As always this community is run for its users and your complaints will not be falling on deaf ears so you now don’t have to mark foss or non foss or anything just be civil . Also if you have any feedback do tell and it will be taken inti consideratiom. Also please don’t ask to make this foss only community because i won’t and major part of the user base does’nt like it and thinking back it was a bad idea overall sorry.

  • Otter
    154 months ago

    Appreciate listening to feedback and trying to make the community better :)

    154 months ago

    Thanks for listening to the feedback and acting accordingly. That’s a very fediversian mentality and it shows that you have the spirit of this world in mind. 🙏🏼

    54 months ago

    Thank you for listening to the community, especially when the will of the community might not exactly align with your own wishes. Those are definitely difficult situations.

    Would it be possible to restore the poll thread and the poll discussion thread? I think it would be a good demonstration of open and transparent moderation, and likely boost people’s confidence in your leadership.

      14 months ago

      But it is stupid to have 2 posts in my history saying “deleted forever loser” .

      74 months ago

      Its much easier and doing that makes us look unwelcoming to everyone and that format was kinda fugly