So yesterday I was running late for work, turned a corner and put out for hard rubbish was…
I couldn’t believe my luck; half deflated tyres, rusty as hell but with perfect working brakes and no spiders under the seat, I thought “you’ll do me!” I rode it carefully the rest of the way to work. Well, I’ve kinda fallen in love.
Today I bought a helmet and lock. She’s perfect: not so grand she’s a target for thieves, grand enough for me to ride to work.
Today I rode her home to begin a new life with me, and it felt good.
Edit: please ignore my shitty side way garden.
That’s a nice find. Mudguards, basket, rear rack and chain guard are all premium additions. Those twist gears are a bit shit in my experience.
E: I reckon you can get some panniers for that rack.
They are a bit shit, and aren’t working that great, but I rarely get out of second gear. I like to just cruise along in an unhurried manner. I didn’t actually notice them at first, other bikes I’ve had in the past have the more usual kind of gears. My other bike (which has been in the shed for 13 years awaiting restoration by Mr P) has no gears and back peddle brakes lol. I’m not looking to take the Gaffney street hill (again) any time soon so it’s all good.
They’re pretty easy to swap for the trigger style just be sure to get a trigger that matches the gears on the back. Else cruising round in 2nd should be okay too.
Even my old car would struggle on the gaffney St Hill. My touring bike has a massive range of gears for that nonsense but my road bike would get walked up the hill. Used to take gaffney on the regular to get to Jiu Jitsu, prick of a hill but better than Bell St.
Bell St is a nightmare even in a bus. It astounds me how many times the driver has to hit the anchors due to cars cutting in front of it. Crazy.
Oh I didn’t mention that the trigger shifter needs to match the number of gears on the rear gear cluster. Your bike looks like it’s got five gears at the back so you’d get a five speed trigger. If you keep an eye on other hard rubbish bikes one’ll turn up soon enough, else ceres bikeshed given you’re in the North.
Hey thanks man, you really know your stuff. I know nothing, I just pedal. But at least bike related stuff is easy enough to learn, I’ve got that going for me I guess 😂
I love tinkering with bikes and wish more people cycled. Feel free to hit me up with any questions you might have.
Ooh nice find!
I found myself smiling every time I happened to see it when I popped out of the factory for a moment. It makes me uncommonly happy for some reason.
Great find! My bike is from that same store in Prahran, bought many years ago. It’s a good store with high quality bikes.
Ah good to know. Given the condition of this bike I’d hate to get it serviced 💸 It does seem like it was a pretty nice bike in it’s day though, and I like it all the same.
That’s awesome!!! Nice score :)
Goodnight all ❤️
packing has commenced. I made the first book box and turned around for a sec to grab the box lid.
Looks all packed and ready to go.
This is to be expected.
Miss Meow has been safely contained this afternoon inside a paper Coles bag that was lying on it’s side, but I’m not sure that would work against the allure of a box.
He’s just making sure he won’t be forgotten
Ted is really enjoying helping with the packing. 🙂
He really is such a strikingly handsome kitteh
took tomorrow off, four day blitz on garage to deal with sorrow commencing
so many hugs
was not looking forward to doing it alone
Pizza was the better choice. I forget how shit KFC makes me feel the next day despite how tasty it is in the moment.
In other news, pretty much disconnected from everyone at work. I check the laptop a couple of times a day.
I really will miss these people but the situation was untenable.
I feel very unproductive though, which I dislike. Have been doing gym every day, plus guitar etc.
I think I actually miss work.
🎵 Everything is broken
Everything is screwed and we’re totally fucked 🎵
Everything is bro-keeeen
And we’re sadly out of luuuuck 🎵
(this is meant to be to the tune of that Lego movie song right)
Moon tonight. Been a while since astro glad all of it still sort of works.
Overcome by yet another overwhelming wave of lethargy and sleep and needed to doze off for an hour there. This isn’t good it’s definitely a slide into the ol depresso funtimes. I can see myself trying to block out the huge cloud of sad/bad by just sleeping instead of doing anything …
I am going to hit the pavement tomorrow, Saturday and maybe even Sunday if the weather’s right, to get the west side data all collected, especially as now I really can only get data between about 10 and 2. Which is good in a way because fuck traffic and fuck getting overheated/dehydrated again during long days. But it means I might have to redo some my previous data… sigh… anyway I just need to get my head down, bum up, and go for it
You’ve got this!
Data right now be like
I hope so, it’s been giving me a run-around with all the limitations and then me also fucking up and not collecting measurements in mm but in cm…
They’re giving my hopeless co-worker the clients I’ve been managing.
This is fucking hilarious. They couldn’t even handle 1 client lol
This could be fun to watch.
I’ve not managed to achieve anything since lunchtime because the entire tech ecosystem my job relies on is melting down.
On the other hand I did manage to make happy noises at a co-worker’s dachshund puppy over webcam…so it is not a complete loss
Camera almost drowned bit ruff out there :(
I don’t want to say too much but lately my kid has been helping me obtain cookbooks, movies and tv series 😉 and I am in my glee. Finally she’s earning her keep.
my kid has been helping me obtain cookbooks, movies and tv series
And so it begins…
A life destined for navigating the high seas, it starts with downloading cookbooks and ends in downloading cars.
I do nothing except point.
I feel deeply uncomfortable going to this funeral today. I really hate funerals, but it’s about being there to support a friend.
so many hugs
bloody hell, esso got cancelled 7 hours into the entry queue
That’s a massive kick in the crotch for them and the whole festival scene. I reckon I’ve outgrown them but after many years working in nightclubs, festivals are a better way to party.
Shit I thought they just got the go ahead?
33 violations from the surveyor, overrides council approval