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I would remove all the fascist/nazi “socialism” stuff from the chart. It avoids any bad faith actors from using this chart as ammo for horseshoe theory.
Some of these ideologies are created by people who don’t consider themselves to have created a new ideology, just an application of the same theory in a new context. For example, almost everything under the marxism leninism branch is widely considered to just be marxism leninism but in different tjme periods/countries. The only exception would be stuff related to kruschev and “maoism” (not Mao zedong thought, which is different). Juche can be considered a novel branch of marxism leninism, since it was explicitly created to be a variation on the philosophy rather than just a different application.
This is just my personal bias, but it’d be cool if you added egoism to the chart. It is technically a type of socialism which had its own strategies. The creator also influenced marx a bit. I think it fits best as an offshoot to anarchism.
I agree with the criticism of the fascist branch, I think I will keep it but try to make the deviation more clear. As for the “applications of marxism to different regions/material conditions” I am aware of the difference between Maoism and Mao Zedong Thought, in the chart I was referring specifically to the ultra-leftist tendency of Maoism as practiced by the Chinese and other various Red Guard groups in the 60s. I think you have a point in that though so I think I will reorganize that part to include Mao Zedong Thought and connect it to the Socialism With Chinese Characteristics branch as well. As for the reason the chart is organized with “regional variants” of ML, the purpose is so someone reading the chart can say, for example, “hmm I wonder what the ideological roots of Doi Moi are” and then look and see that it’s a syncretism of Ho Chi Minh Thought (Vietnamese application of Marxism-Leninism) and Market Socialism, which is more useful than just saying “it’s just the application of Marxism-Leninism to modern Vietnam’s material conditions” which is reductionist and not very interesting for someone reading the chart. And to your final point, yeah it’s definitely an oversight that Egoism isn’t on there and thanks for reminding me.
Also, I’m astounded that you took the time to write a criticism of the fascist branch of the tree but didn’t mention that I listed neoconservatism as an evolution of Trotskyism lmao
As for the reason the chart is organized with “regional variants” of ML, the purpose is so someone reading the chart can say, for example, “hmm I wonder what the ideological roots of Doi Moi are”
Ah, that makes sense. That’s actually a good idea.
Also, I’m astounded that you took the time to write a criticism of the fascist branch of the tree but didn’t mention that I listed neoconservatism as an evolution of Trotskyism lmao
I am aware of that meme lol. It’s harmless, since that connection is obscure and memey, so it can’t be used as ammunition.
I mean, if you’re going to include made up ideologies like Pantherism and Castroism, you might as well include “Stalinism” as a subcurrent of Marxism-Leninism. I think the infographic is a bit confused between historical factions and ideologies.
I originally intended that the Stalinist current would be represented by the Anti-Revisionist branch, but I can see how that would be unclear
Should be “Too many splits to count” after Trotskyism.
the real secret that Trots don’t want us to realize: all of the splinter groups actually just believe the same thing
Except for Posadas lol
That can actually be real, posadists were afaik the only trots that did a real good praxis: they joined the Cuban revolution. And so they were cast out.
Viva comrade Posadas ‼️ ‼️ 🗣️🔥🔥 ☢️ ☢️
Personally i would like to see Stalinism after an arrow that says “Liberal break with reality”.