRivAte ProPErtY, yet they dont put fences up?!
My best guess is that since lawns are bourgeois / aristocratic imitation, it’s more about giving the appearance that your land has no limits. Going for this:
Of the many things I don’t miss about living in CA, the
assholes that would passive-aggressively flick lawn service business cards on my steps, call “code enforcement” because there wasn’t an HOA, and even snuck their mowers over to destroy my carefully cultivated and legal native plants as well as my edible gardens overnight under smug smirking plausibly deniable pretenses of “someone helping you out” is on the very top of that list.
if that happened to me, I’d be placing some steel rods in the fucking grass next time to ding up the blades
This country is absolutely irredeemable.
shoulda put up a wall like you live in europe or something.
one of the weirdest fucking things about america, seriously. the lack of fences.
a people whose brains have been entirely cooked by “my house my castle” individualism bullshit, who live and breathe pRivAte ProPErtY, yet they dont put fences up?!
My best guess is that since lawns are bourgeois / aristocratic imitation, it’s more about giving the appearance that your land has no limits. Going for this: