FTA: "While this is a win on paper, it’s unlikely that the publishers will get paid by the LibGen operators, who remain anonymous. "
TL;DR $7 for basic, $10 for Plus
Yet, they will.
Collective punishment is a war crime. Rise up against your oppressor, fellow kids. Skibidi.
I was really hoping this was photoshop. It is not. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/tishomingo-public-schools-respond-to-viral-image-of-six-students-displaying-racial-slur/ar-AA1qRmlj
Wait til people hear that GE, Phillips, and others literally created a cartel to sabotage light bulb lifespan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel
Certainly not a pump and dump…nope…nope…no way
She couldn’t be bothered to go to – or even send staffers to – Michigan. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/michigan-hillary-clinton-trump-232547 Then repeat basically the same laziness with Pennsylvania and Wisoconson https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/trumps-road-to-victory/507203/ because she assumed the Rust Belt would just vote for her.
She demonstrably phoned it in.
And most of the remaining 23% give their money to their own charities so they can use it to influence policy, educational institutions, and medicine to further enrich themselves.
I mean, he understands that most coins are pump and dump schemes, and he understands that he wants to do one.
Next we’ll be shocked to hear Temu uses Uyghur slave labor 😐
“Without incident” is a funny way to phrase mass arrests of peaceful protestors and journalists…
That’s what I say. So far, nobody around me has adopted it 🦆
On average, indoor cats live twice as long as outdoor cats. Keep them inside, or yes, in your catio.
Yup. Too hard to monetize trees that you don’t cut down.
Source: https://mas.to/@advisorybriefs/112735213422695422