Ignore them. People like to feel superior. The like to think that they’re somehow different and would never have been so easily fooled. They’re just fooling themselves.
They don’t realize that dogging you for not having your realization earlier is based on the exact same logical flaws that have led to republicans believing that poor people are only poor due to a failure of character, thus believing we shouldn’t waste our time on helping people who don’t deserve it.
Well, I didn’t just stop believing it all this morning. It’s been a process. This is just the nail in the coffin.
Ignore them. People like to feel superior. The like to think that they’re somehow different and would never have been so easily fooled. They’re just fooling themselves.
They don’t realize that dogging you for not having your realization earlier is based on the exact same logical flaws that have led to republicans believing that poor people are only poor due to a failure of character, thus believing we shouldn’t waste our time on helping people who don’t deserve it.
Thanks buddy. 🙂