I have never played this game online and nobody I know irl would play this so yeah count me in lol
3D artist
I have never played this game online and nobody I know irl would play this so yeah count me in lol
The game has become too micro intensive for me, I dont want to have to say to every truck its orders, I dont want to put a city and then forget I didnt leave room for trash cans that have the smallest range posible, so I need hundreds of them, although maybe im doing something wrong, I liked the other distribution systems, my public transport has to improve too. I only use buses for everything, and walkable cities, no cars tho
Do you wanna talk about why you think that? Letting people down is fine we all do it, but you should not feel like that as a response. I will be around reading your comments if you need anything tell me.
Words I would never even halucinate about. I never realized veganism was so anti status quo
I want to punch all these horrible therapists so bad.
Ive been looking for an invitation to CGpeers for years, still no luck :(
Rayman legends is great for coop.
Im having trouble with who I am and who I want to be, yet the person that I want to be is an imposible perfect person made up by the imposible expectations of my narcisict parents who ignore the reality of being alive today and the cost of everything.
I have to learn to forgive myself as my parents made me feel guilty for not being able to fix their lives. They wanted me to be their conselor, their financial advisor, their house cleaner etc.
Undestand internally that everything he tells you is a proyection of him onto you, never believe it.
I run away from home at 18 from my abusive mother, I hope you can be safe and explore what options you have to reduce the abuse.
I will try it myself yeah, but convincing my friends is gonna be hard.
We only have Discord for voip, chat room and screen share, we dont know or use any other thing, and I guess my friends dont care that much about changing to something new. Is it that bad? And Im saying this by only using the program to talk to my close friend group of 5, never bothered with anything else so Im sure Im blind to the problems.
I have a small friend group and we have our own discord server to play games with each other, what alternatives do we have? I wasnt aware of discord being so bad.
I want to learn mandarin, any tips to start? Any app that uses this method?
Nothing in nature has any intrinsic value, that doesnt mean you cant create one for yourself
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Thanks, I will check them out, but I think Im gonna stay away from the games with gambling mechanics.
Im tired of all western AAA movie cinematic and no gameplay “games” do chinese games do the same? Any good ones to recommend?
Hey make sure you go to game rules and add pop consolidarion to agresive, game will go faster
This is something I dont really get, if I incorporate these states my average literacy goes down and lose prestige and tech, is it really worth it?
Linux mint? Idk never tried it but i heard its similar, im also wanring to start this journey of changing from win to linux