Since you have time to ponder philosophical ideals, why not come up with a new system that does what you describe and prevents, if not mitigate, tribal mentality? Bear in mind you’ve only been describing wealth distribution. You still have to decide if you want this system you come up with to exist under a variation of Democracy, a monarch, an oligarch, or something completely new that won’t cripple your newly designed system of wealth distribution. Then you need to decide which “tribe” gets to run it without upsetting the other “tribes” . And here we are again getting the red tribe and the blue tribe to come to their senses and agree to something that doesn’t screw the rest of us.
Since you have time to ponder philosophical ideals, why not come up with a new system that does what you describe and prevents, if not mitigate, tribal mentality? Bear in mind you’ve only been describing wealth distribution. You still have to decide if you want this system you come up with to exist under a variation of Democracy, a monarch, an oligarch, or something completely new that won’t cripple your newly designed system of wealth distribution. Then you need to decide which “tribe” gets to run it without upsetting the other “tribes” . And here we are again getting the red tribe and the blue tribe to come to their senses and agree to something that doesn’t screw the rest of us.