The American liberal, faced with this reality, tends to concede that truth is in fact drowned out by a relentless tide of spin and propaganda. Their next move is always predictable, however. It’s another lesson dutifully drilled into them in their youth: “At least we can dissent, however unpopular and ineffectual!” The reality, of course, is that such dissent is tolerated to the extent that it is unpopular.
Big-shot TV host Phil Donahue demonstrated that challenging imperial marching orders in the context of the invasion of Iraq was career suicide, when a leaked memo clearly explained he was fired in 2003 because he’d be a “difficult public face for NBC in a time of war.” [5] The fate of journalists unprotected by such wealth or celebrity is darker and sadder. Ramsey Orta, whose footage of Eric Garner pleading “I can’t breathe!” to NYPD cops choking him to death went viral, was rewarded for his impactful citizen journalism by having his family targeted by the cops, fast-tracked to prison for unrelated crimes, and fed rat poison while in there. [6] The only casualty of the spectacular “Panama Papers” leak was Daphne Caruana Galizia, the journalist who led the investigation, who was assassinated with a car-bomb near her home in Malta. [7] Then there’s the well-publicized cases of Assange, Snowden, Manning, etc. That said, I tend think to such lists are somewhat unnecessary since, ultimately, most honest people confess that they self-censor on social media for fear of consequences. (Do you?)
In other words, the status quo in the West is basically as follows: you can say whatever you want, so long as it doesn’t actually have any effect.
so in amerikkka protesting is de facto illegal, since people get black bagged, the FBI probing them, and it’s legal to run over protestors with land yachts in some states
so in amerikkka protesting is de facto illegal
I fucking hate liberals so much.
At least chuds are honest and say they hate me and want to kill me.
Libs want the same thing but they lecture me about why I owe them an apology and a thank you while they’re doing it.
At this point it genuinely feels like the democrats are worse than the republicans. At least the republicans just blame it on the evil leftist democrats
I had a Liberal I know laugh when they heard Gonzalo Lira got tortured to death by Nazis in Ukraine, saying he deserved it for being a “Russia shill”.
These Liberals will also call the 77% of Democrats who support a ceasefire Russian shills. I wonder where this leads…
“We hate life and ourselves!” really holding true
the velvet gloves of the iron fist are wearing pretty thin on both hands
How much of this is just fucking with the lives of decent people for speaking out, and how much of it is honestly believing in their own bullshit?
hot take but I’d say its %90 believing their own bullshit. I think about everyone Ive met over 60 in America and how their brain has little swiss cheese holes in it, I dont think Nancy is so different.
“Ha ha today I think I’ll spread disinfo about Russian meddling to advance my political agenda”
time passes
“Holy shit I heard Russia is meddling in our politics!”
I don’t even think they were intentionally spreading the disinfo, plenty of them genuinely believed that Russia significantly altered the 2016 election results in some capacity, ignoring the litany of evidence otherwise
Oh no, they purged some names from some ballots for primary voting iirc
Oh no, they put out some misleading tweets that were drops in an ocean
But some libs treat those things like they were on the level of a militarized coup
Yea for rank and file libs and libs on Twitter for sure, I meant like pelosi and other higher up ghouls who I assume are more likely to know better. Mostly just having a go at her for being yet another geriatric life appointment ghoul tho lol
dont think Nancy is so different.
Oh for sure
Man, they are just gonna keep humping on RuSsIaGaTe for as long as they can keep it up, aren’t they?
I mean it worked on the libs, there’s no reason to stop employing a successful strategy
True, just disheartening as a motherfucker to watch. Almost faith-eroding with how some of the locals I know still act about her, like there’s smth there to salvage.
Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but calling 80% of democrat voters Russian shills could be a bridge too far. I don’t think normie libs will buy it.
I really want a leak to reveal that the Kremlin was behind the liberal side of Russiagate as well as the conservative side lol. I don’t know why they haven’t thrown a million dollars in chump change at various democratic organizations just to muddy the waters
Honestly, I’m cynical enough at this point to believe the only reason the DNC threw a fit in the first place was a soft extortionary attempt.
The DNC is really mad because they got low-balled lol
That would make some sense. They barely care about winning elections anyway, just look at their campaign tactics, and how they love to dangle the threat of Republican governance as one such strategy
Maybe they objected to the price point lol
This is bad obviously because some random peace kid is gonna go their life fucked
However, this also means that (probably) the protests are putting a shitload of pressure on these Nazi ghouls to drop Zionism. If it wasn’t working, if it was easily ignored or whatever, they wouldn’t even acknowledge the protests. As they’ve done for almost 4 months now.
Gotta pump those protest numbers. Time to look into the next DC mass protest.
In Communist China, you are investigated, detained, and put on trial for your lack of support for North Korea.
Stop. Hammer time.
We need to start bringing those big inflatable hammers to protests outside her house
Maybe one of those carnival games where you see how hard you can hit the target with a mallet. All day, all night, the ding as each protestor shows how good they are at using a hammer.
I almost feel bad for her husband then I remember the guy is benefiting from her shit too.
Also he’s a hedge fund manager using her info to make billions of dollars while married to somebody who would absolutely drug test people on food stamps given the chance.
real opposition doesn’t exist, all opposition are paid shills. I have been a Russian/Chinese bot since 2016.
deleted by creator
*brain spontaneously reboots*
Americans aren’t bloodthirsty enough, some of them are swayed by the asiatic horde of Russia to do peace.
I want a little adventurism…as a treat
Everyone wants adventurers yet nobody forms a
I guess its…
Americans don’t have the determination needed to
, they all want instant gratification. They can’t go through the montage of putting together
so they just do a mass shooting against a soft target instead
Wait a minute, gonna call a commission quest for wiping out Nancy Pelosi… in Genshin Impact…
I’ll let Katheryne know…
im pretty sure all those hitman sites on the dark web are fake so dont do it
Sorry I was supposed to be joking, here, I’ll edit it to hell…
Thinking how many chuds have gotten nabbed trying to do exactly that
scared myself awake, i thought she was seeking a probe into “posting calling for a cease-fire”
I don’t think that’s far off.