So when it comes to politics/news/war i try to burry my head as deep in sand as i can because there is nothing i can do and i guess i just wanna avoid . So can someone explain to me all about it without any bias or give me any links/articles which does that ? I know this has been going on for a long time but i only need the important things and need it all to be readable under an hour.

The reason i am asking now is i now have come to terms after the immolition of aaron bushnell that i can no longer burry my head in the sand and hope for it to go away . also there is some protests going on and i would like to join but i don’t wanna join in something i don’t understand and would like to make my own views. I visited reddit and they are shitting on aaron and calling him mentally unstable which makes me want to punch them but they make a point he left his daughters behind while i can see the merit in that point one could also argue he is trying to make the world better for them according to his belief anyway the christians are arguing about his soul in there and it makes me wanna vomit so not gonna take anything from that shithole seriously.

I would also like to lbow why usa and russia .etc stand where they stand and they have to gain from it ? Also as i said i would like unbiased as it gets answers and make my own view . Thanks in advance.

PS: spelling as i have typed this in a hurry EDIT :Don’t downvote it to hell if you can’t be bothered to answer let someone else do it.

  • Rhynoplaz
    154 months ago

    Here’s my “I don’t have a side, and this what I’ve learned.” take:

    The only “good guys” in this war, are the civilians getting killed.

    The Hamas is a terrorist group that has essentially taken over the “Palestinian area” and they are blowing up Israel.

    Israel doesn’t like that, (which they shouldn’t,) so to eliminate the Hamas they have been bombing schools and hospitals and shooting randomly into large crowds, (which they shouldn’t.)

    Everybody wants the other people to stop killing their people, so they kill the other people, which causes the other people to kill more of the first people, and so on.

    Many people who are not involved in the killing feel more of an attachment to one side than the other, so they would rather see that side succeed, and more times than not, they justify “their team’s” atrocities.

    War. War never changes.

      44 months ago

      And why does the global super powers care ? And thanks.

      • Rhynoplaz
        64 months ago

        Because money.

        The super powers have trade agreements and alliances with these countries, and each other.

        They could lose a lot of money, or other forms of support if they piss off an ally or an ally of an ally.

        4 months ago

        The US cares because Israel has been a long term dependable ally in a key region where it has few. Other Middle East allies are basically dictatorships where the alliance could easily be lost if there was regime change (see: Mali and some other African countries recently). In contrast all of Israeli society has had a positive opinion of the US for a long time which insulates the US against the risk of a change in government. Israel also has historically had a very well organized and powerful military even without US aid so they are much more useful than somewhere like Afghanistan where the military had essentially no substance beyond the support the US gave.

        The Middle East is a key geopolitical region where the US wants to have military bases and allies because it produces much of the world’s oil and the US uses an insane quantity of oil. Other powerful nations like Russia also want influence there for similar reasons. In addition, they see this conflict as a way to damage US reputation in the region. US support for Israel has been extremely unpopular in the region for many decades and I predict the reputational damage from this incident will be huge.

        That’s the basics of the geopolitics going on here but I also want to say that Israel is waging a genocidal campaign that has killed over ten thousand children and that needs to stop immediately. These other issues are secondary to that.

        • @THE_MORTALOP
          14 months ago

          Yeah i agree with the last sentence you said

    54 months ago

    First you must recognize that your title already contains implicit bias, as Israel’s position is that it is a war against Hamas, while others would prefer to frame it as a war against Palestine. Both are true in a sense, but the choice of which is used is a bias. There is no “unbiased” source for these things, just multiple perspectives and agendas.

      54 months ago

      Maybe my title is and i am sorry for that as i said i have been burying my head under sand

      -74 months ago

      Is he biased in anyway ? I would’ve prefered reading material but thanks.

        4 months ago

        I mean… literally everyone is biased in some way so I would be dishonest if I said that he lacks any and all biases, right? But he did present multiple POVs surrounding the issue, which is about the best that could ever be hoped for, practically speaking. Ofc it’s less than 15 minutes long and has jokes mixed in along with the information so the information density is even less than that… so there’s only so much detail that he is going to be able to cover there.

