Tonight’s wave.
Not many people there.
another beauty 🙂
They’re always so different I love them :)
They are. I was just thinking of yesterday’s picture and how it is beautiful too and yet different. I love this. 🙂
Could I ask what is roughly the process of getting these cool shots?
Ooh sorry missed that comment.
Basically just bringing the DSLR into the ocean right at sunset, getting down low and hope you get a good one and not drop the camera lol. We run it through lightroom for a bit of noise reduction but the great thing is you don’t really need to change much as the sunset does it for you.
Basically just bringing the DSLR into the ocean
That sounds risky, but go you!
Those curls! You are adorable!
Such curly hair!! I must try to get those back 😂
Plukka Duck!
I had that same Plucka!!! Would have loved that Ozzie Ostrich too!!
They’re my dad’s friends plushies hahaha! I’d play with them everytime we went to visit her! She had/has so many, mostly tigers (her fav animal), but this is such a special photo! It’s crazy I’d forgotten, but seeing this photo is bringing it all back in the best way possible!
I love everything about this :D
That is wholesome and adorable 😍
There’s so many! A bunch from melb zoo as well! My mullet was epic!
omg, who is that cutie pie with the tigers? 🥰😘
Eeeee! 💜💜💜💜
Are those Hey Hey it’s Saturday plushies? sooo cute haha. I see Tigger too.
Yes! I mistook one for Donald duck as a kid, lol, even though I’d watch hey hey 😂
cutie pie! This is special.
There’s so many! Dad’s friend said she’ll send more if she finds any more as well! There’s a good 20 or so photos! Me at melb zoo, and at dad’s 25th birthday! I’m so fucking stoked!
Amazing ❤️
SO CUTE! Animal lover from the start <3
Haha it’s in my blood 😂😂
VERY cute 🥰
Being installed tomorrow. Yeeha!!!
That’s really cool 😎
I thought they were synths :(
One day. They’ll probably all be behringers, but still!
all be behringers
Poor behringer so much hate. All of my behringer things are still working from years ago lol.
I can’t justify spending 3k on a synth. If I had the cash, I would. But I can spend $600 and get a Moog clone that sounds pretty damn good.
Oohh very nice!
Bit concerned for Queensland with the coming cyclone. Sounds like it might be very destructive. Hope everyone can stay safe.
Yep. Most of my team at work is based in Brisbane and it’s all becoming a bit real with the disaster preparedness stuff and office closures etc
Been thinking a lot about friends and family there. It’s looking very serious and worse than the usual floods and ex cyclones/tropical lows they get there. They haven’t had a real cyclone hit them bang on since what, 1974? They’re not as used to this as FNQ or the Pacific islands but I hope there won’t be any deaths at least.
Huge population growth since then, lots more people at risk of being affected now.
Definitely a worry.
They have hardly recovered from the last ones. ☹️
Breakfast today, cold noodles with peanut sesame sauce and beef. Perfect for the heat today:
I think that looks great and delicious
I just got a lecture on how that type is meal is unhealthy
my suggestion to serve themselves less carbs if they don’t want so much carbs did not go down well , ( everyone in this house serves themselves )
apparently I should cook meals where a person should be able to serve themselves as much as they want
Maybe it’s time for them to do the cooking/marketing/meal planning. To a strict budget of course. This has an AMAZING effect on the level of food critiques received.
I have many angry things to say in response to this, so I’ll just send you some hugs.
Am also v cross about this, so sending hugs too
I just got a lecture on how that type is meal is unhealthy
Ooooo. They would starve or cook their own.
Maybe I’m doing noodles for dinner tonight.
Am now in possession of a jungle bathroom.
Can be arranged. I’ve stuck leaf decals everywhere.
Cool. 🙂
There’s more but I don’t like being in mirror shots 🙀
That’s SO COOL!!!
Thank you! 🌈
(Also not expensive and landlord safe!)
Very nice - works well with the coloured towels too. Makes me regret all my cream towels a little!
I’m a big fan of intentional mis match co-ord
Something I’ve been stressing about for at least a year came into the open at work today and everyone just sorta went 🤷♀️
Not sure if that’s good or not, but at least the stress is off my plate.
That’s a good thing, right?
Yeah, it is, I think I’m overthinking it!
I finally bit the bullet and ordered some supplies to reupholster my couch & armchairs. I’ve been dithering for years over whether I want to spend the money doing that or just buy a new one. I have gotten to the stage of putting everything into the cart and seeing the total a few times, decided it was too much and started looking at new couches instead. Then I decide I quite like my couch and don’t really want the cheap junk I could buy for that price and circle back around to reupholstering again.
So now I have $840 worth of foam, webbing etc. ordered (I already have fabric) and fingers crossed I don’t mess it up. Miss Meow should be happy with my decision anyway, as the set has an open wood frame which makes the space underneath a good napping spot.
Watch as many videos on YT about re-upholstering as you can
and good luck
I suggest taking lots of photos while you deconstruct the old upholstery and wearing strong tradie gloves
This one’s fairly simple, it’s basically square cushions on top of a wood frame, for both the seat and back. There is no shaping or any fabric attached to the frame.
The only complication is that the seat base is done with tension springs attached to a metal frame that don’t seem to exist as replacement parts - I have found one supplier with something similar, but they don’t stock the right length. I’m going to use elastic webbing instead, which I’m at least familiar with using from previous projects, although I’ve not done anything larger than a dining chair.
I’m mostly a bit nervous about getting the piping on the cushions right. There was someone in the sewing sub on reddit that posted their project the other day which was almost identical, with links to a YT video they used and recommended so I will watch that one.
I’ve done sofa cushions. If making self piping make sure the piping cord is very loose so it doesn’t twist and so it bends easily, inside the tube, double stitch the corners with small stitches and cut the corners so they bend
are you making your own bias binding? Make the binding at least 5 cm wide
if buying sew in cord same goes, have it loose so it doesn’t twist or bend, double sew corners and snip the corners
Shits about to go down…
Goodnight everyone ❤️
good night
Goodnight all. I am tired and frazzled of brain.
A moment of appreciation for authentic, good quality Japanese rice (not the supermarket stuff). It’s spenny but worth every cent getting the good shit from Hinoki… Can eat it just plain with a bit of shichimi and salt. Glistening, toothsome, and somehow holding its own flavour.
yum, good rice makes everything taste better
Whilst I’d prefer to stay inside in air conditioned comfort I am going to take a load of stuff down to the op shop. Hopefully I can fit everything in one trip.
Edit: Done. It all fit in the car & has been dropped off. There was an annoying lady in a van blocking the drive through for a ridiculous amount of time and causing carpark gridlock and chaos everywhere, but otherwise it was not too traumatic. I even got rid of the blind that I sold on marketplace to four different people who never actually showed up.
Wow, Westgate extra fucked today by the looks of it.
Yup. Due to a motorbike accident earlier in the day.
I heard they had to close 3 lanes, must’ve been really awful…
I just attempted pandamart. Looked at the people lined up to get in and kept driving.
So i guess you would say it was…
( •_•)>⌐■-■
So if the Reject Shop was like 10 times bigger; that’s what Panda Mart is?
Panda Mart
Consumer affairs as of a few ours ago:
present an injury hazard, such as projectiles
present a choking or strangulation hazard
I’m struggling for puns here but it sounds like pandoras’ box.
I wouldn’t panda to their counter argument.
Inviting panda-monium into your life if you buy from them!
I’d love for that to be on my grave…
“Sort of loved just a casual projectile launched by a panda, sorely missed was actually a heart attack”.
It’s clearly black and white.
a very large temu