if you are paying for any streaming service that has advert breaks, you are the reason there are commercials. imagine if subscribers walked away when they were introduced!
if you are paying for any streaming service that has advert breaks, you are the reason there are commercials. imagine if subscribers walked away when they were introduced!
check the waste pipes carrying water away from the machine because there’s a blockage somewhere.
i read the list of injuries and wondered how many of the victims were wearing seatbelts !
dammit i said the same thing independently, but you were first by 12 hours. hats off to you, sir !
it was only 15cm long. that’s at best a Master Dagger, not a master sword! still too long to be legal to carry out in public though.
there’s no victory here - in the article it states that at least one still law requirse floppy disks must continue to be used.
you can tell how “working class” the potential election winners are by the fact the probable PM has a knighthood.
Ah, but which brand of washing machine, that’s what we’re all about here in this thread!