• MacN'Cheezus
    03 days ago

    I’m always a little suspicious when people who don’t even believe in Jesus try to tell me what he would have loved but let’s have a look at why those evil, evil Republicans might have been on the fence about it, shall we?

    A number of conservative publications and groups, including National Review and The Federalist, have criticized social-emotional learning as a “Trojan horse” used to bring in ideas such as critical race theory, sexual orientation and gender identity, and other left-wing politics to the classroom.

    Ah well, that sounds pretty typical, doesn’t it. And it’s funny because SEL lists self-awareness and responsible decisionmaking among its primary goals, but somehow, the people who are pushing for it can’t seem to

    1. resist shoehorning their own ideology into it
    2. resist blaming their critics for when they’re found out

    Not the best advertisement for SEL’s effectiveness, don’t you think?

    • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      Scary buzzwords, to be sure. The second two topics are about accepting people for who they are. The first is about recognizing that our current laws are unfair to some people.

      These are not unreasonable things. But I will not be able to convince you of that. I imagine nothing would.

      So regardless. If they wanted to teach ethics, they can do so by posting a short list of things everyone should do. They aren’t doing that. They’re pushing one religion’s agenda, and we don’t do that in America.

      • MacN'Cheezus
        02 days ago

        Okay, you admit then that the criticism is factual and SEL is in fact a vehicle for pushing left-wing politics into the classroom?

        In that case, can you blame right-wing politicians for wanting to do the same? Because that’s just the pot calling the kettle black. In other words, politics as usual.

        • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
          22 days ago

          No, I admit that people have unfounded concerns about SEL, and that I’m not going to be able to change the mind of someone so entrenched in fear of those topics. It also isn’t relevant to the point.

          And I can’t tell if you’re being snarky in that last comment, or if you’re saying that it’s clearly the GOP trying to push a religious agenda? I mean, you may think that’s justified. But that is what they’re doing?

          • MacN'Cheezus
            02 days ago

            No, I admit that people have unfounded concerns about SEL

            That’s not an admission, that’s an accusation.

            It also isn’t relevant to the point.

            It’s very relevant because your failure to demonstrate even ONE of the proposed learning goals of SEL while still defending its implementation in public schools is evidence that you care more about the left-wing politics that are embedded in it than the package they’re wrapped in.

            And I can’t tell if you’re being snarky in that last comment, or if you’re saying that it’s clearly the GOP trying to push a religious agenda?

            Of course they’re pushing a religious agenda. But at least they’re being honest about it. Meanwhile, you’ve already admitted that the Trojan horse theory is true and STILL act as if its somehow a great moral evil to condemn that.

            • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
              22 days ago

              I think you’re not reading my words. SEL was an example, and clearly not a good one so I should not have brought it up. It’s irrelevant to ten commandments in the classroom except as an example. So it’s not relevant here. Happy to have a different thread about that later. But this thread is about ten commandments.

              People should not be pushing a religious agenda. That’s it. Full stop. If you can’t agree on that, then we cannot find any place to agree.

              • MacN'Cheezus
                -22 days ago

                No, it was a perfect example, because it showed very clearly that you don’t really care about principles or values, and it’s all about political power and influence for you.

                • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
                  22 days ago

                  You seem like you have a lot of hostility. To the point where you feel the need to attribute random bad things to someone you just met. Honestly, that’s not healthy. You might want to speak to your pastor or trusted friend. Not being able to have a normal conversation is a symptom of very big underlying problems.

                  • MacN'Cheezus
                    02 days ago

                    Okay, so now that you’re out of arguments, you’re trying to shame me for beating you in a debate that YOU decided to have. And you don’t even seem to realize that by doing so, you’re just providing more evidence that you have no principles whatsoever and it’s all about power for you.

                    A rational person would just admit when they’re beat instead of digging their own hole deeper. Your lack of self-awareness is truly astounding.