Not much wave action tonight but was lurvly out there tonight.
Here’s a cloud instead.
Feeling sad as… I wish I had the space and physical ability to be making a big garden and building shit
I would have dragged those free pallets I saw home and built Melbcat a palace
My dinner was outstanding
sky pretty
It looks incredible
I need to find some wood to create a shelter for the cats so they can get dinner.
Kennels come up pretty often on gumtree/marketplace freebies. Even just a sheet of something like ply or corrugated against a fence as a lean-to is better than nothing.
Good idea. There should be something in the shed I can use.
Cheers :)
Any free pallets being given away locally?
Even a bare bones rectangular frame or lean to with a corrugated plastic sheet on top could work
Edit: Depending on budget and space there are also covered chicken coops that can have the doors left open. I had been looking at them to use as a catio
For portable options there’s a pvc pipe frame and a tarp
My skylight is highly tympanic
Thankyou for teaching me a new word
Now that the temp has dropped, I think every dog in Thornbury is out pounding the pavement with their owners. And the sky is rapidly blackening. Rain, please rain.
It’s decided to rain where I am with some thunder strikes. Doesn’t sound too heavy though.
Cool change seems to have arrived early here in Fitz. 22degrees and as long as the sun stays hidden I’ll be happy.
Apparently the gods of weather hate me as I’m in gym gear and it’s starting to spit
Is anyone else’s Fluffball having a hard time with the weather?
the giant fluffiness that is Ted is sleeping and lying around more than usual
Ah OK. I was worried about Gibson (I’m taking her to the vet for a check up tomorrow anyway), but she has been very lethargic.
Mine was lying in her bed in a sunbeam but has now moved near the cooling. Hopefully Gibson just temporarily melted
Development out the back. They built a fence (a few of them) Looks like good work and this doesn’t really impact me as it’s the neighbours’ place but…
Far right post. Neighbours’ fence is falling over and the blokes that built the new one for the development put the last post at the angle of the fence that’s in the middle of collapse. lol.
Lol 😂 our side fence is on such a lean that when the neighbours got a side gate put across the end of the driveway they had a triangle shaped piece put against the fence 😆
Keeps the rabbits out
Anything to avoid doing a little extra work lol
Kind of surprising how often I reach for my phone to check on reddit when I’ve got a spare moment. I deleted the shortcuts so I’m not following through with the habit, but dam is the urge still there to go waste time. Only been a week so far but I feel it’s had more of an impact than quitting booze or weed.
Booze and weed are just plants and chemicals. Social media had been designed to get you addicted
It’s so hard especially when rl is boring or not going well. Just be persistent and gentle on yourself because social media is hard to cut down on or quit
The zucchini don’t look in good shape. One or two plants might be almost dead, another is trying to rally with male flowers but they might be on their way out.
The pumpkins are really responding to being given liquid fertiliser more frequently so I’ll have to keep that up. They’re getting hit by powdery mildew and whiteflies though so I’ll spray and have ordered sticky traps. I might try the homemade ones while those arrive.
I think I hurt my back lifting a full watering can weirdly :(
I have gymed, in THIS. Kill me
That’s impressive. Good work!
I drank a beer, in THIS. Kiss me
If that didn’t kill you, nothing will
I walked to the corner and back (4 houses down) and that was enough for me