• v_krishna
    72 months ago

    Where do you live that middle schools have cops and carry guns? My kids attend the utmost progressive hellscape that is Berkeley Unified School District and I feel like any cops at all in middle school or lower would be protested harder by the parents than the students.

      • @ouRKaoS
        32 months ago

        Yep. All the middle schools in my city here have an officer assigned to them as a full-time position. The high schools get patrol officers to work there part time.

      • v_krishna
        22 months ago

        Ah OK, I was born in Dayton, grew up in Kalamazoo, so that rings true to me. Best of luck to you in any case (as a multiracial weirdo I noped the fuck out of the Midwest long ago, but still have a sweet spot in my heart for Lake Michigan coast in the summer, skidding down sand dunes that make a weird squeaking sound)

            • Flying Squid
              12 months ago

              Aside from crime being too high, Indy isn’t all that bad. It’s got some good stuff going for it, especially things like the Vonnegut Library and Newfields, but there are way too many minuses in Terre Haute over the pluses and I would not live here if I had the choice.