Just sent a pretty forceful sounding / legally threatening email to a client that still owes me a couple of grand. 4 months overdue invoice, all kindly worded follow up emails totally ignored. Spoke to him on the phone a few weeks back, said he’d pay by the following week but never did. Just taking the piss now, and I’m angry.
Give me my money, then they’re getting blacklisted for good. There’s more work to be done for this client (and I’m letting them think things will continue) but I’ve decided I won’t be doing it. I don’t want to work with people that have zero respect for what I do. I have the authority to say no, take your business with maybe payment elsewhere, and I plan to use it.
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When I did mobile therapy, I had some many people get lax with their payments. This was before OSKO and payID. I had someone I’d been to visit four times take another six weeks after that to pay me. I think they only got their shit together when I started calling every second day to ask when payment was. THEY got pissy at me for pestering them for work done. We dropped each other after that.
News from on high is that we’re back in office from Monday.
It’s fine for me - I can walk to work! I sometimes go in just because it’s cooler and my VPN isn’t working - but this doesn’t feel like a lot of notice for anyone who isn’t me
5 days or hybrid?
We’ve gone from one day per week expected in office to a minimum of three, preferably all.
I only work three days, so…
I assume those that set those new rules can still work from home whenever they like.
These daily discussion threads are great for tracking what day it is. Sometimes I need a moment of pause to remember which thread is the current one
You mean, today is Thursday, not Wednesday?!
dammit, you made me double check …lol
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Someone who is welcome to clean mine. 👍
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Good work! I had to do a frantic house inspection clean last night.
Never again lol
Good on you! The other day I just turned in a slow circle in my flat and actually said out loud, “Jesus Christ where do I start?” I mean, I know how to do that stuff but it was just feeling overwhelming at that time.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Will request further clarification in writing. Once obtained will go to fair work.
Other than that, feeling pretty chill.
I log on whenever I wake up, log off when I’ve had enough.
3 seeks weeks to go!
Check your employment contract too - it should say when they agree to pay your salary and when they can withhold payment.
Michelle trachtenberg died? Wtf?
So sad, so young as well.
Very tragic.
I know right?
From what I’ve read she had a liver transplant recently that resulted in complications.
Could be wrong though.
I heard that too, and had a similar reaction.
Bloody sad! Had no idea she was in so many roles.
Very sad to hear!
Might need to rewatch her episodes of Gossip Girl, her character had such amazing lines. “You can tell Jesus that the bitch is back.” and “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get drunk enough to make you all seem interesting.”
She’ll always be annoying Dawn to me.
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Boyo is the same, but aside from the musical episode, I never really paid much attention to Buffy. Which is sad, I’m sure I would have loved the fuck out of it. I know the soundtrack of the musical episode word for word though.
That’s my least favourite episode! 😂
I’m a musical theatre kid, I can’t help it… but I can see why people wouldn’t like it! Think I’ll be listening to the soundtrack on my drive home tonight!
I love musical theatre and Buffy but I cannot do them combined!
Movers have been and gone, those guys deserved a bigger tip. Not everything fit. Guess the location of “the most important box in the house”?
The sex dungeon™
If that were true I’d at least know where it was
The booze cupboard?
Ya’ll have a dungeon? I just stash stuff under the bed!
I have enough stuff to equip one, but not a dedicated space
We used to have a special box for remotes, cables. furniture screws and final odds and ends. Sometimes when we did containers from England, they’d’ve packed tea cups, tea and the kettle in there.
This special box is all the fixings for the extensive shelving system. Without it we’re fucked.
I wanna know if the air mattress survived?
Because those things can be iffy.
Yes. Neither the cats nor I punctured it.
They’re withholding this months pay until next month. Because my last day is the 25th, they want me to return the laptop etc which is fine.
But now I won’t be paid for 6 weeks!!!
that doesn’t sound legal.
If you call fairwork or an employment lawyer you might get your gardening leave…
That doesn’t sound right. You might need to contact the Fair work about this.
