So you assume the spreader would be able to deform the frame and door seam regardleas of the strength of the door pannels? Not exactly the answer i was looking for bc id still like to see it in action. The tesla truck was presented as indestructable which seemed foolish from the start. (lacking crumple zones, and the material choice) it was being critized from the start, idk how it passed saftey standards.
Tldr:Just googled it and this came up. wasnt sure if it was illegal (its not). in the EU theres a guy named Alexander Hanff who very much thinks it should be and I agree.
They are monitoring traffic and scripts and storing information about the user without consent. In other words spyware. And from what you said “many adblockers arent even add ons” isnt that worse? The Pihole for example being detected and a corp like google storing that your ip has one. Makes me very uncomfortable.
please no replies with “youtube is providing a serivice that needs to be paid for, ads are a nessecarry blah blah blah.” It doesnt justify spyware.