Iris Turmelle, one of the plaintiffs now in high school, told Them in a statement last August that her goal is simply to compete alongside her peers.

    4 hours ago

    I invite you to explore your own consideration. You say there’s separation for a reason, but what’s the reason? Is it practical or ideological? For instance, clothing regulations and criticisms are heavily ideological and adhere to traditions more than they do to the needs of the practice or individual choice. So, is the separation issues being brought a result of experience and reality? Do we really need a new category to put individuals in because a few from a very small group excel? Michal Phelps is an outlier, but the sport didn’t change because of his advantages, because it doesn’t make sense to.

    What I’m trying to say here is that there’s no real problem being discussed when we talk about trans people in sports, just a hypothetical one.

      3 hours ago

      I by no means agree with the person you’re responding to, and feel that especially in the scenario of kids they should just be allowed to do whatever they want and have fun.

      I do wonder however, aren’t there a lot of sports that become almost completely male dominated if you move away from the separation? For example the historical top 1000 men in 100m sprint are all faster than the fastest recorded woman in history.

      I feel that taking away the separate competition would reduce these moments of empowerment for non-men.

      I use “man” and “woman” with a grain of salt here, as it is what these people were assigned when they were performing the sport, I by no means want to reduce gender to a binary thing.

      I also want to say that while it is a subject that I find interesting to discuss, I really dislike how bigots frame it as some sort of violent attack on their way of life. I see it more as an interesting conundrum that we can try and find a solution for together as a group.