Average working time of German men is 43,27 hours, as compared to 34,63 hours worked by women, constituting a 20% difference. Men are also found to be more likely to take blue-collar jobs that are commonly more dangerous and physically demanding.

However, women are more likely to cite family obligations as the reason for choosing part-time work, suggesting more unpaid home labor compared to men.

Interestingly, the reasons for overtime work may also differ between genders: men are more likely to get additional hours to boost income, while women are more likely to step in for colleagues.

  • AlleroOPM
    1 month ago

    The goal of the community is to look into issues from all sides, and it would be unfair to overlook the issue of the so-called “second shift”, especially considering Germany is a bit more traditional compared to many neighboring countries in that regard.

    Glad it’s noticed!