Who is giving him this shit?
Catch me on the street with whatever pharmacy of dugs Musk is taking and I’d probably be sitting in front of a judge pretty quickly. Just another example of the rich doing whatever the F they want with no consequences.
Thinking about it, whoever Elon’s dealer is probably has a pretty sweet gig as far as drug dealing goes. They’ve got someone on the hook who is the magical combination of being an addict, has infinite wealth, doesn’t know the value of anything, and is a huge asshole so they probably don’t even feel bad about exploiting them lol.
I’m sure Elon pays a huge premium for an exclusive, on-call drug dealer.
Yeah, no shit. Now how do we make it stop?
Yes Rico
Or him having been an entitled narcissist surrounded by sycophants for his entire life.
Being a massive shithead also explains a lot of it. Including the drug use.
I have a lot of ketamine users in my town and many highly functioning ones and it’s very clear that the drug has long tail disassociative effects. They are so disconnected and zombie like despite seemingly functional.
I say this as a psychonaut myself - long term K use is pretty scary but people are afraid to shit on K because if not abused it’s seems to have a lot of powerful positive effects on many.
Life is literally an exercise in balance and homestasis. Too much of anything is almost always bad in the long term.
when you get the message, hang up the phone
Yeah I mean, water and oxygen can both kill you in high enough amounts.
My mother had to take it for a nerve condition and it fucked her up. Ruined parts of her nervous system and she required physical therapy to be able to grasp objects again.
She has now been in several car accidents since cause she goes into hazes and acts differently. I’m not sure it has good side effects other than being an incredibly strong tranquilizer and disassociative.
Lots of drugs are considered highly by their users but this one seems to have some pretty rough sides to make it sound at all positive to me.
It’s not drugs, he’s just a douche
Could be both
Drug fuelled douche
Have you met his mother? That also explains a lot.
You mean his sister?
Who cares what the cause of the behavior is? It is unacceptable.
That should be enough. No need to even try to explain of empathize with it.
But it is telling that the richest man in the history of mankind acts like this. People should see that wealth does not equate to strength, intelligence, good politics, etc. But instead people see wealth as a way to get away with anything they want, even if it is completely embarrassing stuff that no one with self respect would even think about.
I believe it would be worth to research it. Similar to research into serial killers and other “unwanted” neurotypes we should try to learn how we can prevent people becoming like this and prevent becoming their victims
Very true. Fuck the rich
I’m not huge into drugs, can someone explain to me why a billionaire takes ketamine? Isn’t it a prescription painkiller?
Shouldn’t he be smoking brainstem of an endangered rainforest frog, or some nameless lab chemical synthesized personally for him?
I suppose it’s just like most drug addicts, you don’t really choose what you get addicted to or when, something just sort of gets its hooks into you at some point and that’s it.
Plus if you factor in having essentially no boundaries on your life (ie infinite money and nobody to tell you no or stop you doing anything, being more-or-less above the law, access to high-quality drugs and world-class healthcare) you can probably go on doing stuff like that pretty much indefinitely. IIRC that’s how Keith Richards said he was able to go on doing drugs for so long - he was loaded so he could always get the good stuff that wasn’t mixed with anything.
It’s a dissociative drug that has long been used as a field anesthetic because there’s a very wide range of doses that are both effective and non-lethal. It’s shown promise in recent years as a treatment for depression and certain other conditions that are resistant to traditional treatments. Ketamine is also sort of fun to do recreationally for the affirmation dissociative effects. Elon Musk is basically a drug addict at this point. He’s abusing it way too often and is healthy or safe to do
I don’t know about ketamine but I have been around people on Amphetamines. He acts like they did. So a guy trying to run 3 companies at the same time would presumably use amphetamines to have the time. You can go for days without sleeping.
I know it’s hard to phantom, but they have human bodies
That react to stimulants just like we
But they aren’t like us
Oh man is that really how it’s spelled? Thx
Two different words 🙂
Phantom - a ghost
Fathom - to understand
Fathom is more specifically a unit of measurement for depth of water. If you fathom something, you’ve gauged the depths of the topic.
Oh cool. TIL
Ummm… Billionaires are people? Imma need a source on that.
No, no, no! Notice how I specified that they have human bodies, for this exact reason
Is this a poem?
It’s a haiku, short for high iq
I’m currently taking 80mg ketamine troches and can verify that I am not a sociopathic Nazi.
