Kelsy Brainard, 18, a student of the $70,000-per-year Roman Catholic institution in Worcester, Massachusetts
Now it makes sense, they’re rich kids looking for an excuse to beat someone up
deleted by creator
Rich girl scolds US troop while he gets beaten on camera.
brainnerd lmao
I want to know how they pronounce “Worcester”.
you know it’s some shit like Wooou-stah.
a 22 year old was beaten up for dating an 18 year old
they were a us troop
This is just plain liberalism of not having any actual convictions and not knowing why age gaps are actually bad in the “adulthood” beyond the reflexive and visceral “hurr pedo bad you’re literally Jimmy Saville if you’re 19 hanging out with 18”
fr a 22 year old is still just a fuckin kid. I’m 40 this year and I would never ever consider dating a 22 year old. 30 maybe, but like how can you have anything in common with someone 20 years younger than you power dynamics aside. All that said 22 and 18 is a lot better than the relationships a lot of my girl friends as a teenager got into.
Edit: okay it was a troop fuck him he deserved the beating even if it was for the wrong reasons.
but like how can you have anything in common with someone 20 years younger than you power dynamics aside
20 is a lot but people with severe social disability or medical problems can easily lose a decade of life. I wouldn’t try to date them but if i could manage to give college another shot i’d have more in common with those kids than i do with the people my age who have degrees and careers, housing, kids etc.
I’ve seen it work, people do fall in love with people very different from them.
But I do think literally everything else needs to look ok, and regardless “still in undergrad” should be a giant red flag.
still in undergrad" should be a giant red flag.
If you’re more than a few years out of undergrad, that is. My personal line where I’ll start critiquing friends actions is that. My own is way, way closer to my own age (old)
Oh okay. Thought you were shitting on people for entering/graduating late.
Liberals who infantilize women should be called out for their misogyny. Just ridiculous how they treat adult women like they’re still children.
and no one cares about my poor groomed boy
A group of Assumption University students…
well, at least they are living up to the alma mater’s namesake.
the reasons for the beating are obviously wrong, however, upon further reading he was an army soldier… so
College senior hooks up with college freshman? Possibly worthy of teasing by peers.
Meanwhile actual pedophiles flying under the radar:
Meanwhile known pedophiles sitting in congress
Pretty amazing that the USA is both beating up people for dating someone slightly younger and putting them in positions of power.
Power dynamics. Do you disagree?
Seriously though, this is fucking stupid. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I don’t think they were justified in mob beating this US soldier. Stay within your race and birth year is the message we’ll all be getting soon, then? Is anti-age gap really a common thing now among younger people?
I would figure maybe this was caused in part by conservative Catholic anti-sex brainworms and young guys feeling ownership of women their age and jealous that their classmates are dating older guys instead of being their Catholic trad wife. Hook up with a guy a few years older and we’ll lynch his ass? That’s the message.
I feel like we’re splitting hairs here the correct takeaway should be imo that it’s always ok to beat up a US soldier
You’re right, Comrade. I take back what I said.
Their desire to beat a US soldier was justified but their analysis was wrong.
ok nvm i stan them good job
conservative Catholic anti-sex brainworms and young guys feeling ownership of women their age and jealous that their classmates are dating older guys instead of being their Catholic trad wife
This is 1000% it
When I was a young man I thought I was “raised Catholic” because my Catholic parents took me and my siblings to church weekly until we were each 18. But the older I got, the more I realized how fantastic they were at shielding me and my siblings from Catholic brainworms, after seeing what actually happens to the actual “raised Catholic” victims.
Both are being raised catholic, just in different ways. Conservative catholics don’t have a monopoly on the labels of the religion, but it sure seems like it could slide that way in the general public perception :/
Thinking back on it I realize how much they trusted me and my siblings to make our own decisions on religion. They never brought up religion in the home. They just brought us to church (which was definitely more of a social-pressure small-town thing in those days), let us listen, and think about it all ourselves.
They’re just doing what the unions want. Do you disagree?
I would figure maybe this was caused in part by conservative Catholic anti-sex brainworms and young guys feeling ownership of women their age and jealous that their classmates are dating older guys instead of being their Catholic trad wife. Hook up with a guy a few years older and we’ll lynch his ass? That’s the message.
I mean, c’mon here. The people who have been yelling about “age gaps” for the last 4+ years have not been Conservative Catholics & Incels. This is 100% a “cultural-left”, radlib phenomenon.
I disagree a bit. I know of a not-insignificant portion of young misogynistic guys who are angry at women their age for dating older guys instead of them. They were around even when I was the age of the guys in this article and that was a while ago. I always felt like that fed into a lot of guys buying into the Alpha Male discourse that come around later. Probably related to incels too, but not sure which came first.
