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“I’m not sure the public would stand for it,” he said. “I think it would be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point.”
This mf really trying to do it again.
House arrest is not a penalty that would help him rehabilitate.
He needs an actual jail to learn anything.
At very least he should be doing community service. Maybe picking trash on a highway.
I don’t think he’s capable of learning any lessons from any sentence the court can provide.
Someone get Susan Collins in here
Sociopaths cannot be rehabilitated
There have been studies that make some progress with some of them, but not ones as old as Trump.
Maybe picking trash on a highway.
He has already spent years picking up trash all over the country.
-* BaDung-tssshhhhhh *-
Hey settle down. Stormy Daniels is my hero.
Pretty sure they meant the “repeat it, don’t think about it” maga crowd.
House arrest without internet, telephone, television, constant visitors: that would work.
Better yet. House arrest with no internet, but with Rudy giuliani. Both of them in a location neither of them owns limited to each other’s company and the tv. Put cameras all around the place. And let the American public watch it. That would be the best way to make them pay for all they’ve done.
Add in Rodger Stone and a few other trump felons and we could advertise it as a new season of the real world. Find out what happens when felons stop acting nice and start acting real!
Bunch of nutjobs squabbling over limited honey bun resources, I’m in.
One year per count and no electronic communications allowed? A violation adds one more year to the sentence automatically.
That yellow is gonna White really shiny real quick.
How many years left do you think he has? A year per violation is already more years than he has left. So, a year per violation just means more years he’d never serve.
Instead, a violation should mean something like a week in jail with no delays–straight to jail. That would actually have a meaningful impact on him.
Ok but could this then apply to me? I want to have millions, billions if possible and then go to jail for a year at a golf club facility. Oops I dropped the soap! You only need to worry about golf clubs or balls going in there you know what I mean? And a week if I’m bad. Like if I loose it at the 19th hole, I could just go to the one finger clapping a holes and break their fingers. For a week.
let’s be honest, he is beyond rehabilitation.
Let’s be honest, he could die in jail.
At very least he should be doing community service. Maybe picking trash on a highway.
I would do unspeakable things to see this happen
Death penalty.
As much as I yearn for an embolism to bless the present day: no.
It won’t work though. Remember how he asked for mass gatherings at his trial and it didn’t happen?
January 6th required a huge number of Trump rallygoers from all over the country to mass in one place, for them to get fired up to commit violence by multiple speakers, for Trump himself to say that he personally was going to go with them to the Capitol, and for Trump to do virtually nothing about the insurrection for hours.
There might be lone wolf attacks here and there, but there won’t be some great MAGA uprising.
There might be lone wolf attacks here and there, but there won’t be some great MAGA uprising.
Even that could turn scary though. One lone wolf attack could inspire more and those inspire even more, eventually leading us to an American Years of Lead
The Trump base has shown us how insane they are before, I don’t want to underestimate what they’ll do next.
Maybe, but don’t underestimate good old American laziness.
Stand for it?! He’s delusional. Most of “the public” wouldn’t only stand for it, they’d wait in line to buy tickets to see him escorted to prison. They’d but t-shirts.
It doesn’t matter what he is ok with, he will do whatever the judge decides.
Merchan will remain moderate. Prison is possible, but not probable for nonviolent class E felonies. The last thing he wants is to feed Trump’s attorneys argument for bias at appeal.
Part of sentencing is determined by the defendant’s character, and Merchan has already spoken against his interest in jailing a former President for violating the gag order. However, Trump has over a month to demonstrate his character prior to sentencing, and he’s not doing himself any favors in that department.
My guess is that they will give him a suspended sentence, but he will have to piss in a cup for the rest of the campaign, at least. It will be very interesting to see if Trump can get out of bed without his amphetamines.
Prescription drugs shouldn’t be a red flag on a drug test. They’ll show up on the toxicology report, but get dismissed from concern if they’re prescribed.
Ok then I guess we will get to learn about Trump’s ADHD or Narcolepsy diagnosis. Either way it should be a peak behind the bullshit curtain.
Yeah, we know Trump has powerful connections and will be treated with far more leniency than the average person because instead of holding people with power to a higher standard we do the opposite.
That doesn’t contradict the fact that it doesn’t matter what Trump is good with when it comes to sentencing.