I dunno man, I’ve done ketamine and it didn’t turn me into a nazi.
Maybe he’s just a bad person.
There’s a difference between recreational K use and stuffing it down every opportunity you get. If you’ve done K you know how it looks and Musk looks like that 100% of the time.
Narcissism is the main problem with him, K made it worse.
Yep it just makes him unpredictable and more dangerous.
Hey look, the media blaming drugs for stupid people doing stupid shit.
This isn’t the ketamine. He would probably be even worse without it.
They gave my cat ket before they euthanized her. She looked absolutely blissful, but certainly in no fit state to run a government.
I mean this in the nicest way, but your cat would make an excellent replacement for the current governor.
Is this what “dead cat bounce” means?
Hell I’d make a dead cat leader of DOGE over the current one
Lenny’s Cat 2028
I mean… we all have that friend who does mushrooms or drops acid and thinks they are the savior of the human race.
The only difference is that the next day they have to go work their shift at IHOP rather than waking up and being the richest person in the world.
Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.
So… You’re saying we shouldn’t be giving the richest man in the world an animal tranquilizer along with unlimited power over our government?
That does seem less than optimal, doesn’t it?
Now, forcing him to take auyahausca with a real hard ass of a shaman to confront him might have utility. Then, maybe he should have to live a life of service. Cleaning and caring for the elderly and infirm in a third world slum, some of his billions could be used to pay to have this be supervised.
That might be good.
He has, ultimately, too much money for him to accidently experience a brush with sanity…
I know, but let me have my happy thoughts.
I’ve had my own experiences with psychedelics. I believe they have huge potential for psychotherapy but at the same time I absolute have to acknowledge the risks of psychosis. Handle with care!
No doubt! They are powerful medicine and should be used with guidance, especially at first.
I really like the trip guide method. An experienced person can shepard a person or small group through a trip. There is counseling before hand, maybe goals or problems to be considered during, counseling/discussion in the weeks afterwards. Screen for familial psychosis/schizoid disorders.
Medicine that should be respected, not really something to party with.
I agree. Personally while being very careful I always did it alone. Partially because there are only a few people I truly trust, there is a stigma on all types of drugs and of course because it’s illegal so there are no “licensed” professionals that could monitor me.
I had some very good and eye / mind opening experiences but also some very scary ones that took months to digest mentally.
Ketamine, like any drug, should be thoroughly researched. Whether good, bad, or mixed, the knowledge would be useful.
In any case, I think that being wealthy is the most dangerous drug of all. It frees you from the consequences of your actions. Being invulnerable from society, prevents you from knowing what it means to be harmed. It is why rich folks tend to be assholes, since they don’t understand the reality of being human. They are more akin to space aliens or dragons.
…at this point, excessive wealth is something I believe to be a drug that harms society, not individuals.
There’s an insane amount of research into ketamine. That’s why they literally use it regularly to sedate children.
It’s very safe and well tolerated. This shit isn’t about ketamine.
There’s a big difference between anesthetic use and recreational abuse tho.
There isn’t much study on recreational abuse and the few that exist are very damning, from neurotoxicity to straight up brain lacerations. Of course this needs more studying but theres very real chance K abuse has real damage.
I think it’s important to quantify what “recreational abuse” means, because the drug itself is pretty self-limiting in that you will k-hole and be unable to take more (unless administered to you like Matthew Perry) for at least an hour.
It’s more about frequency, and there’s a huge gradient between recreational use, and abuse… But yes, I think it should be self-evident that it can be harmful if you have a psychological addiction and believe you cannot function without it. It can fuck up your bladder, that’s for certain, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if abuse at a high enough level could cause brain lesions or whatever (though I haven’t looked into this in years, last time I did, the research was far from conclusive).
I suppose it’s possible that Musk has brain lesions or whatever, from ketamine use, but it seems pretty unlikely. The behavior he is showing is not the type of behavior that is ever attributed to ketamine, and anyone who’s taken it could tell you that.
Ketamine, like any drug, should be thoroughly researched.
Hey man, go easy on him. He’s researching it as hard as he can, while balancing other responsibilities, like running DOGE. Have you ever tried working for the federal government with a cranium full of ketamine? It’s not as easy as he makes it look.
He balances ketamine with cocaine and alcohol