Like most other people here, I originally came here from reddit. Ive been having a blast so far, and I much prefer the forum-style of this. After about a week of using Lemmy I realized there was something intrinsic to reddit that Lemmy doesnt have. And I wont miss it. Too many people on reddit were way too horny. I was really annoying, but Lemmy seems way more chill. Plus its refreshing knowing that the people on here arent all bots.

    1 year ago

    I enjoy that both are welcome here honestly.

    You can have the one liners and you can have the thought out paragraphs. What I would say differentiates it more is how honest it is. People aren’t writing massive walls of texts as a forced rant nor is there that driving memes deep into their grave… yet still posting them again and again.

    It’s okay to be silly and it’s okay to have discussions.

    What I think we’re feeling is how relaxed lemmy is in comparison. You don’t have to know the in-jokes and the coded vocabulary in order to participate. In order to be heard.

      1 year ago

      Honestly yeah, that’s a much more accurate and eloquent way of describing how I felt. Thank you.

      I suppose it’s just… Nice to see actual conversation. If someone is trying to be funny, they’re actually trying, not pulling on some dead horse one liner.

      I feel like that has meaning. Genuine meaning. It’s something I didn’t feel with the endless barrage of Reddit.