I mean what are we supposed to do?
I’m working class. I live paycheck to paycheck. I don’t have much charisma. I do my best to raise awareness among my peers, with little success. I voted. I support organizing, but unless the strike happens on a weekend I’ll be looking at homelessness.
I’m thinking of just going blackout on media, because the constant barrage of the encroaching fascism has wreaked my mental health. I know where this is all heading, and I feel powerless to stop it. I’m a victim of the whims of history. Does that play into the fascist hands? Absolutely. What the fuck else am I supposed to do? Throw my life away in a suicidal attempt at positive change that has a incredibly small chance of success? I need to have a few less things to lose before I’m at that point.
I see people all over social media asking, why aren’t you doing anything? Where’s our next Luigi? Acting like their provocative online discourse makes them into some revolutionary badass. Well… what the fuck are you doing?
TNG and DS9 are the only two series that I really know well enough to make these recommendations for.
I would highly recommend watching TNG before DS9, even if she likes DS9 better. TNG and DS9 work best as companion shows, with TNG building up a lot of DS9 plot-lines in its latter seasons. I would also highly recommend against starting with any episodes involving Q or the Borg, or any of the series “highlights”. Let those plots build, and you don’t want to spoil some of the best episodes in a sampler. My go-to TNG introduction picks are:
-Cause and Effect
-Measure of a Man
DS9 can be harder to pick introductory episodes for. Its more serialized nature means that a lot of later episodes have a lot of spoilers. I would highly recommend against picking any episodes that highly involve the Dominion or the Dominion War, let that plot build itself up. That does however, leave us with a lot fewer options. My DS9 introduction picks are:
-Past Tense
-Bar Association