I mean, as a Burger, I had someone from Sarajevo basically tell me she hates all Americans and especially anyone who was ever in the US military. I wasn’t fully aware of US/western intervention and influence in the Balkans back then, so I didn’t understand the resentment. I asked her and she told me about growing up seeing her country destroyed. All you can really say to something like that is “Oh… I understand then.”
We actually became friends after that. She was a bio student like me at the time and knew a lot of interesting stuff from the Soviet times. I would ask her to tell me more about her country, and she would ask me about…guns. Valuable cultural exchange?
I appreciate the incredibly pedant hair-splitting over the difference between a suffix and a word, but my point was this suffix is real and shouldn’t be underlined as if it’s misspelled.
Thus, Tim Apple must still stand trial for his crime.