        Off the top of my head, I would think that his chif bias would be away from violence - most of us in the Western world would share that, but it is a bias nonetheless, that not everyone today and certainly not everyone in the past and future will share.

        In most ways I consider one of the least biased “journalists” still active today (that word should probably have a pseudo- in front of it, b/c he’s more of an aggregator and deliverer than a finder-outer, but still, him + his team have done quite well in the past). He was already retired, having stepped back into the fray only temporarily during this next USA Presidential election season for his own fun and b/c I think he genuinely cares about people and realizes how lost most of us feel right now, so he is offering and we (his audience) are glad to accept. So unlike most media personalities, he doesn’t give a crap about building up his “fame” or having to toe the corporate line - I imagine that if he says something that “they” don’t like, he will just walk away, and it will be their loss far more than his for him to do so. :-P That said, he still would like his videos to be aired, and there is just common decency and politeness too, so he probably toes the line a little bit, i.e. he still has biases it is just that they are greatly reduced compared to most in his line of work.

        Edit: I am just going to add this little gem here too:

        “The bias of the mainstream media is toward sensationalism, conflict, and laziness.”

        ― Jon Stewart (quote)

        4 months ago

        Everyone is biased but I think his coverage is reasonable and factual. If you are unfamiliar with John Stewart I think his biases tend to be American center left, but prone to calling out and mocking all sides of a conflict. But I also get the sense that his coverage is motivated by a very strong personal sense of morality that guides his viewpoints. He doesn’t hit you over the head with it but it’s present beneath the surface.

    44 months ago

    Huge backstory, what do you know about the history of Israel so far? If nothing, maybe star with some basic wikipedia searches? You can’t get to an unbiased view without studying the history.

      4 months ago

      How big is it ? As i said it is time sensitive. Thanks tho

    14 months ago

    Unfortunately this isn’t a simple situation. I will definitively say though that suicide, especially like that should never be glorified. On the other hand, he shouldn’t just be denigrated and unfortunately I’ve seen plenty of both. In my opinion, he was already not mentally healthy and recent events have pushed him over the edge. It is also possible that there were other unrelated things happening in his life that affected things too.

    As for the “good” or “bad” guys, it isn’t that simple. There are a ton of good and bad actors throughout the conflict. IMO a good place for crowd sourcing reading material is r/israelpalistine Between all the garbage, there are actually a decent amount of references to proper sources. I know that Benny Morris is considered pretty authoritative about the history of the conflict.

    In addition, there is a ton of bias and straight up made up stuff that can be very hard to pick through. Besides the parties directly involved, there are also a ton of others trying to leverage this to their own goals. EG. Iran vs Saudi Arabia, US vs Russia, etc.

    Personally for this specific war, I don’t see how after Hamas demonstrated that they’re a credible threat with the October 7th massacre and promised to repeat it, Israel could have continued letting them run Gaza. I hope and advocate for long term peace, but I just don’t see how that can happen with Hamas involved. TBF I don’t see how that can happen with certain Israeli MPs too, but they can be directly dis-empowered through elections.

      14 months ago

      Thank a lot that kinda answered most of my questions and it was what i have been looking for

    -24 months ago

    Bruh, how many accounts have you made in the last week for trolling, and why are you just copy pasting these posts to all the accounts?

    You’re giving my block button a workout…

      4 months ago

      Oh “bruh” give me some proof “bruh” if someone else accuses me of having another acc i am gonna fucking snap seriously i am gonna go nuts. Like what the fuck is this amongus for fucks sake .aaaaah. let me make it more clear I DON’T HAVE ALTS EXCEPT THE ONES LINKED IN BIO

        • @THE_MORTALOP
          -44 months ago

          What tge fruck i am having a mental breakdown . This place is worse than reddit for fucks sake i don’t have alt like what in tge fucking world gives you that idea ?