Merchan hasn’t been lenient thus far. He’s been moderate throughout the trial. There’s no reason to expect otherwise at sentencing.
He didn’t enforce the no phones policy on Eric.
He warned Trump multiple times without following through.
As far as I can tell what you are calling moderate is the same thing as being lenient.
He mandated a gag order, then amended it to include more restrictions. Trump was charged with 10 violations at the maximum fine, and warned of jailing for future violations. He did not violate the order again.
Moderate means providing reasonable considerations as he would to other defendants. That is how Merchan runs his courtroom.
I think their point is that you or I wouldn’t get treated that lightly. How many people get 10 violations, let alone need a gag order in the first place. The sad fact is that a court acting “moderately” is a lot more lenient than what a lot of people experience.
He was issued a gag order due to public criticism of witnesses and the effect it may have on their credibility. The 10 violations were addressed at two gag order hearings. At the first hearing he was fined the maximum. At the second, he was fined the maximum and warned of jail for the next offense.
This is exactly how an impartial judge should be ruling.
Eric having a phone should have been considered felony witness tampering.
Prison, please. If it ends up being just between those two then jail. House arrest is not punishment for him.
Even if he gets house arrest, I just hope they take away internet access from him, so we can get the break from seeing his stupid name in the news
House arrest means he can’t hold campaign rallies.
He’ll do anything to get out of debating Biden
He only fucked Stormy Daniels to get out of the debate. 4D Chess.
appears at rallies via a zoom call, crumpled shirt and house in disarray in the background.
“Look at what they did to me I can’t even have a maid come clean I just…they’ll take yours too!”
You know, I’m okay with this that you propose.
Of course he’d be okay with house arrest. Mara Largo has golf and beautiful cake and no poors.
Jail would be him and the Secret Service in solitary. I can’t imagine he’d be okay with even that.
You’re looking at it from the wrong angle.
He wants a tough sentence with jail time.
- As a technically “first offender” they can argue that it shows obvious bias and get a favourable appeal result.
- It plays to Putin and other autocrat propaganda. “See how the US actually is, we have the same democracy here” sort of thing.
- Most importantly, it plays to his cult and to his ego, he gets to stoke dangerous things which very nearly almost worked last time (only thanks to Pence and the few cops who stood up to the mob.) and he gets a ton of attention from his cult for it.
I think he’ll think that until the cold wet fish of reality slaps him in the face.
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Fear of the defendant should not influence sentencing. That said, pretty minimal chance of jail time for this. Two-tier system and all that.
Honestly, I’m perfectly ok for him to go to jail for even a week. Then we would have already setup the foundation on how we would jail him in the future, indefinitely.
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You know who else was put under house arrest for a week and forced to pay a small fine?
Jail, I vote Jail, please I wanna see that bastard in a jumpsuit
Felonies in New York, does that mean Rikers? Asking for a friend
Rikers is a jail which means it houses three groups. Those are pretrial detainee, people convicted of misdemeanors (crimes punishable by up to a year), or people convicted of felonies (crimes punishable by more than a year) but who were sentenced to less than a year.
If he is sentenced to incarceration for over a year, Trump would go to one of New York’s prisons. If under a year, he could go to a jail like Rikers.
*edit to fix horrible phrasing.
or felonies (punishable by more than a year) but sentenced to less than a year If sentenced to incarceration for over a year
I had to read this 4 times to finally realize there’s a missing period that makes it make sense.
Of course. He’s tough. He plays fair. He accepts responsibility for his actions. He obeys the law even when he’s above it.
Ugh, I saw another link there, “rumored running mate Tom Cotton”. Whoever he picks, it will be one of the shittiest people possible.
I’m old enough to remember thinking how crazy it was that GW was somehow worse than Reagan…
Then trump showed up.
It seems like a forgone conclusion whoever is next will be worse. And I don’t know why everyone else keeps acting like the issue with modern republicans is trump. trump is the symptom, it might be the symptom that kills us, but it’s still a symptom.
So if you think trumps’s VP will be one the shittiest people, just wait to see whoever runs as a Republican next.
It’s been decades, we need to recognize this is a long term problem, and our solution needs to reflect that.
Constantly moving right, just drives the republicans further right to differentiate.
If Dems embraced progress, Republicans would run someone more moderate in an attempt to steal moderate voters. I don’t think we’d lose as much as we do now, but even if we did the worst would be someone closer to Biden than trump. And with wins meaning something again, participation goes up. Which is why Dems would win more.
