The Youtuber Perun has a bunch of videos about politics/corruption and the Russian military, and he refers to words in the Russian language. I was wondering to what extent he uses them correctly, and also am curious about origin/etymology and cultural background.

Here’s his definition of ‘Vranyo’: “It’s a pattern of lying that is usually expressed in a scenario wherein you know that I’m bullshitting, I know that you know that I’m bullshitting, but I’m going to go ahead with it anyway and deliver it with a straight face…” at 4:41 in this video

And for ‘Ochkovtiratelstvo’: "That is yet another Russian word for lying, usually used when you’re lying to make something sound a lot better than it is, often yourself. " at 1:07:05 in this video.

Any insight from Russians or Russian speakers would be appreciated.

  • Allero
    4 months ago

    Vranyo (Russian: враньё) is a regular informal word for lying - the more formal is lozh (ложь)

    Ochkovtiratel’stvo (Russian: очковтирательство) is one of the swear words on the lighter end, and quite uncommon at that, mostly applied to when a person is blatantly and stubbornly lying in an argument. Probably the most common swear word for lying is pizdyozh (пиздёж).