I want something that just takes whatever the PC mic hears, either a default hardware mic or a plugged in mic, and basically makes a Milkdrop type of visual from it in real time. Any suggestions are welcome.
Edit: Im looking to have visuals while my friends and I jam
Touchdesigner, if you want to put a little effort in and can run it.
Oh boy is that an extremely powerful and versatile rabbit hole!
Milkdrop 3.0
pretty sure this website can do it
This is interesting. You can even upload tracks.
Milkdrop in winamp works fine. I’ve wired up Spotify to line in before to make winamp create a visualisation from it.
Check its newer implementation, Project M. Milkdrop was one of the best things to ever happen to music. Project M is on Steam and a few other places.
Got a link? Theres a thousand things with that name.
ProjectM is literally the modern incarnation of Milkdrop, and it’s packaged in Debian, so I assume all child distros.
EDIT: If you want something more expensive and elaborate than a picture on a computer display, look into DMX512. That’s the electrical standard for connecting the kind of controlled lighting systems that are used in clubs and such. You get a DMX512 transciever, plug it into a computer, hook up software, and attach DMX512 hardware. Strobes, computer-directed spotlights doing patterns, color-changing lights, etc. You can find YouTube videos of people using systems like that to drive lighting displays on houses synchronized with audio, stuff like this:
Thank you
It’s also available on steam if that simplifies things: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1358800/projectM_Music_Visualizer/
old (9x-xp) versions of win media player kinda did that if the visualizer was set to “alchemy” but as far as i know it only does already existing audio files
Touchdesigner as someone else mentioned will require a lot of work on your end but you can make pretty much anything you could think of really.
You could also try Synesthesia or there is a free visualiser on steam. If you want to go more down the VDJ route there are more specific programs that can do that but that can also be done from within touch designer. Resolume is one of the most popular ones and this guy is great to watch to get started.
A spectrum analyser?
Is that something you can use offline as a pc app without extra wirea and hardware?
Some do, some don’t