Essentially, never think republicans have reached rock bottom, you’ll be constantly surprised. They can always go lower…
I 100% agree and have observed that myself. Whenever it’s like “oh thank god Hastert is gone” or “phew, finally rid of Boehner” they manage to find someone even worse.
Also, good point that Trump gets too much credit. He didn’t create this bizarre Republican psyche - he’s simply a perfect embodiment of their behavior.
The disease is the media, owned by the rich with an agenda who have no oversight
We need to give McCain credit for refusing to be that guy. You can tell that, with Palin as a running mate, he gave in to some of the crazy demands, but in the end he was a decent person and would correct people saying Obama was a Muslim, which likely cost him in the campaign.
McCain has an odd place in history though.
Probably the last republican candidate that was a decent person. But him running led to “moderate Dems” using it as an excuse to move just as far right as he was.
Which just made republicans move further right
It harderly took any time till Dems were acting like McCain.
And they already show zero interest in ever going back to what the Dem party was just a few decades ago.
I hear Alex Jones is available…
It would just be awful if he picks someone like that, which is a possibility. Bongino or some other complete asshole from conservative media. For instance he said Laura Loomer would make a great WH Press Secretary.
Being awful is kind of his whole brand. I mean, even before presidential runs, he was known for pizza hut commercials and tasteless reality shows. He bought a gold toilet.
Wait, no. Hold on…
checks notes
He bought a gold colored toilet. Still porcelain, just LOOKS like gold. Which if we’re being honest, is probably the better way to go. Solid gold would be a TERRIBLE toilet. Quite frankly, I’m not sure if the material could hold his weight.
He won’t spend a day in prison. I don’t believe it will happen. Even if he gets sentenced, he’ll just drop dead before setting foot in a cell.
That’s fine too
He says that like he does not understand he will not be able to shit post for a while and when he does it will only be for a short amount of time.
Could be an epic time out for him
Guarentee you he gets a ghost twitter writer who just says what trump WOULD say. Doesn’t even need communication with him. Just send general hate speech out into the base, and rile them up. Then when he gets out, act like he had people on the inside with him, helping him out, because they believed in his cause.
The news will pick up that it’s not him when the jail itself investigates how he’s tweeting, and watch him in real time as new tweets show up.
Doesn’t matter.
He just will say those are lies, and it really was him. His base will eat it up.
We live in stupid times.
The thing is that no matter who they pick as a ghost writer… it’s going to be noticeably too coherent or thought out to really be him. His base won’t buy it as easily.
My guy. There’s another thread somewhere on Lemmy I saw earlier where trump is claiming he NEVER said “lock her up”. And his base is buying into it.
I think you’re making the mistake of thinking his base is using logic, and fact checking, and critical thinking.
Because yes, there is a chance that a ghost writers style might be a bit off. And yes, if that were the case, people would notice.
But…I kinda covered the concept of the hoax being discovered in my original post. Being called out on their shit is something they plan for, because it’s inevitable. Their response in turn has been to plug their fingers in their ears, and sing LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.
Them buying into the idea of it being trump all along, is kind of like a 16 year old boy, still buying into santa claus because his logic is if he stops believing he gets less gifts. So santa IS real. He came down the chimney. He eats roughly 487,267,738 calories worth of cookies in a year. He uses flightless animals to fly his sleigh, and he somehow gets into apartment buildings with no chimney. Its just easy to understand facts is what that is.
That is how his base buys into him. The ONE TIME trump ISN’T lying, is when he says he could walk into central park, and just start killing people in broad daylight, and not lose any supporters. He’s telling the truth there. Weird thing to pick to start telling the truth with, but he’s not wrong. It’s ironic that the donkey represents the democrat party, because he’s the real ass here!
Fuuuuuuuck you’re right my dude. I do wonder if it Mein Kampf moment in a lot ways. We live in 1984 right now with how it feels
Man…I’ve been seeing SO many paralells between hitler and trump. Hitler is still by far the worse of the two. But it really does feel like he’s just using hitlers playbook. Which…kind of gives us a glimpse into his fantasy.
Be funny if the judge reads that to him at sentencing.
Ok, cool, jail it is. A huge W for America.
I never thought I’d agree with Trump on anything, but here we are.