I have and that’s why it frustrates me, because it’s functionally just partially chewed cheese bread in a triangle.
Your second point actually helps me suss out some of my issue. Yes, stuffing and mashed potato sandwich is just carbs on carbs on carbs, but each of those has their own distinct flavor and texture profile. While I wouldn’t stop at just those, you’re only a slab of ham and some cranberry relish away from my traditional Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich.
Mac and pizza though, I wouldn’t put mac and cheese on bread and call it a sandwich. I think my hangup is the Mac and cheese.
It’s definitely not for everyone, but the only thing stopping me from making a mac and cheese sandwich is shame.
I will say, most of the mac and cheese pizzas I’ve had were more enjoyable(for me) than good and the texture is the reason. To do it well, you basically just need a good thick cheese sauce that coats the noodles well enough to insulate them from getting simultaneously soggy and burnt, but the best sauce for that is not the best sauce for standard mac and cheese
Meanwhile in Sweden: Enter banana
Brazilian lunch pizza
ITT: People expanding Overton’s window
I know society expects me to dislike a macaroni cheese pizza, but that looks absolutely delicious.
This is the one that bothers me more than anything. This is just cheese bread in disguise but uses four times the dishes to create.
I know, I know. But have you had it?
I was the kid who used to make mashed potato and stuffing sandwiches after thanksgiving, if that’s relevant.
I have and that’s why it frustrates me, because it’s functionally just partially chewed cheese bread in a triangle.
Your second point actually helps me suss out some of my issue. Yes, stuffing and mashed potato sandwich is just carbs on carbs on carbs, but each of those has their own distinct flavor and texture profile. While I wouldn’t stop at just those, you’re only a slab of ham and some cranberry relish away from my traditional Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich.
Mac and pizza though, I wouldn’t put mac and cheese on bread and call it a sandwich. I think my hangup is the Mac and cheese.
It’s definitely not for everyone, but the only thing stopping me from making a mac and cheese sandwich is shame.
I will say, most of the mac and cheese pizzas I’ve had were more enjoyable(for me) than good and the texture is the reason. To do it well, you basically just need a good thick cheese sauce that coats the noodles well enough to insulate them from getting simultaneously soggy and burnt, but the best sauce for that is not the best sauce for standard mac and cheese
Fucking delicious.
I completely turned around on these recently. Most also mix in pineapple.
The combo I don’t understand here is the banana+cheese
That combo isn’t the appeal, it’s the curry that gets enhanced by the banana. Those two with tomato sauce and the salty peanuts are great.
Can’t say that i’ve ever tried it without cheese, so i wouldn’t even know if it was worse or not.
The combo of cheese-meat-curry-peanuts-tomato of course works without any fruit added.
I’m weirdly not grossed out by the half-hour l flavor/texture combo, just seems too rich.
Plantain I could go for but dessert banana is a bridge too far. Caramelized plantains actually sounds like an excellent pizza topping.
Oh no…
War crime.
Eww why are the Swedes so weird