Recently read A Fire Upon the Deep were half the story takes place on a planet with dog like group mind beings whose names are the combination of every member and if members die and they get a new member the name changes to include the new member, but they also use nicknames for the group beings whenever they feel like it. This person would have a great time with that book. Also book was eh but fun.
Recently read A Fire Upon the Deep were half the story takes place on a planet with dog like group mind beings whose names are the combination of every member and if members die and they get a new member the name changes to include the new member, but they also use nicknames for the group beings whenever they feel like it. This person would have a great time with that book. Also book was eh but fun.
also there were intelligent flowers that zoomed around in little gokarts and waved their leaves to talk
maybe the first book to envision racist shitposting leading to genocide
Oh yea they were fun to picture in my head. And yea the intergalactic genocidal shit posts were really something to enjoy reading in 2024.
Also racist butterfly people.
Also I just learned the author just died a month ago. Think he was some kind of AnCap, but was pretty good at writing weird SciFi tho.