There is totally a radlib thing about age gap and that’s also stupid, of course, but there’s definitely a reactionary, misogynistic ownership aspect that’s been festering for a long while.
I know of a not-insignificant portion of young misogynistic guys who are angry at women their age for dating older guys instead of them. They were around even when I was the age of the guys in this article and that was a while ago. I always felt like that fed into a lot of guys buying into the Alpha Male discourse that come around later. Probably related to incels too, but not sure which came first.
I do not deny that there are lots of men who get mad about women dating other men, for lots of reasons. My issue here is with the unevidenced assertion (we don’t have the original article here) that this assault specifically is being driven primarily by that specific specie of brainworms. People like to ascribe every bad thing that happens only to their opponents, and never to flaws in their own house.
Further reasoning but CW for sensitive subjects.
If they wanted to get back at women for dating older men, they would’ve just assaulted a woman; rather than picking a fight with a male soldier who, even they would imagine, could presumably fight back.
Well, like the other Comrade said, are we really going to split hairs here? Angry men attending a private Catholic college in Massachusetts allegedly involved in the “anti-pedo” fight and totally misdirecting violence and attack an outside guy coming in to have sex with ‘one of their own’? That’s kinda textbook reactionary shit.
I really don’t think some Starbucks radlibs did this.
Also, for the record, radlibs are my opponents too.
(article was linked below, by the way)
(article was linked below, by the way)
Fair enough, I had not seen that it had been linked in the thread before I started responding to your post, and after having read the article I can now conclude that this is way more insane than what either of us seem to be arguing for.
Apparently this was a coordinated ambush by at least 30 campus students of mixed company (that is to say both men & women), and they were actually students at a private Roman Catholic college. So while I’ll concede that this is probably not a consequence of “Age Gap Discourse”, I also don’t think you can credibly reduce it to “Angry Young Men Venting Misogyny”. This is actually like some kind of insane Youth Q-Anon Brigade.
“Angry Young Men Venting Misogyny”
insane Youth Q-Anon Brigade.
Yeah, I feel you. It is very wild, especially considering that I think there’s not much difference at all between an 18 year old and a 22 year old, but maybe I’m just old. I don’t know the exact reasons for this or whatever, or if this is actual coordinated group or actually spontaneous, but whatever is going on there are reactionary misogynistic brainworms there, in my opinion. Women can participate in upholding that as well.
rather than picking a fight with a male soldier who, even they would imagine, could presumably fight back
you can be the most deadly tier 1 operator to ever live, trained in every martial art known to man, and a ball of pure muscle and freakish dense bones with crazy reach
…and still be dropped by a semi-coordinated group of willowy, gangly attackers (with a plan of attack) that combined might only barely hit your weight class
one of the basest reasons that collective strength always trumps individualism
(not trying to directly attack your point, obviously he would make a very dangerous target, just musing since i’ve seen plenty of street fight videos)
My pal when he was homeless and a heroin addict, while having fairly decently done a shot ended out getting into a fight with an army guy and kinda assumed he was gonna get his ass beat, he ended out winning pretty handily despite being high as a kite and malnourished as hell
lol this is extremely cool and good (fucking up the troop, not shot, although maybe it helped as a sort of terrible cost combat boost!)
also when you have little to lose you can definitely go harder then some overconfident asshole who thinks they are trained to kill by the best
but is really no better then some IDF shitbag.
He was on heroin which is pretty great as a painkiller and thought he was fucked. He went in without any plan of offense and then it turned out the guy was really bad at fighting and missed his doped up ass with a few swings and left himself super open and the advantage was taken and then soldier boy sucked at taking a punch too. He was telling me the story cause it was really funny how easy it was to beat up this soldier (who was also in uniform at a bar and got into a fight with a homeless dope fiend, and then lost) was to beat.
you can be the most deadly tier 1 operator to ever live, trained in every martial art known to man, and a ball of pure muscle and freakish dense bones with crazy reach
…and still be dropped by a semi-coordinated group of willowy, gangly attackers (with a plan of attack) that combined might only barely hit your weight class
I would contest that this is entirely dependent on what the state of weapons & armaments technology of the day is. It’s not as if Knightly Castes have never been an effective paradigm. But either way this dude was jumped by like 30 people, seemingly of both men & women. The personal qualities of whoever is being entrapped is not the most relevant factor in this situation.
You miss that whole pizzagate / q Anon thing or what
You mean the conspiracy theory that
CW Sensitive topics.
“Washington D.C. Lizardmen are trafficking elementary-age minors using a Pizza Restaurant as a front organization”?
