No but like seriously, why are vegan and vegetarian options always MORE expensive at restaurants. Whenever I cook my self, the meat is BY FAR the most expensive part of any meal. Meanwhile stuff like soy strips are DIRT CHEAP, not to mention they last basically forever!

The canteen I go to for lunch actually sells the meatless meals for 2/3 of the price, always a taunting reminder. Like hell yea, that’s how ya convert me!

  • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
    78 days ago

    Ironically, as a toddler, my mom tried offering a fair bit of money (for the time for a toddler, so probably like $20 or $100) to try to get me to eat meat and I still refused. Taste, texture, smell or presentation was icky so nty. Weird people pay extra for it.

      • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
        27 days ago

        Not sure what you mean, so gonna just shotgun approach my response and maybe one of the things are somehow relevant.

        By “toddler”, I meant like sometime between infant and kindergarten. Idk the actual age.

        I was young enough to not remember, so I just don’t know what it was. Just that it was a lot.

        I was a stubborn eater. My mom also tried other things like not letting me other things until I tried something new. But found my tolerance for starving myself was more than their tolerance for me staving. I lost some absurd about of weight (like 10lbs per week) for a few weeks straight over being a picky eater in 2nd grade (that was not my mom’s doing nor was it intentional).

    • Beaver M
      38 days ago

      Meat always tasted gross to me.

      I grimaced every-time as a kid as I ate chicken nuggets because there were weird bits inside of them.

      But now with vegan nuggets, I don’t find those weird bits anymore.

      07 days ago

      Taste, texture, smell or presentation was icky so nty.

      Side note, but I think that’s a huge part of the disconnect between vegans and meat-eaters. A lot of vegans for whatever reason just never liked meat in the first place, so they think it’s the easiest thing in the world to give it up and are genuinely baffled why people keep eating meat.

      • @naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.comM
        47 days ago

        Nah this is just cope. Vegans come from all walks of life.

        Ease of doing something or degree of missing it doesn’t really tip the moral scales much when compared to the yawning abyss of horror that is farming. Plenty of us loved all the hedonistic pleasures of carnism, just once you realise what you’re doing it’s completely indefensible and change is required.

      • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
        37 days ago

        I drank like a gallon of milk a day before I went vegan and products containing cheese, eggs, or chocolate were a good chunk of my diet. I lost a lot of weight changing diet because there was very little left to eat out of my already very limited diet, so I just didn’t want to eat. Also, I never really considered myself a vegetarian before going vegan… like I didn’t eat meat, but like I also didn’t really eat vegetables for the same reason.

      • @iiGxC@slrpnk.netM
        7 days ago

        No that’s just not true at all. Before I was vegan my favorite food hands down was meat - ribs, steak, ham, brisket, chicken, burgers, etc. I loved it, not to the degree of luffy from one piece (🤓) but my favorite by far. That said, once I realized pleasure is never a good reason to kill someone, I stopped eating animals, and when I learned how fucked other animal ag (dairy, eggs, etc) is I went completely vegan.

        Now when I walk by places cooking dead animals it smells good and then I think about the massive injustice behind it, and there’s just no way I could go back to supporting that no matter how good it tastes. I love stuff like Juicy Marbles, Beyond, and Meati Mushroom steaks tho, cause they’re the best replacements I’ve found.

        Even though animal flesh is one of my favorite flavors I’ve ever tasted I’m still baffled that people continue to eat it when the reality is it’s killing and hurting animals for pleasure, which is insane and not ok at all.