Lost the house of my dreams today. Before putting an offer down, I call up some conveyancers to get quotes for work done and one of them instead views and puts an offer down.

Super angry. Had been researching it for about three weeks asking questions and wanting a second viewing. The agency didn’t even respond to my first email asking questions for about ten days because apparently it was in their spam box.

I kinda want to go to the agency and flip the tables (not literally, I’m a skinny shit) and for this conveyancer to do it is probably a conflict of interest.

So yeah, really annoyed and have been stewing all day. How do you deal with such situations?

  • Rivalarrival
    14 hours ago

    I was an agent in a former life. Your understanding of the purchasing process is deeply flawed. If you don’t fix it, you’re going to get screwed over again and again. Fortunately, it’s an easy fix. Here’s the process you should follow:

    1. Look up the house you want to purchase.

    2. Write the offer, sight unseen. Get some kind of offer in front of the seller as early as possible. Sounds scary? It’s not: You’re going to include “inspection” and “financing” contingencies, and you aren’t going to send earnest money until you’ve actually seen the property.

    3. Only after the seller accepts or counters your offer do you schedule your first showing. Here is where you confirm the property is what you actually wanted, and is in the “good” condition you assumed. If you don’t fall in love the first time you see it in person, exercise your inspection contingency and walk away. If it’s not in the “good” condition you assumed when you wrote the offer, plan on renegotiating.

    NEVER waste your time “researching” or getting emotionally invested in a property until you have it under contract. If you don’t have a contract, it will get sold out from under you.

    Your inspection and financing contingencies are your escape route. Use them. Lock the seller in early, and plan on walking away if you don’t love everything about the house and the deal.

    • IonAddis@lemmy.world
      13 hours ago

      This is the way ^

      Furious learning about the subject at hand is how I cope with my losses. Make that anger work for you instead of blowing things up.