Yes, I’m aware of that. It’s also an obviously unrelated form of brainworm to what’s going on here.
Age-gap discourse is only tangentially related to that kind of stuff.
what power dynamics, theyre both in college lol
It’s Hexbear lore.
College aged but I think the guy is a soldier, so very critical support to the Christian weirdos thinking they have a claim on this woman
Power dynamics. Do you disagree?
It’s hilarious because interracial marriage should be absolutely banned under that logic, as would wealth-gap disparity and
heterosexual marriage would be banned too
was the pedophile witch-hunt a secret GAY psyop all along?
I would always say that to my radlib ex that would argue against age gap relationships because there were “power dynamics”—I swear to God, sometimes I truly wonder if she was LiberalSocialist—but she was a conventionally attractive White woman with a good career who made way more money than me, a broke POC with no career. Like, how can people not see the logical conclusion of this?
Yeah this is too much. If he was like 40 or something going after an 18 year old it’d raise my eyebrow but a 4 year difference, 18 and 22? C’mon.
Literally conforms to the divide by two add 7 rule!
Someone I respect told me recently this rule is problematic and shouldn’t be used. Not saying I agree with them but it doesn’t seem to be as universally accepted as I thought.
Very curious why, since it feels very accurate for the 16-26 range (i.e. same 4 year gap is very different from a 19 and 15 year old vs 24 and 20 year old)
Some people do “half your age plus ten”, some do “keep it within ten years difference” or “keep it within five”.
I’d probably go with amount of control one person can have over another. If both people are materially and independently secure (housing, food etc), and neither’s position in life is contingent on the other’s approval (e.g. teacher/student, boss/worker etc), then its probably fine. Or at least, more likely to be fine than a hard and fast age rule. There’s a lot of psychological fuckery that can still go on, but how would one assess that from the outside?
why is always when some shit like this gets posted i see a bunch of reactionary comments on hexbear like ‘oh well i guess we all have to date someone born the same SECOND as us HUH? I better tell my WIFE I’m a P*DO because there’s two years between us!!’ like come the fuck on
i get it, idpol’s gone wild and the youth are nutso but do you really have to throw out the nuance?? maybe i’m misreading things but it feels like some of yall get really defensive when this topic comes up, and as a result we can never have any valid discussion about this topic without someone throwing some reddit-level bad faith thing at you for saying ‘yes, there is some truth to age-gap discourse’
If you used discord between 2021-2023 it was just a bunch of racist honkeys cutting themselves and calling each other pdf files
It might also still be like that, I wouldn’t know because I don’t talk to honkeys anymore
The fact that one of the biggest things about liberalsocialist that got turned into a meme was the “power dynamics” thing always gave me weird vibes
It got memed because of the way the message was delivered, not because of the message itself
maybe i’m misreading things
No, it’s definitely the vibe
I’m only seeing one set of comments like that, and they’re definitely satirising those redditorisms rather than being reactionary.
you missed this one
and this one
and this one, specifically sooper_dooper_roofer’s comment
and as for what you’ve linked, where you’re reading ‘satirising’ i’m reading ‘taking something to a logical extreme to show how ridiculous it is’, and it’s definitely pointed at this discourse and not at redditorisms
Gonna be real, when I read
i see a bunch of reactionary comments on hexbear like ‘oh well i guess we all have to date someone born the same SECOND as us HUH? I better tell my WIFE I’m a P*DO because there’s two years between us!!’
do you really have to throw out the nuance??
together I don’t expect you to mean any of those comments. Just go reply to them instead of vagueposting.
I guess I see what you mean about the ones I linked, but I’m inclined to give them some benefit of the doubt from being on Hexbear.
A lot of he/him pronouns in this thread 🤔
18 and 22. Both college aged young adults. Such a terrible age gap.
Age gap ‘discourse’ is just cheap moralism. Vapid self-righteousness is like the zoomer internet brainrot equivalent of boomers howling about immigrants
What I mean is, if people want to talk about power dynamics fine, but its straight away talking about something other than age because inequality is not generally a function of age as such. And otherwise, the ‘discourse’ is usually just moralism, ie imposing your own values and fantasies on others
I’m only going to try to date women born +/- two weeks before or after me going forward just to be safe.
If we don’t share a birthday they give me the ick tbh
Twins can only date each other or something I dunno I don’t make the rules
Unironically my partner and i share a birthday lmao
That is one way to not forget your partner’s bday
½ × 22 + 7 = 18
Reddit references?! On my Hexbear?!
this whole thread is a Reddit reference, feels like I stumbled into bizarro hexbear
Feel like I’m having a stroke
and heckin wholesome ones, good sir. seems like t’is I that won the internet today!
that’s what
is for
for fuck’s sake