Edit: new and improved image, now with 100% less support! Used my expert photo editing skills to change “supporting” to say “voting for”

  • MacN'Cheezus
    8 months ago

    At least half of these are just made up nonsense straight from those bogus headlines I was talking about.

    The other half are exaggerated and blown out of proportion to make them seem worse than what actually happened.

    Because of Trump’s piss-poor handling of Covid and four years of corporate welfare

    I’ve seen this argument from another poster as well but it still doesn’t make any sense to me.

    If Trump’s corporate welfare was responsible for keeping prices low while he was in office, and Biden ending it caused them to raise prices to make profit another way, then wasn’t it actually good for the ordinary customer? How exactly does Biden sticking it to them help you if you end up paying for it every day at the checkout register? Sounds like sticking a knife in your own flesh to own the rich.

    Because the orange man and his supporters are still threatening our democracy daily

    By living rent free in your head, mostly.