Same, I loved building my own PC but I also have a Mac mini because Macs just ✨fucking work✨ always
Same, I loved building my own PC but I also have a Mac mini because Macs just ✨fucking work✨ always
This but non-sarcastically. I have a Mac mini and I don’t think I’ve ever touched the power button (except after plugging in of course, but then you’re already fiddling)
That cilinder Mac Pro was a fever dream but I still love the design
This was exactly the problem in my last environment. I was the second dev and two more were onboarded after me, but everyone had issues replicating the original dev’s local environment in order to deploy.
First thing I did was set up a basic gitops pipeline. Worked like a charm.
In addition to this I like YAGNI: you ain’t gonna need it
Don’t implement features you don’t need because you think it might/could/should be useful in the future. YAGNI
They’ll call it a “fair use policy” and the exact limits are secret
deleted by creator
brother I don’t think you read the post at all
Wow the cartoonist really destroyed their opponent in this imaginary scenario!
Also why tf does the boy have demonic eyes
This really should be the unofficial name of places like lemmy and reddit
Java js
That’s an unfortunate typo
Het eigen risico wel verlagen maar daarmee wachten tot vlak voor de volgende verkiezingen is de meeste doorzichtige move die ik ooit heb gezien
You’re either 11 years old, trolling or highly regarded (or all of the above)
Honestly, I think it’s more that people take this info from movies and just run with it than malicious (Russian) misinformation bots (although they don’t mind giving this an extra push I imagine).
There’s a lot of people who seem to have a knee-jerk reaction to this “that’s a war crime!!1!”, but it really is not. Incendiary weapons (like thermite, white phosphorus and napalm) are not illegal to use against legitimate military targets, including enemy combatants. It’s only a war crime when it’s used indiscriminately against civilians or in civilian areas.
Lot of misinformation out there on this it seems.
This doesn’t mean anything. It’s an LLM and it will only give you a valid sounding answer regardless of the truth. “Yes” sounds valid and is probably the one with the most occurrences in the training data.
Stop posting shit like this.
That’s not true. Apple does not have a master key for iPhones. IIRC the FBI wanted Apple to help by providing custom firmware that allowed them to do unlimited attempts on the passcode.
We kregen in het politiebusje een melding over een vrouw die rond middernacht blootsvoets in pyjama op de weg liep. We reden ernaartoe en konden haar overreden in te stappen om haar terug te brengen naar de ggz-kliniek.
Kon er echt geen beter woord bedacht worden dan “overreden” in deze context? M’n brakke after-Lowlands hoofd was nogal in de war of ze nou een overreden vrouw voor de ggz kliniek hadden neergelegd.
Don’t write code, why do you need a computer to do your math? Just do it on paper ffs.
or what