If you were living week to week this would be devastating.
that an employer would do this is shameful
workers need their pay
and employers should be thinking of worst case scenarios where food needs to be bought for children, vital medicine, etc etc.
call fairwork asap
Um…is that even legal?
Next month starts on Saturday. This is also highly dodgy. Call Fairwork asap tomorrow. They would have to have a really convincing excuse to not pay you out in accordance with your regular pay schedule. And that’s about as far as they can delay payment. Also you would have accumulated at least some leave entitlement also even if only a few days.
Thank you will do so :)
I’d be withholding work in that case. “Here’s the laptop. Shove it up your ass and if I don’t see the pay next month I’m going to fair work and contacting every client to say you screwed me!”
Damn good point. Tbh I’m doing Jack shit at the moment anyway lol
go have a wank, do a couple of missions on Final Fantasy and do some washing. What are they gonna do, fire you?
I’m done. Smashed through the reporting
When you get it use some of that pay for a bottle of bubbly. You know, for when they go under. If they last that long that is
I was annoyed for no real reason most of today, but then I got to keep the leftover cheese from a work function and all is well.
Shitty photo of work cheese:
Some of the best cheese I ever had was work leftovers. Stinky enough to get me funny looks on the tram.
The one time an airline lost my luggage I had some frozen blue cheese in it. When I informed customer service of it they found that bag fast as fuck. Soo if anyone is ever dealing with a lost bag situation and wants to put some priority on it…
“Do you have anything to declare?”
“Yeah I’ve got smelly bags!”
Yes, but do you have anything in your luggage to declare?
Good night everyone, sweet dreams 😘
Good morning! Have slept a little earlier and am now wide awake. I wish I could do the vacuuming or something. Oh well, scrolling social media it is!
Cutting paper, laminating said paper, low key arvo. 1 hour to go!
I’m kind of digging the cloudy morning autumn vibes. Wish the temperatures would reflect it a bit more.
The nap to meeting ratio is increasing.
Wish they’d give me garden leave. Not allowed to say anything to clients. Just feel like I’m going through the motions.
At least I’m getting paid.
I’ve heard notice period weeks drag on because you can’t do anything about them. You’ll have to find a way to make the most of them and not let it get to you too much
A company wide email calling out the management for being cunts usually sorts out a notice period from my experience.
Sometimes you need to say what needs to be said. Management will hate you but you’ll forever have your coworkers’ respect
Naps and video games help when I’m working from home lol
Not allowed to say anything to clients.
“And you trust me not to do that?! Cause maaaaaan insert laugh. I fuckin wouldnt!”
Honestly, nothing is stopping you from must leaving. Notice periods are a professional courtesy. You won’t be paid for the time you’re not there, but they can’t hold back your entitlements (like annual leave).
Dinner had, very full but had a minor disaster cooking.
Went to crack an egg on the fry pan and instead of it cracking a bit the whole thing exploded all over the place.
Also mistiming the cooking of everything, some of the stuff went cold and wasn’t as lightly cooked as I thought I’d be.
Oh well try again tomorrow and hope for better results.
Hey funny you mention it, I’ve had that a bit with eggs lately. I crack a lot of eggs for work when I’m pasta making, and I’ve had some batches that with a light tap just completely fragment and deposit the egg where I didn’t want it. Also some I had recently were oddly hard to crack with a super strong shell.
I’m only lucky for some odd reason that I didn’t have any bits of shell in whatever bits of the egg that managed to make it into the frying pan.
It was so weird how the shell basically just crumbled and collapsed on itself.
I think it’s from a very young chicken, I may be wrong.
Possibly the egg producers were skimping on the oyster grit that the chickens need for the calcium to build strong shells, or the chickens didn’t get enough access to the grit. Given the current state of affairs with bird flu etc., I can’t really blame the egg producers for occasionally getting the feed mix a bit wrong.